Sunday, February 10, 2019

Wilsons Fourteen Points: a Path to Peace or to Renewed Conflict Essay

Wilsons xiv Points a Path to Peace or to Renewed encounterWilsons Fourteen Points were a decent attempt at peace and take after the Great War however, there were many inherent problems with the Wilsonian order of business. These problems were caused by many things, including confederative bias, American ambition, and Western European dominance. season trying to fix many problems in Europe, the Fourteen Points mainly tough on the things that were important to the Allied powers France was bent on revenge, Great Britain was feeling to further its power over the seas, and America was keen on go an even more powerful trade nation. The Allied Powers made it truly hard for Germany and Austria and the newly formed countries in Eastern Europe to utter out(a) many of the things set down in the Fourteen points, in particular, the idea of self-determination that is evident in over half of the points. knowledge the Fourteen Points might lead a person to believe that the associate wer e in favor of all forms of self-determination unconditionally in point, vertical the opposite was true. They used self-determination as a formula for rearranging the rest period of power in their own interests (Keynes pp. 2). Point Five of the Wilsonian agenda was a testament to this. It called for the free, open-minded adjustment of all colonial claims. Essentially, what this did was permit countries to practice limited forms of self-determination, mainly by switching European harness from the more obvious direct control method, to indirect European control. few countries were allowed independence, alone those countries that were denied it became mandates Palestine, Syria, and Lebanon are examples of the ladder. The main thing Point Five genteel was that i... ...and incomplete (Keynes pp. 4). Ironically this is just the thing Wilson had set out not to do. In the speech he delivered before he read out the Fourteen Points, Wilson said that there was no confusion between the Allied powers, no uncertainty of principle and no vagueness of detail. Wilson goes on to say that the moreover failure to make definite statement of the objects of the war lies with Germany and her allies, when in fact this failure of definite statement was also true of the Allied Powers. The Fourteen Points did accomplish something in that they set out terms for a treaty, but unfortunately the Points failed because they severely lacked in detail and succinct. Furthermore, if the Points had been written with the sole intent of peace and restitution and not ambition or revenge, the ultimate accordance of Versailles may have led to a lasting peace in Europe.

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