Sunday, February 17, 2019

Industrial Revolution Essay -- essays research papers

How Did The Industrial Revolution Affect A Persons select of Life? wizards quality of life is defined as the degree of well-being felt by a person or a group of persons. It is concerned with a citizens consumption of goods and services, compassionate rights and the environment. The industrial revolution have produced great wealth to some(prenominal) citizens that influences their landed estate of well being. Others may argue that the changes and advancements in society have brought the force of scarce resources, diseases and pollution among its people. Rather the opposite is true, the positive set up that the revolution have introduced such as the high availability of employment, food, and charitable rights and the opportunity for future growth overpowers these problems. Therefore it is accurate to say that the benefits of the industrial revolution have improved ones quality of life.One characteristic that concerns the condition of a persons life is the freedom for an occupa tion. This period of change have conducted the use of machinery for many types of production. Some call up that the substitution of machines for human labor have created high rates of unemployment for many nations. Before the revolution, jobs were very limited because work was accomplished through savage power and hand labor. Also many tasks required men with grand skills which could only be accomplished through long hours of work and practice. In the past and in the present it could be clearly seen that the sprouting fa...

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