Thursday, January 31, 2019
Reduction of Natural Resources Essay -- Environment Developing Essays
Reduction of Natural ResourcesPurpose The purpose of this paper is to move over kn witness the negative social implications of the catching-up development myth through globalisation and to break down specific concepts of vertical and lateral oppression from the sort out subjective resources consumers of oil in the world. This paper also demonstrates my interest in creating biological and economic equity in the world through break of serve down these oppressive fashion models and hence, my interest in obtaining knowledge about alternating(a) efficiency uses to be used as a tool to servicing liberate others in places of need.The catching up development myth as explained by Maria Mies and Vandana Shiva in Ecofeminism, is the idea that underdeveloped countries (meaning, countries that do not equal or exceed the industrial capabilities of modernized counties standardized the U.S.), through modern technology, are given equal opportunity to drop dead as economically progressive a s other countries like the U.S. It is a false precept in many ways. The U.S. has become a simulate for industrial countries because it has exploited other underdeveloped countries in order to ingest its economic power. If underdeveloped countries were to catch-up to where the U.S. is today, they would also need to find another landed estate that they could exploit as much as the U.S. exploits them. When economic reasons are discussed as to the possibilities of unlimited process in underdeveloped countries the externalization of cost is about never factored in. The economic, social, and most importantly ecological costs of constant growth in industrialized countries have been and are shifted to the people of underdeveloped countries. both economic and social costs can be seen in the Maquiladoras on the b... ... natural resources like oil. Understanding ones role in this conceptual framework is also essential in creating a paradigm shift toward ones own awareness and participatio n in consuming the worlds natural resources such as oil. Building solar houses, using alternative energy sources for transportation, self-sustainability through growing ones own food can all summate to creating a paradigm shift towards a more Earth sustaining animate environments. These are just a few of the things that both affluent and ridiculous countries can do to help deconstruct the negative codependent relationships that currently constitute between each other. Works CitedMies, Maria, Shiva Vandana. Ecofeminism, Fernwood Publishing Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1993, pp 60 and 302.Weisman, Alan. Gaviotas, A Village to Reinvent the World, Chelsea Green Publishing Co., Vermont, 1998, pp126-127.
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Effect of the Internet on Society Essay
The world in which we live is vastly different than that of so far those who lived in the generation that came before us, oddly in the arena of computer engineering. hardly a(prenominal) would pass on that the most revolutionary innovation of the last several decades, along with the home computer is the net income. It is through the earnings that the average person weed access the largest libraries and art galleries of the world, instantly review the intelligence service and weather up to the minute, and communicate with some others-all without leaving the classroom, home or office.In fact, lucre technology has also made it do satisfactory for online access from the local coffee computer memory or fast food restaurant. Like other advances that came before it, however, the meshwork brings up points as to whether the net profit helps or harms federation, what the implications are for an Internet alliance, and other make considerations. This research will analyze and d iscuss these various issues in an effort to bump understand where the Internet began, where it will go in the future, and what it means to the modern society itself.The Birth of the Internet Before the Internet plenty fairly be examined and discussed, it is important to take fitting a slight step back in time and look at the origins of the Internet. Many people falsely believe that the Internet was the creation of market gurus who sought a better way to sell products and advertise to the batch in an instant, or the brainchild of a certain former delinquency president of the United States, but in truth, nothing could be farther from the truth.What many do not realize is that the Internet was, in the beginning, a top secret Ameri bay window goernmental creation to allow for the rough-and-ready sharing of information between the many government authorities. The first dis step forwardment of what we today know as the internet was launched in 1969 by the progress Research Pro jects Administration, ARPA (Vangelisti). level offtually, to make a long story short, the Internet was introduced to the planetary public, and soon gained massive popularity that in the 21st century has included persona by people virtually from age 1 to 100.Just as quickly, the debate of the utility and best enforce of this awesome technology arose. character and Usefulness of the Internet On a typical day in the United States alone, over 55 million people of all ages and demographic backgrounds access the Internet for purposes ranging from business to entertainment to academia and beyond (DiMaggio, et al). all media form with this type of influence and allure for the general population will undoubtedly confuse its share of supporters and critics, legitimate users and abusers.With this consideration, it is worthwhile to discuss but why people use the Internet and if the Internet itself, in the set aside result, is really as effective as the hype surrounding it seems to in dicate. A common denominator for the ultimate utility of almost any technology or product is of course money- if something cannot create monetary value, in the eyes of many, it is essentially useless. This traditional view was quickly realized by those who pioneered Internet utilization in the general public in the 1980s.Before that time, anyone who wished to engage in the selling of any commodity, from shares of stock to cardigan sweaters needed to physically set up a physical place of business for customers to visit for the transaction of business, animation regular business hours and so forth, consumption many thousands of dollars in the shape and of course existence limited to doing business in a life equivalent geographic area.Thanks to the Internet, however, a great deal of business can in fact be done from anywhere, as long as both parties in the transaction have computers and Internet access (Monthly bear on Review). Beyond the traditional business arrangement, in re cent years, what has come to be known as telecommuting has emerged. Basically, telecommuting allows a worker to accomplish assigned work tasks out-of-door from the traditional office setting by using computer/Internet technology for communication, transference of data, etc. surplus popular uses for the Internet are in education, allowing for school children to access libraries thousands of miles from their classroom, or for homebound individuals to study the curricula of some of the top universities in the world. Certainly, the Internet has present already that it has a wide range of uses, and with time, more of those uses will emerge. This being understood, however, the issue of the proceeds of the Internet needs to be weighed.In researching the opinion of the Internet as either something highly useful or do more harm than good, it is fair to say, and is in fact supported by evidence, that the Internet can in fact be highly useful in a complex and fast moving world such as t he one in which the people of the 21st century live. Even before the Internet was brought forward for the general public to use in more traditional settings, it is not unreasonable to assume that the technology had protected the citizens of the US from a military and governmental standpoint in infinite ways that most people would not be aware of for frank reasons (DiMaggio, et al).In the public arena, Internet technology has made it possible for physicians crosswise the globe to consult on medical cases to save lives essential news and information has been spread in split seconds, and billions of dollars of revenue has been generated through the use of the earlier discussed e-commerce applications of Internet technology. These uses are hard to dispute or to distrust the value of however, there are likewise some areas of question for the usefulness of Internet technology.It was discussed earlier that the Internet has in fact made it possible for many people to work or conduct bus iness away from the traditional sites of that work or business-telecommuting, virtual study for eager junior bear in minds and the transmission of vital data at the speed of light. The natural ef mienery would be that these features would bring pure benefit with no ill effects. However, the reality is that with many other things, those will less than pure intentions have glowering the Internet into an open season for criminals.In brief, the Internet has given chuck out to a new breed of criminal who harnesses the power of computers to steal blue-chip information from its rightful owners, defraud innocent people, and victimize innocent children (Vangelisti). No innovation is without danger therefore, the key for society to safely interact with the Internet in the future will be to use common superstar and be aware that there are those that would harm them in the online world.The debate of the usefulness or lack thereof, as well as pencil eraser or danger of the Internet could take up thousands of pages and never richly be satisfied what can be looked at in a more defined way, however, are the implications for a society that seems to spend very much of its waking hours online. Implications for an Online Society For a generation of adults who changed their everyday lives due to the approaching of the Internet, as well as a generation of children who were literally innate(p) and raised in the age of online interaction, there are of course implications that have been seen and are worthwhile to discuss.While the implications for the material world as it were has already been covered, the implications from a social and psychological vantage point are just as significant, if not more significant. For children who are sat in front of a computer keyboard as soon as they are able to use their hands to touch the keys, it seems that the first effect that multimedia like the Internet will have on the matureing mind of a child is again what some would call a doub le-edged sword.Obviously, a child who has the ability to hear classical music, view priceless art, and assume as much as possible as their young mind is in its formative years would have a much better chance of maturing into an intelligent adult than the child who spent his or her ahead of time years taking in the often obscene content of short letter television programs. On the other hand, if a child is enabled to access the Internet without restriction and precaution, they could in fact be exposed to content that is in fact worse than anything that has ever been seen on television.Either way, this is a key consideration for an online society, as there have been countless studies which prove that an earlier childhood which consists of the viewing of obscene and violent content can prick mental disorders in these people in childhood and moving into adolescence and adulthood. Additionally, even in the cases when the child does not evolve into a criminal or problem individual, th ere are also social problems which take place when children, or even adults, substitute an artificial media source such as the Internet for the traditional communication methods such as having bet to face conversations with other people.Research proves that the activity of interacting with people in person helps children to develop key social skills that are necessary for the proper development of the man beings personality. Adults also have to continually sharpen their interpersonal skills. Therefore, when the Internet becomes the main(prenominal) outlet for the communication between people of all ages, what is seen is a society of isolated people who lack the necessary social skills to be fully functional members of that society itself. This can lead to increased psychological problems over the long term (The classroom in Cyberspace).The physical wellbeing of society, especially children, is also affected by the Internet. The wide appeal of the Internet is without question an d as a consequence, the children who are growing up with the Internet as a regular part of everyday life are spending a majority of their waking hours using the Internet not plainly for studies, but also for communicating with other children via e-mail, playing online games, etc. When a child picks up the computer mouse instead of engaging in physical activity such as playing outdoors with a soccer ball, for instance, the affect on developing humans is staggering.Research proves that when human beings choose sedentary activities like endless hours of Internet usage as opposed to engaging in outdoor activities that include physical exercise, the occurrences of fleshiness skyrocket, which in turn can lead to chronic ailments such as high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer (Wartella & Jennings). It would appear that for all that the Internet has to offer, too much of a good thing is a bounteous thing. Conclusion As we have seen in this research, the Internet is both a benefit to society when used properly and a threat when abuse or used to excess.Looking back through the history of innovation, this resembling conclusion applies to the introduction of motion pictures, radio and television, yet society has managed to survive, even with those in it that would seek to cause problems and harm others. Therefore, in conclusion, what can fairly be said about the effect of the Internet on society is that the ultimate effect is in the hands of every member of society. The dispute going forward will be for individuals to realize that the Internet can be the best invention of the age- if they will only allow it to be.References The Classroom in Cyberspace. The Mail on Sunday (London, England) 11 Feb. 1996 30. Dimaggio, Paul, Eszter Hargittai, W. Russell Neuman, and John P. Robinson. affectionate Implications of the Internet. Annual Review of Sociology (2001) 307. Telecommuting or Work Invasion. Monthly churn Review 123. 3 (2000) 62. Vangelisti, Anita L. , ed. Handbook of Family Communication. Mahwah, NJ Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2004. Wartella, Ellen A. , and Nancy Jennings. Children and Computers New Technology-Old Concerns. The Future of Children 10. 2 (2000) 31.
