Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Do You Love Me Essays (87 words) - Frank Sinatra Discography
Do You Love Me Do you love me? Or do you not You told me once But I forgot So tell me now And tell me true So I can say "I Love You Too!" If I die before you do I'll go to heaven And wait for you If you are not there by Judgement Day I'll know you went the other way I'll give the angels back there wings And risk the lost of everything Just to prove my love is true I'll go to Hell to be with you!
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Term Paper 15 Pages
Term Paper 15 Pages Term Paper 15 Pages Term Paper 15 Pages is a legal site offering help with term paper writing. Firstly, our free term paper writing blog consists of numerous term paper samples. Secondly, our professional writers are always online to write a custom term paper for you from scratch. Below is an excellent sample of term paper on abortion. Term Paper Sample Abortion is still prohibited except for medical emergencies in nearly two-thirds of the world, including the Western hemisphere, most of southern and western Europe, Africa and most of Asia. The exceptions are Britain and Scandinavia, which comprise 2 percent of the world's population, and Japan, China and most countries of eastern Europe, accounting for the remaining third of the world's population. Denmark and Sweden liberalized their laws in the 1930's and Britain enacted a liberal law in 1967 which has made it one of the freest countries anywhere in the world for abortions. Britain allows an abortion on the certification of two physicians stating that pregnancy will cause risk to life or the physical or mental health of the pregnant woman, even if the risk is slight. It is also permitted if the birth would imperil the physical or mental health of the woman's existing children, or if there is a risk that the child will be born defective. This law has become, in effect, abortion on demand. The United States is one of the countries in which abortion, as of 1971, is still restricted. In 32 states it is prohibited except in order to save the life of the mother. In Mississippi it is allowed also in cases of rape. The remaining 17 states and the District of Columbia are more permissive. (Every year more states join those who have passed liberalized laws.) As of early 1971, there were 17 states which had passed some form of abortion law based on the model code suggested by the American Law Institute. This code recommended in 1962 that abortion be permitted under the following circumstances: if the mother's physical or mental health will be impaired; if the child will be born with serious mental or physical defects; or if the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest. States that have adopted this legislation are: Arkansas, California, Colorado (the first to do so in 1967), Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Maryland, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, Vir ginia, Washington, Alaska, Hawaii and New York. The last three states have gone beyond the suggested code allowing abortion for all reasons. The New York abortion-on-demand law passed in April 1970 is the most liberal with virtually no restrictions other than that the abortion must be performed by a licensed physician within the first 24 weeks of pregnancy. In Hawaii and Alaska there are residency requirements and the abortion must be performed in a hospital. Term Paper Help Online If you want to get a custom term paper written from scratch, you should order custom term paper writing service at our site. Our term paper writers are responsible while our term paper writing services are affordable for all students!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
American and Soviet Policies towards Arab-Israeli Conflict and the Essay
American and Soviet Policies towards Arab-Israeli Conflict and the Cold War - Essay Example The Second World War ended in the European theater on May 8, 1945. And the Cold War began on that day. The cold war had many dimensions; one was ideological, another was political, a third one was economic, and to all these we may also add the rivalry between America and Russia as to who would ‘rule’ the world. With an uncanny political insight Alexis de Tocqueville had predicted as early as 1835 that â€Å"There are now two great nations in the world, which starting from different points, seem to be advancing toward the same goal: the Russians and the Anglo-Americans. . . Each seems called by some secret design of Providence one day to hold in its hands the destinies of half the world†. It would appear; therefore, that history has destined these two nations to be at each other until a final and decisive victory is achieved by one over the other. But that time has not yet arrived, even though the cold war was declared to have been ended on December 3, 1989 at the conclusion of the Malta summit between George Bush Sr. and Mikhail Gorbachev. The ‘political Vacuum’ With the withdrawal of the colonial powers, Britain and France, from the Middle East after WW II, there was a virtual political vacuum in the region. By 1948 Soviet Union had consolidated its hegemony over Eastern Europe. The ‘Truman doctrine’ put a rein to its further ‘expansion’ into Greece or Turkey. But along with consolidating its domination over the East European nations, Soviet Union was busy trying to build and expand its influence among the ‘Islamic’ nations to its south.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The strategies( taxation) used to reduce tobacco related harms Essay
