Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Research Paper: Models :: essays research papers

Research opus Models     My research paper is going to consist of both a research paper and aalbum containing pictures that was collected. My research paper is going to impersonate forward information on what both guys imagine and deal ab go forth when they issuek ofwomen. These two guys are Mike, my friend and Timmy, my cousin. These guys arebasically the guinea pigs in my experiment and their findings will be collectedin the album. The other half(prenominal) of the research project is the paper that will notonly pardon the project but give information on the pressure that has been puton so many women to wait like perfect and in many instructions models.     With the experiment, I handed both Mike and Timmy quadruplet magazines twoMademoiselles and two Allures. I then asked them to go through them and squanderer outthe pictures that they would want "their women" to look like. The collection oftheir ideal women is in the s cratch half of the album. Notice that the picturesare mostly of models that are half dressed, thin and in provactedly positionedposies. The makeup on these women are all perfect and their hair is obviouslynot out of place. The pickaxe of pictures not surprisingly were of women whonot only were half dressed but similarly in their undergarments. The countenance half ofthe experiment was basically done in the same way but this time I asked forthem to tear out pictures that they would want their wives to look like. Withfour different magazines they tore out pictures of more conservetly dressedwomen. Their selection still consisted of beautiful women, only this timethey were wearing clothes that the come person would be able to wearon the streets and not be called a dirty name. The women were stillbeautifully made up the a hair and makeup but this time it wasnt so dramatictheir poises were also "innocent" Im not surprised. But what did surprise methough was that their style in pajamas totally changed. In the first part of theexperiment the two guys picked out the pictures of the women wearing what Iwould consider "tacky" nightgowns, but for their wives they picked out thepictures where "softer" and a lot less "showy" I guess at that institutionalise they didtake into consideration that comfort is more important then what it looks like.These two guys, the guinea pigs, is a very small of a large majority of men withthese expectations. From the information that I gathered from the guys, Mike and

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