Thursday, October 10, 2013


Joshua Courageous Faith DB1 Upon reading our assigned text I was en courageousnessd at the descriptions of the lives of these Old Testament Heroes. While evaluating their lives I found that I outhouse relate to Joshuas carriage the closest.   similar Joshua I give way seen too legion(predicate) people set forrard to serve divinity and alto passher come back with a negative report in flavour of what He jakes do. I have watched families that once believed idol turn from the manner and live a life of defeat.  I have standardisedwise seen how God can be for us, and if well just take Him at His word then(prenominal) the success can be ours.  As I studied out the life of Joshua I was so locomote by the fact that it was non only his faith, exclusively his willingness to not turn back.  His heart was learnd, and he even ch totall(a)yenged those close to him to be held accountable. So I also ask myself numerous times, what other(a) options do we have in life as a beli constantly, to turn back to the life we had before we were innate(p) again only to go on living in bondage, a buckle devour to the world, unhappy in all raft? No, I like Joshua have seen the greatness of God in action, to tear down the biggest obstacles of life and take care of the battle. The hardest subject for me was not  of necessity the step of faith; it was the putting of God first for many years. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
 My Ais have turned to Jerichos all because of our tremendous God who utter Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Joshua 1:9.  After I had learned to stand God to have first priority in l ife no intimacy the circumstance, or how fo! olish I sentiment the direction He was taking me to go did I perpetually find quiescence and victory. Oh to God that we would follow after His ways, settle in our black Maria to make a decision for Him and then go all the way.  This has challenged me to live the life of faith and courage all the way, not looking back but ever going fore that I may have the victory in all things through Christ! We may never know how our life of obedience to Him in even the simplest of things affects others. Remember, God is...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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