The strategies( taxation) used to reduce tobacco related harms - Essay Example The rationale for increased taxation of tobacco products is that higher taxes will translate into high prices for tobacco products. Proponents of this strategy opine that when tobacco products have higher prices, the demand is likely to decrease. Many countries have implemented this strategy as one of the efforts of addressing increase tobacco consumption (Cowie, Glover, & Gentles, 2014). Worth noting is the fact that tobacco consumption contributes to a remarkable percentage of deaths. For this reason, it is important to evaluate the efficiency of the taxation strategy for reducing tobacco consumption. This paper will evaluate the efficiency of the taxation strategies on tobacco consumption, relying on evidence-based research. There is evidence that taxation strategies do not contribute to a significant reduction of tobacco smoking, as this paper will highlight. As highlighted above, the rationale for increasing taxation on tobacco products is based on the fact that tobacco consumption is proving to be one of the most critical public health threats in the twenty-first century. According to future projections, the globe will register 1.6 billion smokers if effective strategies for reducing smoking are not implemented. Many countries have recognized the tobacco epidemic and are putting in measures in an effort to reduce the prevalence of tobacco consumption (Gigliotti, Figueiredo, Madruga, Marques, Pinsky, Caetano, & Laranjeira, 2014). As mentioned previously, increasing tobacco taxes is viewed as one of the best strategies that can register positive results in reducing the prevalence of tobacco consumption. The World Bank has supported the initiative of introducing increased taxes on tobacco products. Proponents of this strategy believe that it can register positive outcomes in various populations. Governments that have implemented this stra tegy also achieve associated revenue goals through
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Is There Such a Thing as Ethical Hacking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Is There Such a Thing as Ethical Hacking - Essay Example This sudden increase in popularity made authorities restrict its usage; this made programmers use different ways to get into different systems by stealing passkeys, by looking for vulnerabilities in the protected systems and exploiting them to access programs that they want to use and to alter the restrictions levied by the authority (COFFIN, 2003). Initially these intrusions were con ducted for small purposes such as for fun and to steal computer time, but as restrictions increased, the degree of harm done by these break-ins became adverse. For example: due to these break-ins, computer system owners had to get their computers repaired in certain instances and they even experienced major losses. The destructions conducted by intruders, were soon caught by the eyes of media and media reported these destructions while referring computer criminals as hackers and presenting them as people who intrude computer systems to gain enjoyment, benefits and revenge. During the early days of hacki ng, the term hacker was referred to as a person who has great skills, so different terminologies were invented to differentiate between hackers who use this skill to conduct destructive activities and those who don’t commit too much damage. Discussion As internet became a portion of the human world, concerns for security for computer systems have increased for organizations and government. Increase in concern for security has been of top most issue because these business and governments want to conduct business activities such as managing, marketing and financing through the use of computer technology and they have a fear of being hacked. While on the other end customers have a fear that their personal information and information that can cause huge damage can be caused due to vulnerabilities in security system. One way to solve this issue figured out by authorities was to make independent hackers break into these systems and analyze the degree of vulnerability and security r isk faced by these systems. In such cases, hacking is considered as auditing firm’s records to find out what the problem is and people who conduct this kind of hacking are recognized as ethical hackers and the task they perform is referred to as ethical hackers. They are referred to as â€Å"ethical†hackers because they are conducting this task with the consent of the organizations, they are conducting these tasks for the right reasons which are to find vulnerabilities in the system and provide solutions and protective measures to make the systems safe. This system of Ethical hacking is being used for years, for example: this method was once utilized by the air force of United States of America to identify any possible weaknesses and vulnerabilities in the system regarded as Multics (Ethical 2001). The end result of this exercise determined that Multics was one of the best systems and was better than other systems; still it had certain degree of weaknesses and vulnera bilities. These vulnerabilities were identified in the hardware, software and processes of the system, and these vulnerabilities could be exploited very easily. The efforts made by the ethical hackers helped identify the sources and the secrets that could have been easily obtained by unethical
