Friday, February 15, 2019

The Impact of Social Class Divisions on the Women of Victorian England :: essays research papers fc

The Impact of Social Class Divisions on the Women of tight-laced EnglandTwo nose candy years ago, during the reign of Queen Victoria in England, the social barriers of the Victorian circle system firmly defined the roles of women. The families of Victorian England were divided into tetrad distinct partitioninges the Nobility or Gentry Class, the Middle Class, the Upper work Class, and lastly, the Lower Working class . The women of these classes to each one had their own traditional responsibilities. The specifics of each womans role were varied by the status of her family. Women were judge to adhere to the appropriate conventions according to their place in the social put together . For women in Victorian England their lives were regulated by these rules and regulations, which stressed obedience, loyalty, and respect. The highest social class in Victorian England was the Nobility or Gentry class. The members of this class were those who catching their land, titles, and weal th . Popular opinion at the time asserted that the dire class women led lives of lavish luxury and wedded bliss. "Ladies were ladies in those geezerhood they did non do things themselves, they told others what to do and how to do it." It is unmistakable as to how this touch sensation that the women of the noble class led lives of fortune. Social parties and balls were common festivities, which these women regularly attended. For many, saltation was a favorite pastime. To an outsider, it seemed that a lady of the gentry class had null short of an enviable existence. The lavish way of life these women exhibited was outwardly apparent in the fashions of the time . Noble class women were adorned in flowery dresses, extravagant jewels, and the finest accessories. The best way to describe the look of upper class women in Victorian England is to say that she looked like a porcelain doll . However, the lives of these women were not as easy as it may have seemed. In retrospect, their roles, although seemingly wonderful, were actually oppressive. They were taught to be obedient and loyal to their husbands . Their opinions were devalued, and they were thought of as secret code more than an accessory to their husbands. Furthermore, there was little security in scathe of financial stability . Land, titles, and money were inherited by the closest manful relative typically the fourth-year son, but if there was no older son then the estate would go to a more contradictory relation.

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