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Political Dimension of Globalization
In chapter four, The governmental dimension of globalization, Steger did a tremendous romp in analyzing the intensification and expansion of policy-making inter traffic across the globe. Steger brought up twain major(ip) issues, which I found intriguing, dealing with how globalization affects modern nation-state system, which traced back to 17th-century, and the transfer of the nation-state that gave rise to a borderless world. On the other hand, Xiaohua Ma discoursed of reconciliation and amnesty in her strain, Constructing a National Memory of War, showed how War Museums served as an great role in constructing national memory. Altogether, National memory mends the pause mingled with political interrelations across the globe. The nation-state, a form of political organization originated push through of the Peace of Westphalia in 1648, served to decide on specific rules of relations inside and between states to avoid perpetual disagreements.With the nation-state system, th e states manage domestic help affairs, everything from education, military to benefit and population. This system strived to put a clear distinction between domestic territory, where the authority of the state was absolute, and the international realm where nations were expected to follow tokenish rules to avoid conflicts. This had been a bottom that Steger believed convey a sense of empirical security and historical continuity (Steger, 56). However, when this diplomat failed to follow through, states brutishly follow up on themselves by going to war with each other.Steger made an excellent augur on the fuel behind the mental and physical energies required for large-scale warfare, for example, World War I and II, came from peoples very throw belief in the superiority of their own nation (Steger, 57). Even political scientist David Held pointed out, Differences among states are often settled by forceinternational lawful standards afford only minimal protection (Steger, 58) . The needs to make orthogonal countries felt subordinated to a larger imperial authority are the causes for the gap between political interrelations.In a way, this related to Mas essay by showing how War Museums are intended for peaceful purposes. In her essay, she defines National memory as commemoration for purposes of strengthening national identicalness or international prestige. War museums served to focus on grievance, and, by commemorated in certain ways, reinforced national pride and identity. Furthermore, National memory strengthens political interrelations across the globe. The demise of nation-state, calling it borderless world, sought to convince people that the line of territory power is because of political and social change as a result of globalization.Because a state can only be independent if it can exercise authority over a given territory, globalization, which rely on data and communication technologies, made borders seem irrelevant. These so called techno- frugal steamroller aimed to crush any governmental attempts of strengthening policies and regulations. This issue linked with the economic aspect of globalization, showing how transnational corporations can have a big impact on the political dimension of globalization. Steger pointed out that global markets oftentimes undermine the capacity of government, which leaded to people believing in the compensate of nation-state.However, government still has the power in deciding the fate of their economies. Factors deal education, infrastructure, and population movement account for most of the countrys economic system. Likewise, Ma said in her essay that National memory could signifier and reshape postwar relations, or it could cause domestic discontent as a result of economic downfall. Thus, possibly shifting the focus from reshaping postwar relations to lingering wartime grievances. As a result, globalization ceased the end of nation-state by creating a borderless world, which ev entually created global chaos.National memory serves as a foundation to help strengthen the political conflicts between states that caused by globalization. Ma discussed two perspectives of Memory Wars humanistic and political view. The humanistic view put smashed emphasis on forgiveness, the feelings of guilt and remorse political view, by rectifying the wrongs, helped make international rehabilitation and thereby national prestige. Altogether, this helps rebuild the postwar relations between states at a nation and international level.
Sociology. Davis Moore Thesis Essay
Davis-Moore thesisIntroduction Davis-Moore thesis discusses and analyzes the social equation and variation and explains why different spate obtain different rewards for the jobs that they do (Macionis, 2009). The general topic of the thesis is social stratification, which according to Davis-Moore, is present in every society due to the reason that it has some consequential benefits for the proceeding and the growth of the society. According to Davis-Moore, to a greater extent reward is given to people that verify positions in the society that are considered to have some functional importance, much(prenominal) as that of a medical doctor (Macionis, 2009). The result of the reward schema in the society implies equality in opportunities while promoting inequality in terms of the outcome that people rule. Social stratification, according to Davis-Moore thesis, makes the society more productive as well as efficient. The functional consequ ence of inequality for society helps in ensuring that the various roles that are considered to be important in the society are filled by the relevant and skilled people (Macionis, 2009). Talented people in the society are supplied with the necessary opportunities and motivating that enables them to undertake training that result in filling of the important roles in the society (Macionis, 2009). The important functions are performed by people who are close talented. The greatest rewards are in like manner offered to the position that require a down of training and are of importance in the maintenance of the order and outline of the society (Macionis, 2009). For example, doctors train for many years and, therefore, are expected to receive higher perks due to the kind of role they play in the society. Engineers and pilots also take a lot of time to train hence the judgement that they should receive higher rewards for their jobs. Melvin Tumin criticized Davis -Moores thesis of social stratification by saying that there has been no demonstration of functional importance of the varying positions in the society (Macionis, 2009). Melvin also nones that such a demonstration has not been made.ReferenceMacionis, J. J. (2009). Sociology. Upper Saddle River, N.J Pearson Education.Source document
Monday, January 28, 2019
Challenges Faced by Managers in Practicing Organisational Behaviour
FACULTY OF INFORMATION applied learning & MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATION MEI / 2012 BBGO4103 ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR matric NO 800201085406001 IDENTITY CARD NO. 800201085406 TELEPHONE NO. 0127252294 netmail email&160protected com LEARNING CENTRE BANGI LEARNING CENTRE Content knave 1. Introduction and comment of the Selected Organisation2 2. Description of Roles of Managers Based on Mintzbergs (1973) exemplar5 3. Ch all in allenges face up By Managers in Pr guessicing Organisational Behaviour12 4. Recomm block upations On How Managers dissolve Better Handle The decline Challenges. 16 5. Summary24 6. Reference 27 7. Bibliography30Introduction and Description of the Selected Organisation Manager, a landmark that is so ubiquitous that its definition is commonly assumed. But the aspire h aged of to essay a definition rises coincidenceally to the drive to increase the productivity and cogency of line of credit in an ever changing marketplace. Armed with the tools yield ed by the science of formational behaviour, a massageing definition of this common term eject be rendered as well as an answer to, What do directors do? This paper give distinguish the jitneyial roles utilize base on the educate of enthalpy Mintzberg and analyses private instructorial contests confront by managers.As a savour of case study I get down chosen AirAsia Berhad as, matchless of the about leading air hose companies in Malaysia. The come with corporate data atomic number 18 as follows incorporate Data Company NameAirAsia Berhad form Founded1993 class Incorporated2001 Registered OfficeAirAsia Berhad (Company No. 284669-W) 25-5, Block H, Jalan PJU 1/37 Dataran Prima, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia impinging (603) 78809318 (T) / (603) 78806318(F) Head officeLCC Terminal, Jalan KLIA S3 Southern Support Z single, KLIA 64000 Sepang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, MalaysiaContact (603) 86604333 (T) / (603) 87751100 (F) Website www. airasia. com Stock Ex deepen tiltMain Market of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (Listed since 22 November 2004) (Stock code 5099) Type of business organisation exile > Airline/Aviation (Provision of air transportation services). Company Overview AirAsia postulate no introduction in ASEAN, where it is the leading Malaysian- found low-cost airway. AirAsia is Asias largest low-f argon, no-frills airway and a pi iodineer of low-cost travel in Asia, connecting slew and places bewilderwise 132 routes, 40 of which argon offered by no contrary airline.Its main hub is the inexpensive Carrier Terminal (LCCT) at Kuala Lumpur International airport (KLIA). In 2010, the theme, which includes affiliates AirAsia Thailand and AirAsia Ind unrivalledsia, reenforce its drawing cardship position with both remark fitting milest integritys flying its 100 one-millionth guest and breaking the RM1 billion profit barriers. Voted by over 18. 8 million airline passengers from 100 different nationa lities, the World Airline Awards&x2122 atomic number 18 the close to prestigious quality recognition of front-line product and service standards for the manhood airline constancy.With 200 airlines featured, the awards measure customer ecstasy levels across 38 different items of airline front-line product and service, AirAsia won the Skytrax Worlds ruff low-cost airline award in 2007, 2009, 2010 and 2011. It has the worlds last-place operating costs at USD 0. 035/seat-kilometre in 2010. It is likewise the first airline in the area to action amply ticketless air travel. Company Vision To be the largest low cost airline in Asia and serving the 3 billion flock who are soon underserved with poor connectivity and high fares. Company Mission To be the stovepipe corporation to work for whereby employees are treated as fiber of a life- surfaced family * Create a globally described ASEAN brand * To attain the lowest cost so that eitherone send away fly with AirAsia * Maint ain the highest quality product, include engineering science to reduce cost and enhance service levels Type of Employees and size of it According to the latest annual report (2011), AirAsia employees have reached about 5,137 round at the year-end of 2011. This employment includes various levels of position which are circuit card of Directors, Senior Management, Manager, Head, Executive, and Non-Executive.Exhibit 1 Supporting data for employee size retrieved from the Air Asia yearly subject 2011 Description of Roles of Managers Based on Mintzbergs (1973) Model An permit starting bill to explore the duties of a manager lies within the decease of the management position. The origins of a functional description of management can be found in the works of Henry Fayol. Fayol, originally an engineer that off-key to management in late-nineteenth century, he set the foundation for management surmise by outlining five primary functions of the manager externalisening, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling.To fully study the activities of the manager, it is necessary to delve beyond function to check off how it is ex looed. For this, the work of Henry Mintzberg can be applied to illuminate how a manager suffices these functions. In The Nature of managerial Work (1973), Mintzberg proposed that a manager pull up stakes affiance a combination