Friday, November 15, 2019
Smoking Rates and Cessation Strategies in Hong Kong
Smoking Rates and Cessation Strategies in Hong Kong The investigation about the knowledge on the risk treatment of smoking among IVE student Group member: Au Wai Mei Au YikHin Chan Ching Yu Chan Cho Ping Chan Chui Po Chan Chun Sing Chan Hiu Yee Fibby This literature can help us to clarify our project for investigate about knowledge of smoking among teenagers in IVE. Nowadays, smoking is common. Although the prevalence of smoking is decreased in recent years in HK, there is still lot of people especially teenagers smoking around us. Therefore, face this problem to reduce the rate of smoke. Prevalence of smoking in HK among teenager There were 707,900 current smokers at the time of enumeration, accounting for 11.8% of all persons aged 15 and over in Hong Kong. Of those 707 900 current smokers, 648 800 were daily smokers and 59 100 were non-daily smokers. In addition, there were 347 800ex-daily smokers who previously had a daily smoking habit, representing 5.8% of all persons aged 15 and over.Of the 645 000 daily cigarette smoker, analyzed by age group, 65.7% were aged 40 and over; 22.2% were aged 30 39; 10.7% were aged 20 29 and 1.3% were aged15 – 19((see Census and Statistics Department Hong Kong Special Administrative Region) Moreover, the daily cigarette smokers by age and daily consumption of cigarettes which is the 84.9à ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã¢â‚¬ ¦of the daily cigarette smokers consumed 1 10 cigarettes in a day in 15-19 of age group. Meanwhile, over 15à ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ of the daily cigarette smokers consumed more than 10 cigarettes in a day of it group. So that, we know that the prevalence and the times of smoking per day(see ASH) On the other hand,our one of objectiveis to know the reason why of smoking among teens. We searched some literatures which show the most of reason is peer influence. The other one is out of curiosity because teenagers want to try something. Other commonly cited reasons included â€Å"influence of family members, necessity in social functionsandrefreshing one’s mindetc(see Why you smoke by Gloria Meyer). Therefore, this literature can help us to do some project for investigate about knowledge of smoking among teenagers in IVE. Risk factor Passive smoking Nowadays, a lot of people have smoking habit in Hong Kong. Therefore, it will make people always exposure passive smoking via their parent, friends or outdoor environment. A recent study stated that there are about 600,000 people death of second-hand smoking and 21,400 people was got lung cancer in 2004. [seeMattias O., 2011.] It can see that passive smoking is affected our health or even will die. Compare with other study, it stated that people exposed passive smoking before age 25 that will have higher lung cancer risk than after age 25 years. [seeKofi A.,2008] It can see that people who younger than age 25 will be higher risk to get lung cancer when exposing passive smoking. On the other hand, ischemic heart disease also is a higher risk in passive smoking, there are about 379,000 people death of this disease. [seeMattias O., 2011.] In addition, one of study stated that passive smoking is associated with a small increase in the risk of coronary heart disease. [seeJIANG HE.,1999] However, this study was done a new investigation in 2005, it stated that passive smoking is rapidly affect cardiovascular system and the effect is nearly as large as smoking .[see Joaquin B.,2005.] It can see that heart disease will become a serious problem about the risk of passive smoking. Cardiovascular disease Some people may think tobacco is a great invention and there are nearly one billion people smoking in the earth. However, Tobacco contains more than 7000 chemicals and many of them are toxic.(See Benjamin, R. B.,2010) World Health Organization asserted that â€Å"Tobacco kills nearly 6 million people each year†. (seeTobacco, n.d.) According to the article, the main disease caused by tobacco is cancer. In America, there are near 6.5 million of people deaths caused by Smoking-related cancers since 1965 to 2014.(see Koh,H.K.,2014) Tobacco smoking can cause cancer everywhere in the body and both men and women, such as kidney, liver, bladder, trachea cancer. Lung cancer is easy to find in the smokers and nearly 9 of 10 lung cancer cause by smoking. (seeLushniak, B. L. 2014). A study has found that smoking can increase the risk factors of myocardial infarction, stroke, sudden cardiac death, peripheral vascular disease and aortic aneurysm. (seeBullen, C. B. 2008). Although the tobacco can change the blood chemical and damage the cardio system, most of the patient can repaired the damage of cardio system after they have smoking cessation. 