Friday, February 8, 2019

Elegy to and Unfortunate Lady Essay -- essays papers

Elegy to and Unfortunate bird In Alexander Popes poem Elegy to the computer memory of an Unfortunate Lady, Pope uses a not bad(p) amount of war- the like imagery to lift his vision of the suicide described. He creates allies and enemies, weapons and invasions, as well as the grue around death that only seems to come from war. These pieces add to the overall consequence of the work and the vision of the event that has occurred, giving the reader an image of a battle occurring.The first images of the war or battle are that of the victim of battle. Starting at line quad and extending to line ten, I get word that Pope is using a great amount of imagery to represent the womans wound and the fate upon which she has fallen. In line four he describes her wound in only three words exhaust bosom gord, but he then extends the depiction of her wound into how it was obtained. He describes the knife or the dagger that she must gestate used to fine-tune herself with as a sword, which is something that would typically be found in battle rather than in the case of a suicide. He as well as brings in the theory of the ancient Roman justice system for not just war but any crime. It is much greater and braver to pop off by your own sword than by any other. She kills herself for the simple concomitant that in her eyes she must be punished for loving some one too much however, her death is the start of the real war, in the midst of Pope and the society and family that abandoned her.Pope sides with the ghost in the poem and criticizes her family and society for her death. In line thirty he states clearly his great dislike for the uncle who he labels as Thou, mean deserter of thy brothers blood This is an apparent line drawn between what Pope believed should have occurred and w... ... else, at least through her father or uncle, but erstwhile she died, all of her titles, wealth, beauty and honor meant nothing. They are things that could not be carried with he r in her death. The lines about her becoming a pile of dust also scoff with the image of a spend who has fallen in battle because she is a pile of dust, which all the proud shall be. Every proud soldier who dies what they believe in becomes a pile of dust just like the lady in the poem.The war imagery in Popes poem helps define and clarify the point of view Pope has on the even that has occurred. It also gives Pope a poetic platform on which to condemn the opposite side. He uses the imagery to describe the victim of war, the focussing death and battle are in war, and the opposing sides of this war and wherefore they are battling creating a new view of the womans suicide and her as a soldier for love.

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