Sunday, February 23, 2020
From Buddha to his pupils Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
From Buddha to his pupils - Essay Example I want you to be aware of the difference between being Buddhist and Buddhic. First of all, Buddhism is a philosophy, not a theology. In Jesus Christ you can find a theology, but in me you can find a philosophy than can be integrated into Christianism. To be Buddhist means to be a follower of Buddha.To be Buddhic means to be a little Buddha in miniature himself or herself. To be Christian means to be a follower of Christ. To be Christic means to be a little Christ in miniature. You have to know these distinctions. Buddhism is a path to stop suffering, but Christianism is a path to adore and worship God. You have to know how to integrate Buddhism and Christianism into one simple way of life. First you have to be Buddhist, then you have to be Christian. Then you have to be Buddhic, then you have to Christic. At the end you will be Buddhic-Christic. You will be a little Buddha-Christ in miniature. You will see that reincarnation is an evolutionary step to resurrection. You will see that reintegration with God or the Highest Being is in fact Universal Salvation. Follow the Four Noble Truths and read carefully the Bible. Integrating Buddhism as a philosophy and Christianism as a theology will guide you through the right path. The Four Noble Truths will guide to Christ. Christ will guide you to the Universal Father according to the Book of Urantia. You have to be eclectic at all times. You have to keep your minds open to knowledge. Not to Gnosis, but to Epi-Gnosis according to John 17:3. Gnosis is knowledge, but Epi-Gnosis is Correct Knowledge. You will stop suffering when you kill your egoistic impulses of desire. The solution is to integrate Buddha and Christ into one body of Epi-Gnosis. Don't be afraid. You will see the light when you become Universalists. Satori will be accomplish at any time. You will live in a perpetual Nirvana that will lead you to Mahanirvana. Don't be afraid to study the Bible. But don't distort God. God is unconditional love and omnipotence, so Universal Salvation makes sense. Don't follow the Calvinist ideas. Don't follow the Arminian ideas. The Calvinists state that God can give salvation to all the Humankind, but that God doesn't want to. So they rely on the wrong concept of Election. Arminians state the opposite. They assert that God wants to give salvation to all human beings, but that God can't due to the free will of them. That's a wrong concept of free will. There is no free will; there is only free agency. Universalists hold the correct vision of God. They teach that God wants to give salvation to all human beings, and that God can give salvation to all of Humankind. This is the correct worldview. My Four Noble Truths will guide you to knowing Christ in an intimate way. You won't be Christians; you will be Buddhic-Christics. That is the correct path. That is the true reconciliation between Man and God. Kill suffering at its root. Don't distort the true idea of a loving God. Before I didn't want to deal with the concept of God, because you were not ready. Now you are ready for the Fifth Noble Truth. Buddha and Christ work together for the salvation of all Humankind. That is the Fifth Nobel Truth. Be Buddhic; don't be Buddhists. Be Christic; don't be Christians. That is the right path for achieving Nirvana and Mahanirvana. Satori will come up at any magic instant. Firstly, you have to be aware of your sinful condition; secondly, you have to be awakened through satori; thirdly, you have to be illuminated through the light of integration between Buddha and Christ. This is the Fifth Noble T
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Controversial Research Essay Topics - Important Considerations When Writing Research Essays
Controversial Research Essay Topics - Important Considerations When Writing Research EssaysThere are many controversial research essay topics to choose from. It is important to choose subjects that will truly challenge the reader. You must know how to make sure that you are able to get the most out of your topic. Not every topic will appeal to everyone.Many students think that writing controversial research essay topics is too easy. They think that they just need to make sure that they take their audience through a story or into a fictional world. In reality, controversial research essay topics have the potential to be able to captivate the minds of your audience.The key to making any research essay topics interesting is to bring in a little bit of the real world into the essay. If you use a real situation, the reader will connect to the situation that you are going through. You will find that your audience becomes more interested in what you are writing about and what you are doing. If you are concerned that your research essay topics might be too controversial, you can change them. This will allow you to become less obvious. It may also help to set a tone for the topic. Think about how you would go about writing your essay.Your tone should reflect who you are and how you feel about the topic. Be sure that you do not sound condescending or if you find yourself being patronizing. By making the reader think about things and hearing about the issues, you will come across as someone who has knowledge of the issue.Your tone should match the way that you think. The questions that you ask the reader should always be thought out and factual. If you use incorrect information, you will lose the reader's interest.Controversial research essay topics can prove to be very rewarding. When you have written an essay that has struck a chord with the reader, you will find that it will be much easier to convince people that you know what you are talking about. You will have a much easier time convincing the readers that you are a well rounded person.
