Monday, February 18, 2019

Costs, revenue and breaking even Essay -- Business and Management Stud

Costs, revenue and divideing evenpresentationIn this part of the coursework I will be looking at costs, revenueand breaking even. To do this we will have to work step to the fore our fixedcosts, variable costs, expected total revenue, the amount of carsneeded to break even and whether we make a profit or loss.A work PlanMaterial and EquipmentFixed costsAll of these materials and supplies will be bought from a local D.I.Yshop.* 4 sponges incl. 1 revolving sponge - 32* 4 buckets - 10* 4 scrubbing brushes for wheels - 4* Advertising Leaflets - 5* 4 chamois leather - 12 Total fixed costs - 63variable star costsThe washing up liquid can be bought from any local shop, but the waterwill be supplied from apiece of us from our homes although we wont beactually paying for the water it is include for business purposes.* Washing up liquid (10 cars per bottle) - 2.50* Water - 0.20 (p er car) Total Variable Costs - 0.45 (per car)BreakevenThis is a table to show a break-even analysis for a high price of4.00 per car.--------------------------------------------------------------------- No. f. Costs v. Costs t. Costs receipts Profit/ Loss Of cars. () () () () () 0 63 0 63 0 ...

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