Friday, February 8, 2019

My Vision Of Tomorrow Essay -- Personal Narrative Writing

Tomorrows world go away be a good deal different and likewise, much better in moreways. We pull up stakes convey developed much better technology. We volition have made hugemedical advancements. The general quality of life volition be much better, andliving will also have frame much easier. Still, nothing can ever be perfect,and in a world of the emerging, we will experience many complex and unavoidableproblems much(prenominal) as depletion of resources, overpopulation, and the threat ofnuclear and biological warfare. The solutions to these dilemmas will not beimmediately apparent but, we will have to overcome them. The future could fitgreat opportunities for many people, but we will need to work at it.In the future, technology will have advanced so much and so fast thatmany new possibilities will arise. Most likely, we will enjoy interplanetaryspace travel frequently in the future and we may even develop communities onother planets, such as mars, or perhaps on the moon. Numerous scientists andwriters have already also predicted this. Life will also be made much, mucheasier in the future for humans by robots, computers, and other automatons. Manysimple tasks through today by humans such as cooking, cleaning, and repairinghousehold items will be done by these machines much more quickly and expeditiouslyand with less pollution. Almost all of the current manual labor jobs, curiously in the United States, will become obsolete and robots wil...

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