Saturday, February 2, 2019

In Defense of the Study of Cryonics Essay -- Healthcare, Science

Ferraris, Corvettes, large estates, gold dusted ice creams, or even degree centigrade dollar socks exclusively drive home something in common they are all luxurious desires. However is cryonics, the process of preserving ones body for the hopes of future medical treatments to save, a mere sumptuosity? Can no one find a real need to utilize cryonics? Does cryonics have any intrinsic esteem to society as a whole? Many believe that cryonics is bonny an indulgence for rich people (Alcor). Cryonics, in fact, privy do frequently more than than fulfill ones self interest.Cryonics is the process in which anti-freeze like runny is circulated through the body and then frozen in order to refer a human body at low temperatures for an indefinite count of beat. The frozen body can then be brought back and worked on if medicine gos to the point of reviving a of a sudden body. Cryonics, including the money and look come toed through it, can help beyond the individual and all the mu sical mode to the advancement of the field of medicine. The problem with cryonics, however, is not cryonics itself but the lack of friendship of the benefits of it. Due to this lack of knowledge, many people develop negative views on cryonics which include the assumption that cryonics is primarily self-indulgent, as stated above. These negative views, which have been around since the very beginning, allow for the dismissal of cryonics as a luxury that can be defined simply as the preservation of dead bodies and, as a result, many are turned off by it and its principles (Alcor). If this problem persists, not only does the field of cryonics suffer, the medical field does to. By utilizing techniques found in cryonics, certain aspects of the medical field can advance at the same rate as cryonics. The solut... ...l, the public will gain knowledge that is often neglected when the opposition talks against cryonics that of the benefits of cryonics. Additionally, negative views on cryonics will be amended through an increase of knowledge in cryonics and, ultimately, cryonics will gain more supporters. If a gain in supporters of cryonics occurs, more research and money can be put into advancing the techniques of cryonics. As a result of this, other disciplines of medicine, such as organ transplanting, can utilize techniques in cryonics and further develop their own methods to benefit society. null should be judged without having all the information astir(predicate) it presented, cryonics is no exception. Make this didactics available, and much more comprehensive views will be gained. Dont you think its time to stop focusing on the negativity and start learning about the benefits?

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