3. Respiratory diseases Respiratory diseases of smoking can be divided into Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis.Smoking during pregnancy is strongly related to fetal growth impairment, reduced lung function at birth and subsequent development of asthma. In conclusion, both ETS and personal smoking were significantly related to asthma and wheeze in teenagers. (seeHedman al,2011) The development of asthma-like symptoms during a 6-year period was associated with three independent risk factors: hyperresponsiveness to methacholine, atopy, and smoking. Smoking behavior was related to airway lability, but not to atopy. (seeRasmussenet al,2000) Cigarette smoke in there more than 4000 kinds of chemical ingredients, including: nicotine, tar, a large number of toxic substances. Female smokers suffering from asthma was significantly greater than men. ( Rasmussenet al,2000) Smoking can irritate the trachea, narrowing the airway, making asthma symptoms worse. Cigarette smoke inhalation after airway, not only produces airway per manent contraction, so that they are narrow and can affect expectoration function. (see Gallagher al,2014) Prieto et al findings are in line with previous studies that demonstrated an increased responsiveness to methacholine and adenosine 5-monophosphate(AMP) in a proportion of nonsmokers with allergic rhinitis. Furthermore, smokers with allergic rhinitis have a higher prevalence of airway hyperresponsiveness to methacholine, confirms the observations of the study of Buczko and Zamel.(see Prieto et al, 2003) Among children and adolescents, significant associations between both active and passive smoking and allergic rhinitis and allergic dermatitis, and passive smoking was associated with an increased risk for food allergy.(see Saulyte et al, 2014) Treatment Medication Medication therapy is an effective smoking cessation method. There are severalways to help smokers quit smoking. Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) is the most widely used. These medications that contain nicotine are called Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT). NRT delivers nicotine to the body without the dangerous chemicals found in cigarettes. NRT is available at the pharmacy without a prescription as a nicotine inhaler (Nicorette ® Inhaler), nicotine lozenge (Nicorette ®, Thrive ®), nicotine patch (Nicoderm ®) and nicotine gum (Nicorette ®). Nicotine lozenges Nicotine lozenges are absorbed through the cheeks. When the smoker has a cigarette craving, they can use the lozenges which come in different strengths and flavours. The smoker and the health care provider can decide what strength to start with based on the smoker withdrawal symptoms. Nicotine inhaler Nicotine inhaler replaces the nicotine the smoker will get in cigarettes and other tobacco products. This inhaler is a plastic mouthpiece that the smoker puffs on. Then, put a cartridge that contains nicotine into the mouthpiece and puff. In this treatment, the nicotine is absorbed through the cheeks and the back of the throat. It does not go into the lungs. When the smoker has a cigarette craving, it can use the inhaler. Nicotine gum Nicotine gum is using for quitting smoke. Nicotine gum needs for use more than 30 minutes. When you have a craving for tobacco dependency, you can use nicotine gum for replace cigarette. Using nicotine products can prevent unpleasant craving and withdrawal symptoms. So you can quit smoke step by step. Also there have some disadvantage of nicotine gum. Nicotine gum is not suitable for wear dentures and someone doesnot like the taste of the gum. Non-medication This part is considered with the aspect of behavior. According to the research article aboutNatural history of attempts to stop smoking that shown Cessation is a more chronic, complex, and dynamic process.(see Hughes.,2014) Base on this, we are consider with what type of self-behavior should be efficacy with smoke cessation. Then, the exercise plus contingency management had been decreased craving but it did not affect smoking behavior.(see Kurti.,2014) and self-efficacy has been representing an importance source of therapeutic change in smoking cessation counseling.(see Schuck.,2014) The above treatment are not the popular treatment of the smoke cessation. An intensive training program for behavioral health professionals increased tobacco treatment and patient quit attempts.(See Williams.,2014) Through combine with self-behavior and prescribing can increase the effect. The special point of this research is needed to hire a professional to provide training to smoker. But the medications are not use. In addition, the research present that the workplace are the related issue for the smoke cessation. The workplace has potential as a setting through which large groups of people can be reached to encourage smoking cessation.(see Cahil.2013) there is the area to encourage the smoker cessation. It is likely to smoking free area that can control the smoker no smoke in this area. Conclusion Smoking is common social issue in Hong Kong and there is lots of knowledge about smoking. For the risk of smoking and passive smoking both would affect respiratory and cardiovascular system in the body. Also, it is necessary that to encourage people to quit smoking. And there are lots of cessation ways to help people quit smoking. It includes medication and non-medication aspects. The important thing is the smoker should discuss the plans to quit smoking with the health care provider and pharmacist to assess the smoker health suitable use the treatment. References: Allen, H. (2012). Nicotine products. EMIS. Retrieved Oct 10, 2014, from ASH. (2014). Smoking statistics who smokes and how much. Action on smoking and health, 1-4. Retrieved Oct 7, 2014, from Asomaning, K., Miller, D. P., Liu, G., Wain, J. C., Lynch, T. J., Su, L., Christiani, D. C. (2008). 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Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Personal Framework Essay