of ten different roles to achieve their objectives. These roles can be grouped into terzetto broader categories studyal, inter private and decisional. Exhibit 2 Mintzberg Managerial Roles Model and Relations Towards Information Handling. Interpersonal rolesInterpersonal roles plagiarize directly from a managers formal authority and status, and shape familys with hoi polloi within and beyond the organisation. The social group links together the other groups by establishing and maintaining a framework and environment, both externally and internally, that dictates where and how that information is conveyed and to which objectives is it meant to fulfil. in that respect are three types of interpersonal roles figurehead, leader and liaison. A manager usually maintains a web of relationships, both in post and removed the organisation.Dealing with tidy sum, formally and informally, up and down the pecking order and sideways within it, is thus a major element of the managers role. A manager is practically closely visible when playing these interpersonal roles. In the figurehead role the managers are the symbol, representing the unit in legal and ceremonial duties such as greeting a visitor, foretoken legal documents, presenting retirement gifts or receiving a quality award. For manikin, the AirAsia Berhad classify foreman Executive Officer, Tan Sri Dr.Tony Fernandes responsible in signing the companion legal documents such as statement by directors for auditing purposes, grounds Value Airline of the course of instruction awards from ATW Annual Airline Industry A chievement Awards on behalf of AirAsia Berhad and interpreter for press interviews by the Starbiz, The Star unfermented-madespaper on Friday, June 15, 2012 with the headlines Tony Fernandes speaks to StarBiz on AirAsias time to come plans. The deduction of these responsibilities is as follows Exhibit 3 Signing Legal Documents retrieved from Airasia Berhad Annual Report 2011Exhibit 4 The Group CEO on behalf of AirAsia grows Awards Value Airline of the Year The leader role defines the managers relationship with other people ( non fitting subordinates), including motivating, communicating and developing their skills and confidence. As leaders, managers have to consider the requirement of an organisation and those of the individuals they manage and work with. The leaders roles trust by the Group CEO meets the Mintzberg value as any(prenominal) commented (At AirAsia) at that places no such thing as a male of female pilot. alone good or great pilots. Its thanks to people ali ke Tan Sri Dr.Tony Fernandes who advocate equal beneficials. Nadira Ramli, AirAsia Woman Pilot. I ask him what is it that repairs this company so different, so successful, and so passionate about eitherthing it does, creating a nuance that shows on the faces of every single person in the company. He says, Our corporate nicety is it. Its what makes us. So what is this corporate culture that deepens lives and makes this company one of the close to successful airlines in the world? It asks the question, Hierarchy, what hierarchy? Tony is a leader and a manager, that he is one of the team also.So his office is shot at the heart of the company, with no walls and no path accesss. Everyone sees him and he sees everyone. He is Tony to everyone and he is in his polo shirt and with his famous baseball cap. His only vice is that he gets a special parking slot right next to the door of his building, for his two-door white Peugeot. Fadi Ghandour, Chairman of Wamda and Founder and C EO of Aramex. The liaison role focuses on contacts with people outside the nimble unit. Managers maintain a network in which they trade information and favours for mutual welfare with clients, government officials, customers and suppliers.For nigh managers, specially chief executives and sales managers, the liaison role takes a high proportion of their fourth dimension and energy. From my observations, this role also has been practice in this company. For example, its Commercial normal Relations Executive, Ms Linda Foo Yan Yan, one of her mull over responsibilities is as liaison and point of contact with respective airports brass instruments, tourism bureaus and internal de recessments in order to exculpate promote in promotion and marketing activities. Informational rolesManagers moldiness invite, broadcast and air out information and these activities have three corresponding informational roles monitor, disseminator and spokesperson. In monitor what goes on in the orga nisation, a manager leave seek and receive information about both internal and external even outts and transmit it to others. This summons of transmission is the dissemination role, passing on information. A manager has to dig information concerning the organisation to staff and to outsiders, taking on the role of spokesperson to both the general public and those in positions of authority.Managers neediness not collect or disseminate every item themselves, but must(prenominal) stay authority and integrity by ensuring the information they handle is correct. In AirAsia Berhad, this obligation is hold by Head of dialogues, Ms Sherliza Zaharudin. The position is developedly convertible as company spokesperson and representative. The company image and presentation lies on her hands as she responsible in producing press leave offices, answering interviews and other corporate affairs. For example, one of her job is writing a press release.First, she must monitor and look up wha t is goes on in the company by obtaining the true source of the information or verified data from the immediate superior or preferences. Then, before she disseminates the information, she needs to analyse and interprets and write up a report in the form of press release. Then, the press release will be submitted to media and press as an official document of promulgation to be announced to the public. As a spokesperson, she also has to be mirthful at the company product and updates as she needs to promote and lobbying the entities. 4. 3. 3 closeal rolesMintzberg argues that making decisions is the most crucial part of any managerial activity. He identifies four roles which are base on different types of decisions namely, entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator and negotiator. As entrepreneurs, managers make decisions about changing what is happening in an organisation. They whitethorn have to initiate change over and take an active part in deciding exactly what i s done they are proactive. The board of directors of AirAsia Berhad have made many decisions towards beingness a proactive such as initiate new understands, spot opportunities and identify areas of business development.For example, in October 31, 2003, AirAsia announces the backcloth up of a new hub in Senai, Johor Bahru, with direct flights to Kota Kinabalu, Kuching, Langkawi and Penang. The full leaning of their successful entrepreneurships decision making can be seen in the company annual report 2011, page 5 in the 10 geezerhood of achievement section. However, it is very different from their role as disturbance handlers, which requires them to make decisions arising from events that are beyond their control and which are unpredictable.The ability to react to events as well as to plan activities is an important aspect of management. Unfortunately, AirAsia Berhad has been tested in facing such disturbance. It was a first incident that happens to Malaysian aircraft that is mo st unbearable post to handle and overcome. The incident was when an AirAsia Airbus A320-216 passenger jets, registered 9M-AHH, sustained demonstrable damage in a runway excursion accident at Kuching Airport (KCH), Malaysia. Exhibit 5 Cranes are used to remove the flavorless off the runway TuesdayThe airplane operated on flight AK5218 from Kuala Lumpur Subang International Airport (KUL) to Kuching Airport (KCH). The flight landed on Kuchings runway 25 in heavy rain around but skidded to the right and went off the side of the runway. It came to rest in the grass with the nose gear dug in or collapsed. At the moment of the incident, in that location were 123 guests on board the flight. intravenous feeding guests were sent for observation as a precautionary measure and were released before long after(prenominal). All other guests are safe and have been attended to accordingly.The resource allocation role of a manager is central to much organisational analysis. A manager has to ma ke decisions about the allocation of money, equipment, people, time and other resources. In so doing a manager is actually scheduling time, programming work and authorising actions. This role without a doubt, have been comply by managers in AirAsia Berhad, particularly by the Board of Directors as mentioned in the Statement on Corporate Governance, Annual Report 2011 under the Roles and Responsibilities of the Board.The negotiation role is important as a manager has to negotiate with others and in the process be able to make decisions about the commitment of organisational resources. Mintzberg found that managers dont perform equally or with equal frequency all the roles he descri posterior. There may be a dominant role that will substitute from job to job, and from time to time. It is important to note that many non-managers in organisations depend to have these sorts of interpersonal, informational and decisional roles. In contrast, the ituations managers deal with differ in the degree of routine, the size and scope and complexity of the activities in which they are involved, and the responsibilities associated with these activities. Challenges Faced By Managers in Practicing Organisational Behaviour The world is changing and as is the case with companies. Companies are no longer steadfast on the theory of recruiting workforce from the same geographics for their work to be done. At the end of the day, the businesses peculiarly the ones which have an improper business model believe in the work being done, it does not matter who does it.In such a scenario, recruitment of workforce has become a global activity with at least 25-30% of a companys workforce being made up of employees recruited offshore. It is quite natural for companies to boast of employees from a cross section of cultural backgrounds. With that comes the challenge of managing and practicing Organizational Behaviour in such companies Challenge of Globalisation One major challenge facing ma nagers in the early 21st century arises from what many commentators have identified as an more and more international or global business environment.The following factors are frequently cited as potential explanatory factors underlying this trend i. Communication improvements in international communication facilities leading to an increased consciousness of differences in oeuvre strengths and behaviour in other societies ii. International competitive wedge for example, the emergence of newly industrialised and/or free-market nations (the Far East region and former communist bloc countries are often viewed as examples of this phenomenon) iii.The gap of production methods and other business processes across nations and regions international business activity, for example overseas franchising or licensing agreements outsourcing of business units to other countries (call centres provide a local example) direct foreign enthronization and the activities of multinational corporati ons which, by definition, operate outside national boundaries. In broad terms, globalisation refers to organisations integrating, operating and competing in a widely distributed economy. The organisations activities are more independent across the world quite a than confined nationally.Globalisation will also impact on the nature of social responsibilities and business ethics. With globalisation, strategy and structure are inextricably linked. As organisations, and especially large business organisations, adopt a more global posture this will have a significant effect on the broader circumstance of management and organisational behaviour. Challenge of Workforce renewal Workplace multifariousness exists when companies hire employees from various backgrounds and experiences. many a(prenominal) companies see study transformation as an investment toward building a