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Chicago Jazz and the Great Migration Term Paper
Chicago Jazz and the Great Migration - Term Paper Example It goes without a word that history on the record can never disappear whatsoever especially the one that cling on the mind. In this respect, jazz and the great migration are histories that people still relish and cherish. They form tremendous memories to people, particularly, of Chicago. In the 20th century, blacks began to move from southern cities to the North in search of decent living. The movement was facilitated by availability of train that provided easy access to the famous Chicago, as well as other northern cities. The mass movement came about after the World War I started in Europe and no foreign workers could immigrate to America. Therefore, many blacks migrated to Chicago and other cities located in the North. It is the most influential newspaper of the black called the Chicago Defender that encouraged this great migration. Thus, through the newspaper blacks thought that the North could be the land of freedom for them. In fact, some blacks would refer it as ‘the pro mised Land. They had suffered a lot in the course of slavery and had a high quest for liberty (Grossman, James R.79). It is through this mass movement that jazz musicians found their way to the North. The jazz musicians came to northern of Chicago on Mississippi riverboats. It was after the closure of New Orleans in Storyville district, in the year 1917. The jazz migration formed a portion of the mass movement experienced in Chicago. From Mississippi river, jazz entered Chicago through the Illinois Central Railroad over the 12th street station. The Railroad is situated 200 miles from Mississippi river in the eastern direction where the riverboats had docked. The mass movement was called The Great Migration. The migration was mainly composed of African Americans that moved from south to north of Chicago. The immigrants came to Chicago for the same whys and wherefores that other people in the world migrated to other
Sample Measurable Goals for Student Essay Writing - the Conspiracy
Sample Measurable Goals for Student Essay Writing - the Conspiracy In addition, focusing on the end game enables you to find a more powerful grasp on what skills you will need to come up with or refine as a way to make that goal a reality. My objective is to learn the abilities and take the initiative to be successful. If you would like to turn into successful in your life concerning the achievement of your own personal goals you must make certain that no such problem arise in your case. The latter portion of your career goals statement should outline the steps that you'll take to do that objective. Sample Measurable Goals for Student Essay Writing - Is it a Scam? Setting an objective is a huge beginning, but setting a finish line for yourself means nothing in case you don't understand what you'll do in order to cross it. I would like to learn self-discipline. So with all the above guidance in mind, let's look at a couple of different career goals statement examples that i t is possible to use as inspiration for writing your own. You feel far more inspired to get to work when you truly have a crystal clear idea about what you're working toward. When you start creating a class, you wish to design with the end in mind. Writing by hand might not permit your kid to express himself at precisely the same level at which he thinks. A Secret Weapon for Sample Measurable Goals for Student Essay Writing Returning to school to finish my degree will probably prove to be among the most important decisions of my life. Career goal is something which everyone ought to be setting no matter what career everybody is choosing. It's possible to observe that a few students desire a bit of work on choosing ONE goal. Education is occasionally occurring below the direction of educators. The Secret to Sample Measurable Goals for Student Essay Writing Course goals or learning outcomes are a wide statement of what the students will be in a position to do when they've c ompleted the training course. Thus, you are going to want to think about all the vital skills when creating IEP goals for written expression for your boy or girl. After learning how to compose great IEP goals for written expression below, you may use the examples below to create fantastic goals for your son or daughter, especially if he's got dysgraphia or dyslexia. Typically, these learning outcomes connected to the overall aims of the curriculum for any particular discipline. Sample Measurable Goals for Student Essay Writing - Dead or Alive? For instance, if the target is to launch a new products, it must be something which's in alignment with the general business objectives. Sometimes that end point or due date is the true end of the endeavor, or on occasion the end point of a single task is the start point of another one. Sometimes, criteria are written in a way that is not possible to measure and to collect data on. Stating criteria in a fair manner insures that we're o btaining a real picture of the youngster's performance. Supplying a target date for deliverables is crucial. It can help you to comprehend the requirements which are necessary for gaining the success for your own personal aim. An individual must then develop a plan on how to reach the set goals because goals with no plans are just fantasies. You can't achieve such aid in your assignment that's too always before deadline. Usually, when folks set fitness goals they wind up stopping since they don't have plenty of time or they quit since they get lazy. Students used the base of the sheet to compose a second, personal aim. This means you ought to say what you wish to achieve clearly and concisely, you ought to have a unit of measure for your goals hence they ought to be objective as opposed to subjective, needs to be realistic, ought to be written in an active rather than a passive voice, an individual should concentrate on end results and at least one should decide on a deadlin e to attain the stated goals. Start by utilizing simple words. To reach a goal, one has to plan on how best to make this happen. When an objective is specific and measurable, it's more inclined to be achieved. Someone might request that you compose a SMARTER Goal. Always be certain that you've got a personal goal and plans to reach that objective. Goals and aims are inclined to be vague and concentrate on the longer-term. Here we have a few really clever Business Smart Goals Example which you'll be able to implement to accelerate your company objectives. This Financial Smart Goals Example here will help you do not just define your financial smart targets, but it is going to also show you the best way to fix them. It depends on the background of somebody together with his upbringing that which kinds of goals he has in the life. During its simplest level the procedure for setting goals and targets enables you to choose intelligently between many available alternatives. A SMART objective will probably happen because it's an event that's achievable. For instance, if your learning objective has the action verb identify, then you don't wish to get an assessment that's above that degree of learning, including analyzing the topic. Finding the Best Sample Measurable Goals for Student Essay Writing Time Management It is very impo rtant to continue to keep goals attainable and specific, so you may satisfy your objectives and have a feeling of triumph. If so, one needs to write up new objectives and aim to achieve them. S.M.A.R.T. goals are made to give structure and guidance throughout a project, and better identify what you need to achieve. In the majority of situations, targets and objectives have to be tied to state standards. The Benefits of Sample Measurable Goals for Student Essay Writing When it has to do with writing S.M.A.R.T. goals, be ready to ask yourself and other team members a great deal of questions. Maintaining skilled success is important in the present work place. Whether you had a lousy day or merely will need to get encouraged your career is all about a whole lot more than churning through your day-to-day to-do list, your career goals statement will allow you to step back and find the perspective that's so simple to drop sight of in your daily life. Person-centered planning stipul ates a tool for helping the loved ones and the person to have a long-term vision for her or his life.