In spite of the variety of approaches and therapeutic paradigms, available to professional psychologists and counselors, they often tend to prioritize one or two frameworks as â€Å"personal†ones. The present paper discusses the case of 67-year-old widow, suffering from grief and struggling with the challenges of solitude. For instance, if the professional, responsible for administering and planning therapies relies mainly on psychodynamic psychotherapy, is likely to focus on the woman’s unconscious motivations and attitudes. The recently widowed woman will attend sessions once or twice a week in case she is relatively stable emotionally and discuss her dreams, spontaneous thoughts and cognitions. Given that psychodynamic approach is based heavily upon Freudian personality structure, the specialist is more likely to focus on the woman’s relationship with her husband so that she can resolve the inner conflict and eliminate her survivor’s guilt (Boylan, Mally & Reilly, 2001, p. 68). Psychodynamic therapist will also discuss the woman’s early years in order to find out the actual destructive patterns in her attitudes and behavior and gradually remove them by explaining and elucidating the causes of her current state. If the woman suffers from acute and pervasive emotional states, the follower of schema therapy will search for the negative maladaptive pattern, which creates obstructions to accepting the loss of the spouse (Young, Klosko & Weishaar, 2003, p. 11). Schemas are â€Å"comprised of memories, emotions, cognitions, and bodily sensations regarding oneself and one’s relationships with others and are developed during childhood or adolescence†(Young, Klosko & Weishaar, 2003, p. 7). After learning the patient’s history, the therapist is likely to find a pattern of strong fear of loneliness or a similar destructive schema. Taking into consideration the woman’s temperament, the specialist will restructure this fear by teaching self-sufficiency and focusing her attention on the positive psychoemotional and sensational patterns, associated with the content with life (e. . pleasure of breathing fresh air, eating, playing with grandchildren and so forth). The follower of solution-focused perspective is likely to begin with the so-called miracle question in order to determine the aspects of life (emotions, experiences) the woman lacks (Boylan, Mally & Reilly, 2001, p. 34). The woman will need to imagine her spouse h as returned and define the first signs of the miracle, her actions, intents and feelings. Furthermore, the counselor asks questions to identify the patient’s strengths, skills, talents and abilities and begins to encourage her by phrases like â€Å"I understand your hardships, but I am really amazed by the fact that you are act as an assertive person and manage to put all your decisions to practice†. Session by session, the specialist gradually orients the patient to using her strongest points and abilities like critical thinking, determination or proficiency in certain activities and areas. Cognitive behavioral therapist is likely to employ the ABC model of psychological change and establish the relationship between the activating event (the loss of the husband), wrongful and faulty beliefs and consequences (Boylan, Mally & Reilly, 2001, p. 38). For instance, the woman might believe she is helpless without her husband or that nobody needs her any longer as she has lost her spouse. Further, the therapist is likely to challenge her wrongful beliefs for the purpose of cognitive restructuring, so the patient will soon conclude that her life continues and act more constructively. This treatment approach implies a number of assignments including behavior change plans, emotions and cognition diaries, so the patient will also develop greater self-awareness and much better understand her thoughts, expectations, beliefs and intents. As one can conclude, although different treatment perspectives imply dissimilar methods of influence, they actually pursue similar goals, which necessarily include normalization of the person’s physical and spiritual well-being as well as social functioning.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Cook Chill