better business.Although workplace renewal provides many benefits, it also poses many challenges to employees a nd managers. To reap the benefits of workplace diversity, employees and managers must understand the challenges and issue how to efficaciously deal with them. Taking full advantage of the benefits of diversity in the workplace is not without its challenges. Some of those challenges are i. Communication Perceptual, cultural and language barriers need to be overcome for diversity programs to succeed. Ineffective communication of key objectives results in confusion, lack of teamwork, and low esprit de corps. i. Resistance to change There are perpetually employees who will refuse to accept the fact that the social and cultural organic police force of their workplace is changing. The weve always done it this way mentality silences new fancys and inhibits progress. iii. writ of execution of diversity in the workplace policies This can be the overriding challenge to all diversity advocates. Armed with the results of employee legal opinions and research data, they must build and implement a customized strategy to maximize the effects of diversity in the workplace for their particular organization. v. Successful Management of Diversity in the Workplace Diversity build uping alone is not sufficient for the organizations diversity management plan. A strategy must be workd and implemented to create a culture of diversity that permeates every department and function of the organization. Challenge of Technology transmit The major advances in engineering science that have emerged over the last several(prenominal) decades have had an impact on virtually every aspect of new-fangled life, and the hospitality industry has also been affected by these changes.While keyboards and microchips are credibly among the last things guests want to think about as they dip into a creme brulee or lounge in a penthouse suite, hospitality industry insiders k immediately that modern technology plays a big part in retentivity things on track behind the scenes, from the back-of-t he-house order management system of ruless that help chefs take for their plates straight to the reservation systems that ensure that a soft bed will be waiting for a weary traveller at the end of a long day on the road. Just like all types of technology, the technology that helps power the hospitality industry is constantly evolving.A brief mall through the product exhibition hall at any industry conference will reveal just a slice of the hundreds of new styles of software, systems, gadgets, programs, and equipment that are released in the hospitality market each year. Sooner or later, its likely one organization will be faced with a challenge that can strike fear into the heart of even the most intrepid of managers implementing new technology in the workplace. Whether its a POS program for the cafe or a reservation system for the bed and breakfast, the prospect of managing technology change can be daunting.Challenge of lay off/Layoff Many companies are under intense economic pressure. Reorganizations, takeovers, mergers and downsizing are increasingly common as todays companies try to grow, compete and survive. Downsizing presents new challenges and demands for everyone in the organization, from the CEO to the telephone receptionist. For managers, the challenge is even greater. not only do managers have to cope with their own fears and frustrations, they have to support others who are emotionally distraught, even while staying positive and productive.Theres no doubt about itits a tough time to be in business. Whether one owns the company, hold a position in senior management or work in human resources, there is a lot of pressure on him/her to ensure that the organization makes it through the box with the fewest battle scars possible. Laying people off is slow one of the hardest roles that a manager faces, but it is almost inevitable that at many point in the career one will need to do it. Although it may sound odd, laying people off and retaining pe ople actually go hand in hand.How to share layoffs and how to deal with those who remain will directly impact the bottom line. Mishandle either of those two things and will be facing productivity and morale problems. Challenge of Managerial Ethics Ethics is difficult to define in a tiny way. In a general grit, ethics is the code of moral principles and value that governs the behaviours of a person or group with respect to what is right or wrong. Ethics sets standards as to what is good or bad in conduct and decision making. An ethical issue is present in a situation when the actions of a person or organization may harm or benefit others.Yet ethical issues can sometimes be exceedingly complex. large number in organizations may hold widely divergent views about the most ethically appropriate or inappropriate actions related to a situation. Managers often face situations in which it is difficult to determine what is right. In addition, they might be torn amongst their misgivings a nd their sense of duty to their bosses and the organization. Sometimes, managers want to take a stand but dont have the backbone to go against others, bring unfavourable attention to them, or risk their jobs.Recommendations On How Managers Can Better Handle The Identified Challenges. There are new leadership and management challenges for the 21st Century, to be met against the backdrop of financial uncertainty, technological change and global economic downturn. The world we live and work in is immensely different from that we inhabited just a few decades ago and our uprise to leadership and management must adapt to it. Here are the recommendations on how managers can better handle the identified challenges previously discussed Managing Globalisation i. A cross-cultural entree to managementOne rationale for taking a cross-cultural approach to management lies in the potential benefits to be gained in performance terms. In addition to practically based benefits in considering our own home culture, there has been a long tradition of looking to other cultures for examples of successful practice which could be transplanted into work organisations in different societies. Different models may be dominant at different times. ii. Managing people from different cultures a. Recognise the variations in workplace attitudes and behaviour between individuals and groups in different cultural contexts. b.In examining the centrally important topic of motivation managers must develop organizational systems that are flexible enough to take into account the meaning of work and the relation value of rewards within the range of cultures where they operate. iii. Managing Workforce Diversity Recommended steps in managing workforce diversity in organizations are a. Assessment of diversity in the workplace Top companies make assessing and evaluating their diversity process an integral part of their management system. A customizable employee bliss survey can accomplish this assessmen t for the company efficiently and conveniently.It can help the management team determine which challenges and obstacles to diversity are present in the workplace and which policies need to be added or eliminated. Reassessment can then determine the success of diversity in the workplace plan implementation. b. Development of diversity in the workplace plan Choosing a survey provider that provides comprehensive reporting is a key decision. That report will be the beginning structure of the diversity in the workplace plan. The plan must be comprehensive, attainable and measurable. An organization must decide what changes need to be made and a timeline for that change to be attained. . Implementation of diversity in the workplace plan The personal commitment of executive and managerial teams is a must. Leaders and managers within organizations must incorporate diversity policies into every aspect of the organizations function and purpose. Attitudes toward diversity farm at the top an d filter downward. Management cooperation and participation is required to create a culture conducive to the success of the organizations plan. iv. Recommended diversity in the workplace solutions include a. Ward off change resistance with inclusion. Involve every employee possible in formulating and executing diversity initiatives in the workplace. b. promote an attitude of openness in the organization. Encourage employees to express their ideas and opinions and attribute a sense of equal value to all. c. Promote diversity in leadership positions. This practice provides visibility and realizes the benefits of diversity in the workplace. d. Utilize diversity training. Use it as a tool to shape the diversity policy. e. Launch a customizable employee satisfaction survey that provides comprehensive reporting. Use the results to build and implement successful diversity in the workplace policies. Managing Technology Change Here are some recommendations on managing the technology chan ge in an organisation i. Provide as Much fire Warning as Possible. Human beings are by nature resistant to change, but change that is sudden and unexpected is often most difficult to accept. As soon as one is certain that technology change is in his/her organizations future, announce the news to the staff. This will give them more time to adapt mentally to the prospect of a future change.If possible, begin training sessions that introduce the basic concepts of the new technology well before the actual date of implementation. ii. Recruit A Group of Staff Facilitators. Call on a few ambitious, interested, or tech-savvy employees to act as project leaders for the technology change. They can sit in on the planning and implementation meetings and convey new developments to the other employees in their departments. Also, having a few key cheerleaders who are in favour of the project from the start can help bolster the staffs morale during the challenge of implementation. iii. cause Syst em Training in a Low-Pressure Environment. The hospitality industry is famously fast-paced, so booting up a new POS system right before the dinner rush is probably not the best way to boost the teams confidence in the new technology. If possible, set up the new equipment in a back room for several weeks of training before the full-scale implementation. Remind the staff of the old adage that the only stupid question is the one that remains unasked. iv. shed a scheme Band Maybe Even a Plan C. Remind the self that a few snags and roadblocks are likely to arise during the first few weeks of using new technology.Make sure that one has developed one or more contingency plans that the team can confide on if the new system becomes inoperable. v. Training Shouldnt Stop after the New Equipment is up and Running. Dont disband the technology delegacy after the new system has been installed successfully. Instead, plan on meeting every month or every quarter to discuss issues, concerns, or s uggestions for future upgrades. One can task one or more of the staff with the responsibility of keeping up with new products from the manufacturer and new developments in the field.With the rapid pace of technological change thats occurring within the hospitality industry today, its probably more helpful to think of technology implementation as an on-going process, rather than a one-time project that ends with installation. Although the prospect of change is always unsettling, one can significantly increase the chances that the organizations shift to a new technology will go swimmingly by sticking to these simple strategies. Managing Downsizing/Layoff Here are some suggestions on how one should handle downsizing/layoff i. Plan layoffs carefully.If one hold himself in a position where he need to let people go, dont act indiscriminately. Take the time to ensure that the layoff plan and the business plan are in sync. Look at the afoot(predicate) projectsparticularly those that are c ritical to the businessand dont swallow up to plan for the future. Make sure that one has a clear idea of the projects that will get underway once the crisis is over. The last thing one want is to suddenly realize that a mission-critical project is in jeopardy because of letting the wrong people go and now dont have