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
The Bad Secret of Nonfiction Essay Writing
The Bad Secret of Nonfiction Essay Writing Nonfiction Essay Writing: the Ultimate Convenience! For example, if you're reading a touching story, it may leave a substantial influence on your whole mindset in the practice of writing. Always keep in mind that the crucial element to have a superior writing is to realize the topic. It is simply not possible without reading. Persuasive writing is an effort to convince readers to agree with a point of view or maybe to make a determination or stick to a plan of action. New Questions About Nonfiction Essay Writing Definitely, trying to compose an essay all on your own will leave you with no opportunity to concentrate on other things. So if you adore a story you're starting out at a fantastic spot. Your story has to be true, but how you tell it's your opportunity to acquire creative. Instead, you might be telling a couple of stories at the exact same moment. Choosing Nonfiction Essay Writing Is Simple Essentially, it is a meditatio n on the ways each generation feels that it's special. Get quality reasonable assistance from an on-line paper composing organization you are able to confide in, for instance, What's more, besides the countless papers on unique subjects, you may have a number of other responsibilities which require significant attention. There are particular common factors that point to the caliber and value of the essays. What Everybody Dislikes About Nonfiction Essay Writing and Why A fundamental section of an essay is responding to realitythat gets possible when you have anecdotes or stats from some other men and women. It tries to make a point in an interesting way. It tries to make a point. To make it simpler for you to compose a crucial analysis essay, we've got a very helpful analysis writing template that will lead you through the most vital points. Additionally, each paragraph should be associated with the principal idea of the essay (or whatever it's that you're writing). Becoming specific and detailed can emphasize the subject of the essay, along with, introduce the argument. You've got to understand which type of an article you're going to work with, which means you can think of a suitable tone and format of your upcoming essay. So far as essay structure goes, a 4 or 5 paragraph essay based on the number of points you are going to want to argue is a superb start. The Upside to Nonfiction Essay Writing Then you can concentrate on other facets of grammar and continue to increase your nonfiction writing skill. It's sometimes simpler to begin with the pieces of the book that you have most fully formed in your thoughts, even if this means you've got to begin with a chapter in the center of the book. When you finish your research notes you can begin writing with confidence that you have all of the pieces you should create an excellent essay. More essay help Each teacher is somewhat different inside her requirements. Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Nonfiction Essay Writing Therefore, if you learn how to think, through writing, then you'll develop a well-organized, efficient mind and one which is well-founded and certain. Technically, there's a crystal clear distinction between both styles of writing. So when you're writing an essay, you're harnessing the complete might of culture to your life. Thus, it's important to spot your audience and the suitable manner of writing to use by keeping in mind what it is that you are writing and to whom. In order to make certain that your writing is professional, you have to use a simple language that all English speakers will understand. Later, when you get the simple essay format down pat, your topic sentence won't necessarily will need to be the very first sentence. It is possible to write about anything, provided that it's within the term count and fiction. You're able to write about any subject you would like to explore, so long as it's within the term count and nonfiction. Essay writing doesn't have to be hard. Now it's time to compose your essay. After students learn the fundamentals of poetry, they might be ready to learn the lyric essay. The text will surely bleed into the total mood of your essay writing. To say an essay is nonfiction doesn't signify that each and every word of an essay has to be literally correct. Your mistakes are hard to spot while your essays continue to be fresh. If you wish to get a finished paper at an affordable price, you're in the area you demand! Any time that you're handling a complicated story with several elements, thinking of it as a braid might help you sort it out. If you would like to compose a part of fiction, imagine someone who's the complete opposite of how you see yourself, and put him or her in that identical chair. It will be not the exact same as reading the entire piece, we both understand that. A memoir about a typical person's very first year of college isn't especially intriguing. In order to spot and avoid subjectivity a teacher ought to be able to clearly recognize the problem area in the classroom too in your self. Please provide a particular case of how yo u'll mediate your subjectivity by means of your job for a teacher. Explain how you'll mediate your own subjectivity by means of your position for a teacher. If you are not sure of the appropriate usage, look up the word in an on-line dictionary. Moreover, informal spelling is often tricky to decipher. Use verbs when possible rather than the noun forms of verbs, referred to as nominalizations. If you're writing a background synthesis, in some instances it could be appropriate that you offer you an interpretation of the material or have a position (thesis).
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