1. 0 INTRODUCTION Cook-chill and cook-freeze food productions are ways of producing foods that have been employed by many different organizations determining from the types of foods and services that the particular organization offers. These types of cooking methods work hand-in-hand with the kitchen designs. Kitchen design refers to the layout of kitchen equipment and positions of the working sections to produce foods that meet the needs of customers and thereby reaching the goals of the establishment. 2. 0 A KITCHENA kitchen is described as a building or a room in a building that has been specialized for cooking purposes only. Different establishments have their own types of kitchens with different designs that serve different purposes. Some kitchens are designed special for catering customers on transit such as Fast Food restaurants but some kitchens has to cater for a specific group of people using a specific type of service, thereby it has to have the right number of employees w ho will do the job and enough equipment to save time as well as energy. 3. 0 KITCHEN PLANSThere are different types of kitchen plans that have a specific purpose of operations. If a kitchen is designed for a particular way of production, it has also specific type of equipment available in that kitchen plan. There are different types of kitchen plan some of them are discussed below. 3. 1 Corridor kitchen A corridor type of kitchen, the appliances, cabinets and counter space are arranged on two facing walls. If the room is not too long, this can be an efficient kitchen. However, if both ends of the kitchen have doors, traffic through may create confusion. 3. 2 U-shaped kitchenThis type of kitchen is usually considered to be the best type of a kitchen which has the best work triangle because of its convenient arrangement and short walking space between appliances. It has a determined floor space and accommodates a determined number of workers. 3. 3 L-shaped kitchen This type of a kitch en creates an easy-to-use work triangle. If the kitchen space is large enough, an eating center can be included. This is the situation whereby customers serve themselves. 3. 4Center type of kitchen This type of kitchen is the most common type of kitchens that most establishments have employed.The working area is on the center as the name suggests but does not provide enough space. Figure 3. 4. 1 3. 5 Island type of kitchen All the necessary equipment in the kitchen is placed back to back in the middle of the working area. This type of setting requires an adequate space to allow an easy flow and enough space between the equipment for easy cleaning and to avoid creating dark areas that introduces insects. 4. 0 WORK CENTERS A work center is an area that focuses on a particular type of work activity such as preparation or cooking.Includes appliances and work space and that the necessary equipment is stored within for easy reach as depicted in figure 4. 0. Figure 4. 0. A chef preparing a meal from a working center. 4. 1 Refrigerator-freezer center * The refrigerator and the freezer have space next to them to use when loading or unloading foods. * A storage space is needed for items used to package food for refrigeration. * Storage space for items used when serving refrigerated or frozen foods. 4. 2 Range center(gas/ electric range) * Cabinet storage for foods used at this center. Storage space for pots, pans, cooking tools such as ladles, wooden spoons and pot handlers. 4. 3 Sink or cleanup center * Appliances such as dish washers and food waste disposers are found in these centers * Adequate space for stacking dishes 4. 4 Mixing center * Can be between two centers * Has several electrical outlets * Storage space for measuring, mixing and baking equipment and all the necessary ingredients 5. 0 TYPES OF KITCHEN ORGANISATIONS 5. 1 Conventional kitchen * They are suitable for small establishments They have fixed menus and banquets operating on rational basis * All dep artments are grouped together in blocks * Preparation and finishing are done in the same area 5. 2 Combined preparation and finishing kitchen * They are suitable for medium sized hotels or establishments * Preparation and finishing are done in the same section * In principle, preparation and finishing are totally or partially separated depending on the establishment 5. 3 Separate preparation and finishing kitchen( Satellite kitchen) * They are suitable for large establishments Preparation and finishing are done in separate sections; mis-en-place and the other one for finishing * Each section consists of one housing all the equipment for preparation of the dishes * Usually, they have no ranges, frying pans or steamed jacketed pots. Instead, they have grills, microwaves and Bain Marie. * 5. 4 Convenience food kitchen * a system of interest to the establishment that has no preparation kitchen but purchases only convenience foods * deals with the finishing of foods only and mostly canne d foods * require refrigerated and dry storage areasIn selection of these types of kitchen, consideration should be given * numbers of meals to prepared at each meal period * types of services * customer prices * system for serving meals * serving times for hot and cold meals 6. 0 FACTORS THAT DETERMINE THE DESIGN OF A KITCHEN 1. Service requirement: Management should be well aware of a food service objectives before planning its kitchen, type of menu and target numbers, etc usually determine the type of equipment to be in the kitchen 2. Space availability: One that maximizes space wage or that ensures efficient usage of space. 3.Amount of capital expenditure: Have an accurate idea of spending available since finances will often determine the overall design and acceptability. 4. Type of equipment available: Space provision for ventilation and power supply of the kitchen. 5. Use of convenience foods: Design of a fast food kitchen using ready-made foods will be different from that of a kitchen serving †¦. la carte menu. 7. 