the talent and resources to proceed. ii.Be prepared. One will make things easier both for oneself and the people he is laying off if one is well prepared. If one need to, write a script and practice it in front of a mirror until one can do it without sounding forced. Make a list of questions that might be asked and have answers ready. Be confident and get to the pointdont make small talk. Keep in mind that much of what is said in a layoff meeting will not be retained, so have resources available for affected employees, such as information on benefits, separation terms, and important contacts and other pen information.Also, make sure one have fully planned the necessar y post-layoff logistics. Will employees be allowed to say goodbye to colleagues? Will they be permitted some time to gather their belongings? Will you offer to pack up their things and have the boxes delivered to their home address? iii. Know the law. One thing one really dont needin a street corner or at any timeis a costly philander battle, so make sure one know the responsibilities as an employer. The law stipulates that employees must get either some notice prior to press release or be compensated instead, although the particulars vary depending on the province or territory.There are also certain rules that apply when lying off groups of individuals, but again, the laws are different depending on the province. Speak to a lawyer or contact the provincial labour board to make sure that one are meeting the obligations in accordance with the law. iv. Treat people with gravitas and respect. It is human nature to shy away from uncomfortable situations, but as a manager one dont ha ve that luxury. Distancing yourself because you looking bad wont make anyone feel better. Remember, this is not one fault, and avoiding people will not minimize feelings of guilt or hurt. In fact, it will make them worse.Be kind and compassionate. Losing one job can be a humiliating experience, so give people the respect they need. However, the recession will end eventually, but what one should do between now and then could have a direct impact on whether your business thrivesor nosedives. When the recession is finally over and business starts to return to normal, make sure that one and ones employees are ready. Managing Ethical Decision Making Most ethical dilemmas involve a date between the needs of the part and the whole the individual versus the organization or the organization versus society as a whole.Sometimes ethical decisions entail a conflict between two groups. Managers faced with these kinds of tough ethical choices often benefit from a normative strategyone based on norms and valueto guide their decision making. Normative ethics uses several approaches to describe values for guiding ethical decision making. Four of these approaches that are applicable to managers are the utilitarian approach, individualism approach, moral-rights approach, and justice approach. i. Utilitarian approachUnder this approach, a decision ecclesiastic is expected to consider the effect of each decision alternative on all parties and select the one that optimizes the benefits for the greatest number of people. In organizations, because actual computations can be complex, simplifying them is considered appropriate. ii. individualistism Approach The individualism approach contends that acts are moral when they promote the individuals best long-term interests. Individual self-direction is paramount, and external forces that restrict self-direction should be severely limited.Individuals inscribe the best long-term advantage to themselves as a measure of a decisions good ness. The action that is intended to produce a greater ratio of good too bad for the individual compared with other alternatives is the right one to perform. Individualism is believed to lead to honesty and integrity because that works best in the long run. Lying and cheating for immediate self-interest just causes business associates to lie and cheat in return. Thus, individualism ultimately leads to behaviour toward others that fits standards of behaviour people want toward themselves. iii. Moral-Rights ApproachThe moral-rights approach asserts that human beings have important rights and liberties that cannot be taken away by an individuals decision. Thus, an ethically correct decision is one that best maintains the rights of those affected by it. iv. evaluator Approach The justice approach holds that moral decisions must be based on standards of equity, fairness, and impartiality. Three types of justice are of concern to managers which are a. dispersive justice requires that d ifferent treatment of people not be based on arbitrary characteristics. Individuals who are similar in ways relevant to a decision should be treated similarly.Thus, men and women should not receive different salaries if they are performing the same job. However, people who differ in a substantive way, such as job skills or job responsibility, can be treated differently in proportion to the differences in skills or responsibility among them. This difference should have a clear relationship to organizational goals and tasks. b. Procedural justice requires that rules be administered fairly. Rules should be clearly declared and consistently and impartially enforced. c. Compensatory justice argues that individuals should be compensated for the cost of their injuries by the party responsible.Moreover, individuals should not be held responsible for matters over which they have no control. Summary Henry Mintzberg concluded that managers perform 10 different roles or behaviours. He classifie d them into three sets. One set is concerned with interpersonal relationships (figurehead, leader, and liaison). The second set is related to the transfer of information (monitor, disseminator, and spokesperson). The third set deals with decision making (entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, and negotiator). This chart summarizes a managers ten Mintzbergs Managerial Roles Category Role activityInformational Monitor Seek and acquire work-related information Disseminator Communicate/ disseminate information to others within the organization Spokesperson Communicate/transmit information to outsiders Interpersonal Figurehead Perform social and legal duties, act as symbolic leader Leader Direct and motivate subordinates, select and train employees Liaison Establish and maintain contacts within and outside the organization Decisional entrepreneur Identify new ideas and initiate improvement projects Disturbance Handler Deals with disputes or problems and takes correc tive action Resource Allocator Decide where to apply resources treater Defends business interests Building an internationally competent workforce whose members know the business and are flexible and open-minded can take years. Multinational organizations can no longer rely on just a few managers with multicultural experience or a few experts on a particular country to succeed. In short, all employees must have some minimal level of international expertise and be able to recognize cultural differences that may affect daily business communications and on the job(p) relationships.As a result of the increasingly global business environment, many companies are building teams that cross-national borders and/or include members from different countries of origin. Although many of these teams are knowing to pool resources and increase operational efficiencies, the cultural diversity of team members may create a longer learning curve for establishing effective processes than culturally h omogeneous groups. This chart summarizes a managers challenges and recommendations in managing the challenges Challenges Description Recommendation Challenge of Globalisation Organisations integrating, operating and competing in a worldwide economy i. A cross-cultural approach to management ii.Managing people from different cultures Challenge of Workforce Diversity Leading a diverse work force i. Ward off change resistance with inclusion ii. Foster an attitude of openness in the organization iii. Promote diversity in leadership positions iv. Utilize diversity training v. Launch a customizable employee satisfaction survey that provides comprehensive reporting Challenge of Technology Change forward and implementing technological innovation in the workspace i. Provide as Much Advance Warning as Possible. ii. Recruit A Group of Staff Facilitators. iii. Begin System Training in a Low-Pressure Environment. iv. Have a Plan Band Maybe Even a Plan C. v.
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Indian Women
TimelineThe steady change in their stance can be highlighted by looking at what has been achieved by wo workforce in the body politic 1848 Jyotirao Phule, along with his wife Savitribai Phule, opened a school for girls in Pune, India. Savitribai Phule became the setoff cleaning fair end uphood t for each 1er in India. 1879 John Elliot Drinkwater Bethune established the Bethune condition in 1849, which developed into the Bethune College in 1879, thus becoming the send-off womens college in India. 1883 Chandramukhi Basu and Kadambini Ganguly became the fore just about feminine graduates of India and the British Empire.1886 Kadambini Ganguly and Anandi Gopal Joshi became the firstborn women from India to be trained in Western medicine. 1905 Suzanne RD Tata becomes the first Indian cleaning lady to drive a car. 42 1916 The first womens university, SNDT Womens University, was founded on 2 June 1916 by the kindly re ca-caer Dhondo Keshav Karve with just atomic tot 23 student s. 1917 Annie Besant became the first egg-producing(prenominal) chairwoman of the Indian topic Congress. 1919 For her distinguished social service, Pandita Ramabai became the first Indian woman to be cedeed the Kaisar-i-Hind Medal by the British Raj.1925 Sarojini Naidu became the first Indian born female president of the Indian interior(a) Congress. 1927 The All India Womens Conference was founded. 1944 Asima Chatterjee became the first Indian woman to be conferred the doctorate of Science by an Indian university. 1947 On 15 August 1947, spargon- cartridge clip activity independence, Sarojini Naidu became the governor of the United Provinces, and in the process became Indias first woman governor. 1951 Prem Mathur of the Deccan Airways becomes the first Indian woman commercial pilot.1953 Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit became the first woman (and first Indian) president of the United Nations General Assembly 1959 Anna Chandy becomes the first Indian woman forecast of a High coquette (K erala High motor hotel)43 1963 Sucheta Kriplani became the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, the first woman to hold that position in any Indian state. 1966 maitre d Durga Banerjee becomes the first Indian woman pilot of the state airline, Indian Airlines. 1966 Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay wins Ramon Magsaysay award for community leadership.1966 Indira Gandhi becomes the first woman Prime Minister of India 1970 Kamaljit Sandhu becomes the first Indian woman to win a Gold in the Asian Games 1972 Kiran Bedi becomes the first female recruit to join the Indian Police Service. 44 1979 Mother Teresa wins the Nobel calmness Prize, becoming the first Indian female citizen to do so. 1984 On 23 May, Bachendri Pal became the first Indian woman to climb Mount eventiderest. 1989 jurist M. Fathima Beevi becomes the first woman judge of the sovereign Court of India. 45 1997 Kalpana Chawla becomes the first India-born woman to go into space.1992 Priya Jhingan becomes the first lady cadet to join the Indian array (later commissi cardinald on 6 March 1993)47 1994 Harita Kaur Deol becomes the first Indian woman pilot in the Indian Air Force (IAF), on a solo flight. 2000 Karnam Malleswari became the first Indian woman to win an Olympic medal (bronze medal in the 2000 Summer Olympics at Sydney). 2002 Lakshmi Sahgal became the first Indian woman to run for the post of chair of India. 2004 Punita Arora became the first woman in the Indian Army to don the highest rank of Lieutenant General. 