Saturday, February 9, 2019

The Definition of Literature :: Definition Essays

The Definition of Literature Literature has many meanings notwithstanding to me when I hear the word publications I think of tremendous tomes of words and stories that cast become classics over time however this is further one definition of literature. Literature comes from that Latin word littera, that directly translated marrow letter, thus supporting the idea that literature is written. This view however leaves stunned the idea that there can be oral literature as well from which many of our stories and books come from.The main form of literature, the book, has had a outstanding impact upon the formation of our society today. Before the 1940s TV had not come into being yet and there was not much else to do new(prenominal) than read books. Thus books formed my grandparents and to some extent my parents and, although I grew up in the generation of TV, books as literature acquit indirectly formed me as well. There besides can be forms of chaste literature such as poetry o r play writing. These also play an important part in literature, I trust, such as Robert frosts poems or the works of Shakespeare the playwright. These are great authors, whose literature is not in the form of a great story or a moving novel, but in irregular works that have stayed with us for a long time many years. I believe that one very good definition of literature is that literature must(prenominal) have certain qualities such as plot, characters, tone, symbols, conflict, point of view, and many other elements working together in a dynamic relationship to aim a literary work. This pretty much defines the way that most muckle see literature today. This allows for oral traditional stories as well as for the irregular forms of writing such as plays and poems that can also have plot, characters, tone and the other elements mentioned so that they can be deemed a literary work.

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