0 FOOD HYGIENE A number of factors may affect the quality and wholesomeness of food. * The premises, equipment and conditions in which it is stored * The care taken by food handlers to avoid contamination from other foods.Large scale handling of food by staff not trained or conscious of hygiene requirements is a major source of infection. In such circumstances, cross-contamination can easily occur. * Allocation of the kitchen * The number of people passing by the kitchen * Contact of cooked food with raw foods or utensils and surfaces contaminated by raw foods is likely to become infected * Segmentation of cooking sections may contaminate high risk foods such as cooked poultry and meat (pies, soups, stock) milk, creams, custards, shellfish, eggs, cooked rice and dairy products. 8. COOK-CHILL FOOD PRODUCTION Cook-chill, according to John Campbell,David Fasket and Victor Ceserani (2008), is a catering system based on the normal preparation and cooking of food followed by rapid chilling storage in controlled low-temperature conditions above freezing point, 0–3? , and subsequently reheating immediately before consumption. The chilled food is regenerated in finishing kitchens, which require low capital investment and minimum staff. Almost any food can be cook-chilled provided that the correct methods are used during the preparation. 8. 1 THE COOK-CHILL PROCESS The food should be cooked sufficiently to ensure destruction of any pathogenic microorganisms. The process must begin as soon as possible after completion of the cooking and portioning processes, within 30 minutes of leaving the cooker. * The food should be to 3? within a period of 90 minutes. Most pathogenic organisms will not grow below 7, while a temperature below 3? is required to reduce growth of spoilageand to achieve the required storage life. However, slow growth of spoilageorganisms does take place at these temperatures and for this reason storage l ife cannotbe greater than five days. The food should be stored at a temperature of 0–3? and should be distributed under such controlled conditions that any rise intemperature of the food during distribution is kept to a minimum. For both safety and palatability the reheating (regeneration) of the food should followimmediately upon the removal of the food from chilled conditions and should raise thetemperature to a level of at least 70?. The food should be consumed as soon as possible and not more than two hours afterreheating. Food not intended for reheating should be consumed as soon as convenientand within two hours of removal from storage.It is essential that unconsumed reheatedfood is discarded. 9. 0 COOK-FREEZE FOOD PRODUCTION This type of food production is similar with the cook-chill system of production. The only difference is temperature conditions that the foods are placed in. 10. 0 COOK-CHILL AND COOK-FREEZE FOOD PRODUCTION RELATING TO THE KITCHEN DESIGN A type of a kitchen determines what type of food production system to be employed. 1. A conventional type of kitchen produces fast foods therefore, it can adopt the cook-chill production system.It would be easy to reheat the foods in the microwave than to start preparing; beef stew takes long to prepare and for a fast food restaurant, time matters most. 2. L-shaped kitchen creates a large working area which also creates room for the cook-chill or cook-freeze equipment since the equipment is big and requires a larger space e. g the blast chillers and deep freezers as in figure 10. 0. Figure 3. 0. A chef preparing a meal using a Blast chiller. 3. A u-shaped kitchen, though considered to be the best, would not be the best type of kitchen for a cook-freeze type of production.The equipment might need one corner of the room which cannot be possible because the corners might be occupied with other equipment. 4. A corridor kitchen might also not be suitable for cook-chill systems because the equipmen t is placed in the sides of the kitchen which creates much space for an easy work flow but little storage and working areas. 11. 0 Conclusion Cook-chill and cook-freeze are food production methods that are commonly used nowadays to produce food in most of the hospitality establishments worldwide.The cook-chilling and cook-freezing areas in the kitchen are compatible parts of the kitchen plan and design, therefore, for these areas to exists in a kitchen it has to be planned at first when building the kitchen. BIBLIOGRAPHY Fellows, PJ(2000). Food Processing Technology: Principles And Practice 2nd ed. Woodhead: Cambridge Food Standards Agency(2002). The Composition Of Foods,6th ed. MacCance: Cambridge Kowtaluk, H. & Kopan, OA. (1990). Food For Today(4th ed). McGraw-Hill:New York
Friday, November 8, 2019
General Motors