2007 Pratibha Patil becomes the first woman President of India.2009 Meira Kumar became the first woman Speaker of Lok Sabha, the lower house in Indian Parliament. Crimes against women Police records in India appearance a high incidence of crimes against women. The matter Crime Records Bureau inform in 1998 that by 2010 growth in the rate of crimes against women would exceed the population growth rate. 37 Earlier, numerous crimes against women were non inform to police due to the social stig ma attached to corrupt and molestation. formal statistics show a dramatic increase in the subroutine of describe crimes against women. 37 Acid ThrowingA Thomas Reuters Foundation survey 60 says that India is the fourth most severe place in the world for women to live in. 61 Women belonging to any class, clique, belief or religion can be victims of this cruel form of wildness and disfigurement, a premeditated crime intended to kill or maim permanently and act as a less(prenominal)(prenominal)on to put a woman in her place. In India, acid attacks on women62 who d atomic number 18d to refuse a mans proffer of marriage or asked for a divorce 63 are a form of revenge. Acid is cheap, easily available, and the quickest way to destroy a womans life history. The number of acid attacks exact been rising.Child marriage Child marriage has been traditionally predominant in India and continues to this twenty-four hours. Historically, small fry brides would live with their parents u ntil they reached puberty. In the past, child widows were condemned to a life of great agony, shaved heads, nourishment in isolation, and cosmos shunned by society. 35 Although child marriage was out policeed in 1860, it is still a common practice. 65 correspond to UNICEFs State of the Worlds Children-2009 report, 47% of Indias women aged 2024 were married before the legal age of 18, rising to 56% in sylvan areas.The report in like manner showed that 40% of the worlds child marriages progress in India. 67 Domestic abandon main article Domestic violence in India The number of incidents of domestic violence is higher among the lower Socio-Economic Classes (SECs). citation needed The fortress of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 came into force on 26 October 2006. See also Outline of domestic violence fortune Main articles Dowry, Dowry death, and Dowry law in India In 1961, the Government of India passed the Dowry Prohibition Act,68 do dowry demands in wedding arrangeme nts illegal.However, many cases of dowry-related domestic violence, suicides and murders have been reported. In the 1980s, numerous such cases were reported. 52 In 1985, the Dowry Prohibition (maintenance of lists of presents to the bride and bridegroom) Rules were framed. 69 According to these rules, a signed list should be maintained of presents given at the time of the marriage to the bride and the bridegroom. The list should contain a brief description of each present, its approximate value, the name of who has given the present, and relationship to the recipient. However, such rules are rarely enforced.A 1997 report claimed that each year at least 5,000 women in India come apart dowry-related deaths, and at least a dozen die each day in kitchen fires thought to be intentional. 70 The term for this is bride burning and is criticized within India itself. Amongst the urban educated, such dowry abuse has reduced considerably. female person infanticide and sex-selective abortion Main article Sex-selective abortion and infanticide In India, the male-female sex ratio is skewed dramatically in favour of males, the chief reason being the high number of females who die before reaching adulthood.Tribal societies in India have a less skewed sex ratio than other caste groups. This is in venom of the fact that tribal communities have far lower income levels, lower literacy rates, and less adequate health facilities. Many experts suggest the higher number of males in India can be attributed to female infanticides and sex-selective abortions. Ultrasound scanning constitutes a major leap forward in providing for the handle of mother and baby, and with scanners becoming portable, these advantages have spread to rural populations.However, ultrasound scans often reveal the sex of the baby, allowing big(predicate) women to decide to abort female foetuses and try again later for a male child. This practice is usually considered the main reason for the change in the rat io of male to female children being born. In 1994 the Indian government passed a law forbidding women or their families from asking about the sex of the baby after an ultrasound scan (or any other streamlet which would yield that information) and also expressly forbade doctors or any other persons from providing that information.However, in practice this law (like the law forbidding dowries) is widely ignored, and levels of abortion on female foetuses remain high and the sex ratio at yield keeps getting more skewed. 71 Female infanticide (killing of girl infants) is still prevalent in some rural areas. 37 Sometimes this is infanticide by neglect, for example families may non spend money on critical medicines or withhold care from a sick girl. Continuing abuse of the dowry tradition has been one of the main reasons for sex-selective abortions and female infanticides in India. frustrate Main article Rape in IndiaRape in India has been described by Radha Kumar as one of Indias mos t common crimes against women72 and by the UNs human-rights chief as a field of study problem. 73 In the 1980s, womens rights groups lobbied for marital loot to be declared unlawful, as until 1983, the criminal law (amendment) act stated that versed intercourse by a man with his own wife, the wife non being under fifteen years of age is not rape. Marital rape is still not a criminal offence. 72 While per-capita reported incidents are quite low compared to other countries, even developed countries,7475 a in the buff case is reported every 20 minutes.New Delhi has the highest rate of rape-reports among Indian cities. 78 Sources show that rape cases in India have doubled between 1990 and 2008. 79 According to the National Crime Records Bureau, 24,206 rape cases were registered in India in 2011, although experts agree that the cases of unreported versed assault is higher. 80 Sexual agony Eve teasing is a euphemism utilize for sexual harassment or molestation of women by men. Ma ny activists bear down the rising incidents of sexual harassment against women on the influence of Western cultivation.In 1987, The Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act was passed81 to prohibit indecent representation of women by advertisements or in publications, writings, paintings or in any other manner. Of the check number of crimes against women reported in 1990, half related to molestation and harassment in the workplace. 37 In 1997, in a landmark judgementambiguous, the Supreme Court of India took a strong stand against sexual harassment of women in the workplace. The Court also laid down detailed guidelines for prevention and redressal of grievances.The National counselling for Women subsequently elaborated these guidelines into a Code of Conduct for employers. 37 relationsking The Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act was passed in 1956. 82 However many cases of trafficking of young girls and women have been reported. These women are either forced into prosti tution, domestic work or child labour. arbiter system In 2013 Indias top court investigated on a law graduates allegation that she was sexually harassed by a recently retired Supreme Court judge. 83 Other concerns Social opinionsIn the wake of several brutal rape attacks in the capital urban center of Delhi, debates held in other cities revealed that men believed women who togged up provocatively deserved to get raped many of the correspondents stated women incited men to rape them. 8485 Health Main article Womens health in India The mean(a) female life expectancy today in India is low compared to many countries, but it has shown gradual improvement over the years. In many families, specially rural ones, girls and women face nutritional discrimination within the family, and are anemic and malnourished.The maternal mortality in India is the 56th highest in the world. 86 42% of births in the country are supervised in Medical Institution. In rural areas, most of women deliver wit h the help of women in the family, contradictory to the fact that unprofessional or unskilled deliverer lacks the knowledge about pregnancy. 37 Eve teasing Eve teasing is a euphemism used in India and sometimes Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal8788 for public sexual harassment, street harassment or molestation of women by men, with Eve being a reference to the biblical Eve.Family planning The average woman living in a rural area in India has little or no control over becoming pregnant. Women, particularly women in rural areas, do not have access to safe and self-controlled methods of contraception. The public health system emphasises permanent methods like sterilisation, or long-term methods like IUDs that do not need follow-up. Sterilization accounts for more than 75% of total contraception, with female sterilisation accounting for almost 95% of all sterilisations. 37 Sex ratiosIndia has a highly skewed sex ratio, which is attributed to sex-selective abortion and female infanticide af fecting almost one million female babies per year. 90 In, 2011, government stated India was missing tierce million girls and there are now 48 less girls per 1,000 boys. 91 despite this, the government has taken further steps to improve the ration, and the ration is reported to have been improved in recent years. 92 Sanitation In 2011 a Right to Pee (as called by the media) campaign began in Mumbai, Indias largest city. 93 Women, but not men, have to pay to urinate in Mumbai, despite regulations against this practice.Women have also been sexually assaulted while urinating in fields. 93 Thus, activists have collected more than 50,000 signatures supporting their demands that the topical anesthetic government stop charging women to urinate, build more toilets, keep them clean, forget sanitary napkins and a trash can, and hire female attendants. 93 In response, city officials have agreed to build hundreds of public toilets for women in Mumbai, and some local legislators are now pro mising to build toilets for women in every one of their districts. 93 Notable Indian women See also CategoryIndian women and enumerate of Indian film actresses EducationSavitribai Phule was a social reformer. Along with her husband, Mahatma Jotiba Phule, she played an grand role in improving womens rights in India during British Rule. Savitribai was the first female teacher of the first womens school in India and also considered to be the introduce of modern Marathi poetry. In 1852 she opened a school for Untouchable caste girls. Arts and entertainment Singers and vocalists such as M. S. Subbulakshmi, Gangubai Hangal, Lata Mangeshkar, Asha Bhosle and others are widely revere in India. Anjolie Ela Menon is a famous painter. SportsAlthough in general the womens sports scenario in India is not very good, some Indian women have made notable achievements in the field. Some famous female sportspersons in Indian include P. T. Usha (athletics), J. J. Shobha (athletics), Kunjarani Devi ( weightlifting), Diana Edulji (cricket), Saina Nehwal (badminton), Koneru Hampi (chess) and Sania Mirza (tennis). Female Olympic medalists from India include weightlifter Karnam Malleswari (bronze, 2000), Saina Nehwal (bronze, 2012), and boxer Mary Kom (bronze, 2012). Politics by the Panchayat Raj institutions, over a million women have actively entered policy-making life in India.As per the 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendment Acts, all local elected bodies curb one-third of their seats for women. Although the percentages of women in various levels of political activity has go up considerably, women are still under-represented in governance and decisionmaking positions. 37 Literature Many women writers are prominent in Indian literature as poets and story writers, such as Sarojini Naidu, Kamala Surayya, Shobha De, Arundhati Roy, and Anita Desai. Sarojini Naidu is called the nightingale of India. Arundhati Roy won the Booker Prize (Man Booker Prize) for her raw The God of Smal l Things.
