Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Low Morale of Prisoners

The prison employees safety is in jeopardy. Prison positions evermore carried a moderate amount of risk. Prisons be filled with people who conceive that rules and regulations serve no purpose. These people violated the rules to the extent that they were removed from society. Pris angiotensin-converting enzyme and only(a)rs neer deny nor apologize for their behavior. Making excuses for uncivilized behavior al kickoffs the low esprit de corps to neer be acknowledged. Refusing to acknowledge the low morale problem among prisoners dinero solutions from being possible.Causes of the Low Morale Among PrisonersThere argon as many outside influences for the low morale of prisoners as their own beliefs and opinions. Giving in to easily to persuasion, wanting to be accepted, wanting friends and associates are the factors that are least(prenominal) acknowledged. Psychiatrists analyze behavior and characteristics by social skills. However, wanting to have friends and ravish people leave s an opening to be influenced into unacceptable behavior. Today, no one sewer be certain if associates are really friends or enemies.Some of the genuine studies are mental illnesses, malnutrition, isolation, guards behavior and lack of rehabilitation and psychiatric programs are causing prisoners to have a lower regard for human life. mental games the guards use to cause the inmates to lose their individuality and focus contribute to low morale. The system is set up so the prisoners frame of mind never changes for the better.Segregation in Maximum warrantor PrisonsIn maximum certificate prisons, The prisoners spend 23 hours a day in small puff up lit cells, for one hour a day they have entryway to one small concrete recreation area (Bender, November 4, 2005, P 15). harmonise to the study from psychiatrical News, segregation worsens behavior. With conditions like these, the prisoners learn is if they survive some other day, they are doing the right thing. They lose all knowl edge of social skills. The only if mental health treatment they are allowed is a brief clock with the psychotherapists. The counseling is conducted in front of other inmates cells.Lack of treatment for drug and alcohol addiction is another problem in the prisons. So far, one prisoner who repeatedly ends up in prison cost measure payers over $200,00 ( Imse, 2007). The system does very little to correct the situation. The drug addicts cannot dominate the habit on their own. check to the Rocky Mountain News, the expenses of the medication and therapy is one of the reasons many prisoners do not get the proper treatment they need. gibe to the Human Rights Watch article, prisoners spent at least 23 hours during their insouciant activities along. The majority of damage to the prisoners is psychological. There is very little or no evidence of physical abuse. Mental humiliation and torture is impossible to prove. endpointMaximum bail prisoners have a very low morale because of the ps ychological abuse they go through day after day. According to the latest research, isolation has the biggest impact on prisoners behavior. They are isolated, but are constantly watched. People in maximum security prisons are segregated because they have came across secrets they were not supposed to.Bender, E, psychiatrical News (November 4, 2005), Volume 40, Number 21, P 15 2005 American Psychiatric AssociationHuman Rights Watch (2000) HWR.ORGImse, A, (Feb 16, 2007) Rocky Mountain News. Revolving Door to cite PrisonsHuman Rights Watch, (February 2000) Vol. 12, No 1 GOut of Sight Super-Maximum Security Confinement in the United States

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