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Mining Excellence at Redmond Minerals Essay
The HR department right away must attain and evaluate each employee contributions to the company on a scale relevant to their position. This is where a high executing contrive transcription comes in to play which creates the best possible fit between their employee genial ashes and their equipment technical system. This function of having a high performance work system is based on the reliance of knowledge workers, the empowerment of employees to put one across decisions, and the use of team work.The HRM practice has to incorporate various measures to create outlets for performance heed, training, work design, and compensation to demonstrate the importance for achievementful output. This in tip over allows HRM to focal point on the strategy of the company putting emphasis exploitation and efficiency allowing the department to apparatus total quality management practices.Those practices populate of methods and processes that are designed to meet the needs of internal an d external customers, either employee in the organization receives quality training, quality is designed into a ingathering or good so that errors are prevented from occurring rather than being notice and corrected in an error-prone convergence or service, the organization promotes cooperation with vendors/suppliers/and customers to mend quality and hold costs down, and managers measure progress with feedback based on data. (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright, 2009, p. 7) This practice is also parallel to the reengineering of the company unexampled mathematical product focus plan, instead of focusing low costs and low prices the focus became concentrated on unique products which catered to a unique target market of consumers. This will prompt the HR department to help design and implement change so that all employees will be committed to the success of the reengineered organization. This may require additional training for the new restructuring of their new product pull back and will give everyone an opportunity to feel comfortable with the new way of operation. Suggestions for Internet ImprovementsAt the organizational take, a successful human race choices Development program prepares the item-by-item to undertake a higher level of work, organized learning over a given period of time, to bid the possibility of performance change (Nadler 1984). In these settings, human beings Resources Development is the textile that focuses on the organizations competencies at the first stage, training, and then ontogenesis the employee, through education, to accomplish the organizations long-term needs and the individuals career goals and employee value to their present and future employers.Human Resources Development can be defined simply as developing the most important section of any business its human preference by attaining or upgrading employee skills and attitudes at all levels to maximize enterprise effectiveness. The slew inside an organizatio n are its human vision. Human Resources Development from a business perspective is not entirely focused on the individuals growth and development, development occurs to enhance the organizations value, not solely for individual improvement.Individual education and development is a neb and a means to an end, not the end goal itself. (Elwood F. Holton II, James W. Trott Jr journal of Vocational and Technical Education, Vol. 12, No. 2, p7). The broader concept of national and more strategical attention to the development of human resources is beginning to emerge as impertinently independent countries face strong competition for their skilled professionals and the accompanying brain-drain they experience.If I was tapped for the job of HR Specialist, three ideas that I would suggest in utilizing the meshwork for HRM would be to use a human resource information system which a computer system used to acquire, store, manipulate, analyze, retrieve, and distribute information link up to an organizations human resource. I would also suggest an electronic human resource management application which allows employees to enroll and participate in training programs online, as well as elect benefits packages and read company news. Another brass to include the technological aspect of HR would be for the basis of playscript keeping and information sharing.I would implement a self service which means employees have online access to info about HR such(prenominal) as training, compensation, and contracts. My ideas support Robertss ideas of running the company because he took on the responsibility of making his employees a priority. He understood the makeup of the nook company and the important resourced asset that will differentiate his product line from his competitors. His ability to be receptive to suggestions from his employees along with giving them the ability to be empowered in their position shows trust in his employees attributes that they will positively add to t he success of the company.By creating an open growth focused gloriole it will stimulate productivity and allow original ideas to be a foundation for present and future employees to stand on. Willingness to Change From the reading the authorized owners felt that empowering their employees as a risky move so their stockholdings shares were sold to Robert. I believe that Roberts strategy prompted change and realizing that in order to accomplish goals of the company that his people must be in the forefront. People are your most important asset, because technology, products, and structures can be copied by competitors.No one can match highly charged move people that care about the operation of your business and talented creative human capital is the prime ingredient for organizational success. Before within the company it appeared as if the employees under previous management were overworked and underappreciated which caused for lack of growth and stagnated direction overall. By unde rstanding the attitudes of your employees and presenting an atmosphere that is conclusive to the strengthening of a positive work related environment your customers will ultimately reap the benefits and will be the basis for customer retention.The more top management wants an internal commitment from its employees, the more it must involve employees in shaping work objectives, specifying how to achieve them and how they will be rewarded and recognized once attained. point of reference Noe, R. , Hollenbeck, J. , Gerhart, B. , Wright, P. (2009). Trends in Human Resource Management. In J. Weimeister (Ed. ), Fundamentals of Human Resource Management (p. 36). New York McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
Friday, January 25, 2019
Sports Consumer Behavior
Taking a survey of all types of sports equipment slightly my house I see a variety of diverse things that my family and I tend to grease ones palms depending on the type of sport or act anyone is into at the time. At first call ining of the this assignment and reading the operating instructions I did non turn over that I had any sports equipment in my family but once I started looking around I detect that there atomic number 18 a banding of things that after part be considered sports equipment care do equipment and habit that I very frequently overleap gold on.Lately I had been getting into working out a lot because I want to lose tip for the summer which is right around the corner, and I have had these spurts a lot and have not gone by with the whole thing but each time I continuously buy something new that will help me to lose angle. I besides took into account all the things that my boyfriend buys because close to of the time we both buy stuff for his footbal l. Currently he is playing semi-professional football locally for the urban center we live in and he is constantly buying new things from clothes to balls and pads for his games.The National Sporting Goods Association (NSGA) has a listing of all the different sports categories and the difference each made every year in sales. The sports syndicate I chose to look at is the hunting and firearms year because it seems to show the most significant changes out if all of the other categories. The significant difference I see in the hunting and firearms category is in increase in sales of about $354 million dollars from 2008 to 2009.Looking at the history of hunting and firearms sales I can see that throughout the years it has continually been a significant increase each year. The unless campaign I can suggest that there is so much of an interest and increase in this category would be that more and more people are graceful interested in hunting and activities that include the use o f firearms, and not to boot the hunters that have been hunting for years always upgrading to the newest and best equipment and firearms.A different category that is extremely high in value and the highest one of the forecast is exercise. I can identify with this category because I am one of the reasons that sedulousness is so high, I live that there are a lot of people out there like myself that want to lose weight and will try any new thing that comes out for weight loss to see if it works. Looking at the amount that I spend on exercise equipment from the videos and DVDs to the weights and he bands and the sneakers and clothes I can see why the exercise application is so big. People want the next best thing that is passage to help them lose weight. A category that is the complete opposite from exercise is the Racquetball category where in the past few years it has had both increases and decreases in sales, but in 2009 was significantly lower than all of the other categories. I think that racquetball is so low in sales because not some(prenominal) people play this sport or for that matter are not too sure of what it is (like me).These are not one of the mostly general sports that are contend around the United States and for that reason I think is why this category is one of the lowest on this forecast. I think that the more popular a sport is and the more people know about it and have interest in it the more the public is involuntary to spend on the items for the sport or activity. One of the categories that definitely surprises me in terms of value is football, I know that this is a sport played all around the United States and is very popular but I didnt realize how low the amount of sales for football equipment.The only reason I can think of that would bring up football so low in terms of value would be the fact that the manufacturers make football products so durable and sustainable that they wouldnt need to be superseded as frequently as other sports and products. Knowing that most of these products are made to stand the toughness of this contact sport is a reason I guess I am not that surprised that the sales are low, these companies are making the best product to with stand everything and takes a lot to break them therefore customers do not have to replace them.Self-Survey of sports equipment purchased on a yearly basis Weights -$60 Resistance bands- $30 P 90 X DVD $125 Other example videos and DVDs- $100-$cl Workout sneakers $200-$ three hundred Workout clothes $300 Miscellaneous workout equipment- $100 Football cleats- $200 Pads- $100-$200 Jerseys- $150 Footballs $70 Football tights $45 Football practice clothing -$200
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Analysis of Willie Stark’s Life as a Politician Essay
atomic number 50 it be right to do wrong? Can we have a squ be circle? Can we move backwards and forwards at the same time? During Platos time (c. 429-347 B.C.) a long handling had begun and carried through fall out the Middle Ages that affirmed that the ruler ought to embody noble sublimes and values. This usage foc examples on the virtues of justice and mercy as essential for good government. However, during the metempsychosis period the write Niccolo Machiavelli turned away from these traditions and considers in The Prince what is prerequisite to be successful in a corrupt world. Machiavelli proclaims in his book The Prince, A mankind who wishes to make a profession in everything must necessarily come to grief among so many who are non good. Therefore, it is necessaryto learn how non to be good, and to use this k presentlyledge and non use it, harmonize to the necessity of the case. Essenti all in ally, it is the situation at the moment that determines which put to d eaths are necessary.For Machiavelli, the goal is success, not the virtue or vice of the act. He does not advocate that the successful prince should always violate the rights of others unless, rather, calculate what course of action will enhance the strength and vitality of the solid ground. In the book every last(predicate) the Kings workforce by Robert Penn Warren, the character Willie double-dyed(a) is homogeneous to the prince he exemplifies and exercises Machiavellis ideals. In All the Kings Men by Robert Penn Warren, Machiavellis ideals are dealt with through the political career of Willie Stark, a man that was transformed from an idealist to an opportunist because of origin, a man who lastly was assassinated, but not before he could achieve the goodness he sought to make possible.Willie Stark, the son of a farawaymer, began his political career when sightly the County Treasurer of Mason City. As the Treasurer of Mason City, he was an idealist, guide more by ideals t han practical considerations. Willie Stark remained an idealist up until he discovered the truth about politics. He than started to believe that goodness derives from shame because there is nothing else from which to make it. This idea comes from the mature, disillusi superstard Willie, who had become a tough-minded politician subsequently losing his first political job and after discovering he was manipulated by the bosses who wanted to split rural votes.After he intimate about the scheme and analyzing the situation, Willie Stark realized what Machiavellis supposition proclaimed, A man who wishes to make a profession in everything must necessarily come to grief among so many who are not good. Willie encountered and experienced the grief among so many who are not good, he encountered Harrison and his men and their political methods to try and win an election which was all made possible by corrupt men, deplor able men.This was a bend transfer in Willies career and life since h e how believed, homo is conceived in sin and born in corruption and he passeth from the smack of the didie to the stench of the shroud. As he sees it, goodness is not an inherent tender characteristic. People, basically, are prone to corruption and evil. Goodness has to be made. Because of the scheme Willies blindfold he had as an idealist was gone and he now knew that politics were not at all what he though it to be and that he had to change the way he was conducting his political campaign if he was to get anything done around here.Although Willie withdrew his name from the ballot for the regulator race, he still came out of that ordeal as a winner. Stark opened the dirty tricks of Harrison and his men and in the fulfill gained support from the universe, therefore wind to his ultimate election for Governor the second time he ran for the position. By this time Willie, learn how not to be good, and to use this knowledge and not use it He exposed to the public the corrupt men o f Harrison who coerced him to come off for Governor only to be used and abused in the process by blowing the whistle Willie became a bad man who turned against the people who jockstraped him come into the political spot light.Instead of be seen with bad eyes, the public sympathized with him. With all the sympathy he gained Willie managed to win the race for Governor. Once Willie became Governor he became an opportunist because of the lack of support he received and because his office was growing. Willie essentially started off as a man who rose to power by offering to save the people from their distress, during his struggles, he became corrupted by power. Willie became corrupted because he realized that in order for him to help out the people he wanted to help out the most, he had to chance a little dirty.He was forced to bribe the state legislators in order to get his bills passed he even went as far as blackmailing some in order to achieve his goals. Willie Stark exemplifies Machiavellis discourse, to learn not to be good and not use it, according to the necessity of the case. He was vicious and ruthless at time to his enemies and then he befriended those who opposed him within the state legislator. He learned when it was appropriate to be good to people and when it was necessary to be bad to people according to each situation because he could not ease up to unbalance one with the other since both were essential for being a great governor.Willie Stark was an opportunist because of power. As Machiavellis speculation give tongue to one must use the knowledge of when to be good and when to be bad, according to the necessity of the case, and when the situation presented itself, Willie was ready to follow accordingly. When the plan to configuration a hospital presented itself, Willie wanted to keep the hospital clean, he did not want politics involved with the hospital especially , corrupt contractors. That is why Willie did not want to give Gummy Lar son, a corrupt contactor to gain his hospital. In this case Willie became a bad man who turned on a man that was much desire him.both had been involved in dirty politics, but now Willie chose to be a bad man in order to keep his hospital free from corruption and politics. mend dealing with this situation, Willie also chose to be a good man by trying to persuade raptus Stanton, a romantic and idealist to be the Director of his hospital, but when Adam refused the offer, Willie indirectly used incriminating randomness about his father, a former governor who was involved in a bribe and cover up, in order to convince him to accept the position.Ironically, Adam Stanton, the man Willie wanted to Direct his hospital ended up assassinating him. In return Willies men ended up killing Adam. Both were destine to kill each other since they were complete opposites, one was a man of ideas and the other was a man of fact. In the end, by the author of All the Kings Men adhering Willies life to Machiavelli theory of how a ruler should govern and obey by Willie life was destined to become righteous and end up dying because of it. Willie wanted to help out the poor by building a school house, a hospital for the poor, and reworking the states tax structure in favor of the poor. But by the means he achieved these goals were wrong and bad which last lead to his death. Even a man who wants to do good things, but uses bad methods ends up paying a harsh price for being bad while trying to do some good.In conclusion, Willie Stark was a character of good intentions who becomes tainted by the system. He was a human being who had dreams, a family he loved, and passions he yields to, among them a bank for power. The author, Warren shows Willie as a man torn between his visions of an ideal society and stark reality- what it takes in the real world to fulfill ones dreams. Willie sacrifices his ideals for action. He is a man of stark fact, and he wants results. In the end, Willie reev aluates his lifes goals. But it is too late for change. Willie is not apt(p) a second chance. For Willies political activity is much like Machiavelli political activity which is like a game of chess with its rules, its turn out gambits, and its successful strategies.The master player knows how to exploit the weaknesses and blunders of his opponents to maximum advantage. The goal is determination the best move, the move that wins. The qualities needed to win may be judged as vices by others, but, as Machiavelli puts it in The Prince, they are the vices by which you are able to rule. The crimes committed in order to preserve ones terra firma are glorious crimes. Willie essential would have believed, a multitude is more easily governed by humanity and gentleness than by haughtiness and cruelty, the point is that a wise ruler does whatever is necessary.
Sunday, January 20, 2019
Development through the life stages P2 Essay
The causes of the vivification factor Down Syndrome Foetal alcohol syndrome Bullying Peer groups fastball The effect on the development on an individualistic (PIES)The carnal berth effect to a sister with down syndrome is that they relieve oneself a blue nose and they have a level(p) nasal bridge, they also have a small mouth, their eyes slant either upwards or downwards. They have weak muscle tone which means they ar actually floppy they have big hands and have short fingers. They may have a heaviness paradox which leave alone cause them to commit on weight and bequeath relate how they do activities if they start to go a style overweight and be limited in what they do. They may sh ar somatogenic features from their parent which give make them contrastive. For intellectual, the child may develop a crew of mental health issues while they grow older, many of them brass having anxiety, repetitive and obsessive compulsive behaviours. For emotional, they may de velop behaviours that could affect their emotions, they may start to get frustrated at the fact they are decelerate with their communication.For social, they are not very confident and people exit shoot to get them to act with separate people and get them into social groups.The physical side effect is the child forget have low parentage weight, their body features go forth not be fully developed which exit mean they leave alone have a small head, a flat face with a snub nose, they go forth also have a thinner top lip, they will also have widely lay eyes. They may develop general or specific learning difficulties. For intellectual, the child may develop a few learning difficulties which will accept poor memory, they also have difficulty to understand concepts such as the time and counting money. They also have bad language. For emotional, the child will have a lot of behavioural problems and for this they become hyperactive, they dont have the ability to concentrate, the y have a lot of anxiety and are very stubborn. For social, they have a lot of socialization problems which causes difficulty to score and maintain friendships.The physical side effect is that it can affect the agency a soulfulness can act, they may resort into eating disorders specially girls. There may be the physical signs, for example bruising roughly the neck or arms, also scratches and scars. For intellectual, this can affect the way they are towards education if they are being bullied during school, they will not want to wait school so they can get away from the bullies, this will thence effect there future. For emotional, it is an emotional distress, which will cause a lot of physical and emotional pain to them. For social, this will affect how they will interact with otherwise(a) people due to them being bullied they may find it concentrated to trust other people and to also want to become friends in case they are bullied again. This will affect how they develo p in the future because they may start to isolate themselves from people if they believe they are not strong enough to stand up for themselves.The physical side may have positive and negative sides to peer groups, if youre in a group and everyone in the group is skinny, it may lead to that soul losing weight in a way they should which would affect the body functioning. For intellectual, the groups may operate to be distracted with work which will allow them to fall fundament on their work and affect their future. For other groups, it may be different and they may all work together to serve each other with work and to achieve what they came to education for. For emotional, the groups may lead to becoming vehement towards other people which will bring out aggression in them, they may also have a golden group which wont do any harm to people. For social, being in groups will give them the opportunity to develop their social skills, which includes leadership, teamwork or sharing.T he physical side effect is they will have a reduce the performance at all the physical training they will do. They have a high risk of plaza attacks/ strokes and will have a higher heart resting rates than non- reekrs. It may also affect the financial strain which will cause to a greater extent worry on a psyche peculiarly if they have low income. For intellectual, bullet will lead a person to not concentrate for long it may also lead for the person to be affected mentally. For emotional, the smoking will relieve the stress that they will be building up. For social, it can be a social practise which people will be commensurate to interact with one another(prenominal) when they are outside smoking, sometimes depending on the people, it may cause negativeness on relationships. Can the factor be identified before the sustain of a babyAntenatal screening can be given at 13 weeks to determine the likelihood of the baby developing or developed the condition. When the women goes f or her monthly check-ups, they can notice the childs development growth and they will know when the baby is born whether they have been imbibition throughout the cognitive operation of the pregnancyThis factor cannot be identified before the birth because it is the society and the environment around them that will cause this.This factor cannot be identified because its the environment and the friendships that the person will develop when they are in education.The cannot be identified because they are either brought up with a family smoking which will make them more likely to smoke or they want to smoke because other people are smoking.How many the factor exploit the manners of an individualAll people will down syndrome depending on the condition may be able to live separate from their parents, they may find it difficult to have sex but they could get a little bit of work to champion them be like other people and not be different. sometimes they get married and will live t heir lives.Most adults who have a drinking problem will need help to get them thorn on track and to be able to look after their child without them resorting back to alcohol. They can get lots of supervision help which they will be able to make day to day decisions with themFor some people, if they were bullied at a young age, it may affect the way they will interact with other people and will tend to isolate themselves, they are at a higher risk of having anxiety or depression. But if the bullying for them was a short term memory, they will forget some what has happened and will cover on with their lives.Depending on how the group has been, if the group had a negative affect then that person may be rude, mean and harsh to other people just like they have grown up doing with in their group. But if there was a positive affect then the person will stay the kind, innocent person they were which will give them more of a social life.Smoking may cause long term effects especially if th ey are addicted to it, some people along the way may develop cancer which is caused by the smoking which will drop away their independents, depending on the condition it may lead to them not being able to live on their own. Care needs to be fulfil individual needsBoth children and adults both need regular check-ups to see how they are getting on and to monitor their health. They may develop some certain health problems and with the check-up doctors will be able to do something about it.The children may need help if they have learning difficulties, they will be able to have someone to keep close eye on them and to make sure that they are progressing, for the adults they will need help in controlling their drinking problem if they have one and to understand the damages that has happened.Any person will be able to receive counselling if they believe they cannot get over it and will need to open up about how they feel, also having a friendly face who had not bullied the person cou ld help to open up and twaddle about what had happened. Parents are the people who will be able to influence the child to change the way they were and to not be who they are or how they are turning into. This is when they will need to have someone to be there for them so they are able to open up about how they feel and to let all their aggression outThere can be talk of the town therapies which will help change a persons cerebration and acting towards the smoking and change it positively to help them cut smoking and eventually quit.
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