General Motors Outsourcing is perhaps one of the most common terms in the HR organs of the companies of the twenty-first century. In its basic sense, outsourcing HR means employing the services of an external agency in the recruitment and selection of candidates on behalf of the internal HR department of an organization.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on General Motors Outsourcing HR specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Perhaps a global example is SEEK, an Australian based company that advertises, recruits and places staff on behalf of other companies. Even though General motors does not directly through its top management issue out human resource outsourcing contracts, its human resource department is keen to deploy this strategy to cut on the costs of the department. One would ask why large companies such as General Motors would contemplate outsourcing its human resource duties, yet it can afford to run such a department. Acc ording to Patriot HR (2004), this is why small organizations do the same: â€Å"cut on costs, increase productivity, and provide a higher level of service to employees†(Para. 1). Concurrently, IBM Global Process Services (2011) â€Å"Automate and streamline HR processes and put transactions employees fingertips†(Para. 3). Outsourcing may happen both to local companies and even in overseas. For instance, as Patriot HR sheds light, in 2004, â€Å"An HRO was handling benefits administration for 1.2 million General Motors employees, retirees, and dependents. General Motors Europe also outsourced human resources functions for personnel in 10 different countries†(2004, Para 1). By outsourcing staff recruitment responsibilities, HR department has many opportunities to focus more on other core strategic activities. People have voiced quite a lot of unscrupulous news across the world about outsourcing. Take for instance the scenario in which â€Å"Texas has put IBM o n notice where Indiana has sued IBM, which in turn has sued Indiana†(Global services 2011, Para.1). In the core of all these stalemates is the perception of outsourcing contracts going haywire. However, on the other hand, General Motors perhaps has a different story to tell about its human resource outsourcing all together. People Strong, a HR Company based in India, Seven Step, and ACS are perhaps some of the companies that offer recruitment services to General Motors.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Talent Management (2012) informs that â€Å"Seven Step, a provider of outsourced recruitment services, announced that General Motors (GM) has chosen it as GMs exclusive recruitment services partner to manage all salaried recruiting and hiring activities in its North American operations†(Para 1). On the other hand, according to HRO Today in 2009, ACS, â€Å"a premier provider of business process and information technology solutions, announced the commencement of services under a new human resources servicing contract with General Motors Corporation (GM) as the world’s largest vehicle manufacturer†(2009, Para 1). Under the terms of contract, ACS was to take up non-core HR chores, which was one of the strategies that GM adopted in an attempt to remain competitive by taking advantage of the ACS immense HR capabilities. Additionally, HRO Today reckons that the terms of contract permitted ACS to â€Å"provide comprehensive HR services for GM’s European entities in 10 countries, including Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom†(2009, Para 3). This move immensely satisfies Alexander Cheri, the GM European vice president. In support of the move, HRO Today records him commending that â€Å"We are extremely impressed by the level and range of services we will be receiving as part of this agreement with ACS†(2009, Para 8). In this end, it is somewhat evident that GM not only deploys HR outsourcing in the US, but also in every other place where it has established its global presence. With the HR outsourcing, General Motors leaps from the three-T: talent, technology and transformation, model (Stone 2003, p.14: Vosburgh 2003, p.19) of HR management in perhaps all its operational centers across the globe. Other corporations can also profile such excellence on the strategies already put in place by GM in the yet not so old global methodology of cost reduction: HR outsourcing. References Global Services., 2011. IT Outsourcing: market dynamics. Available at,-NC-Have-Sights-on-Outsourcing/22/28/9888/GS100730858617.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on General Motors Outsourcing HR specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More HRO Today., 2009. ACS Announces New Human Resources Servicing Contract with General Motors for European Operations. Available at IBM Global Process Services., 2011. Human Resource Outsourcing. Available at Patriot HR. 2004. Who is outsourcing. Available at Stone, A. 2003. The Intranet Boom. Philadelphia Business Journal, 3(2), pp.17-18. Talent Management., 2012. GM makes seven step excusive recruiting partner. Available at Vosburgh, R., 2003. The state of the human resources profession in 2003: An interview with Dave Ulrich. Human resource planning, 26(1), pp.18-22.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Natco NATCO INTRODUCTION NATCO is an acronym for the initialÂÆ' ¢Ã‚‚€‚™s National Confectionery Co. It is a very popular brand name in England, which tries to satisfy the needs of the Asian community it is often mistaken that NATCO is the name of the company; but this is not true. NATCO is only a brand name for an international trading company, a specialist in Indian foods, -T. Choitram Sons. T. Choitram sons is the largest chain of supermarkets in the U.A.E., a confectionery manufacturer, a wholesaler, a cash carry operator, and the manufacturer and packer of more than 250 products marketed and distributed in the UK under the NATCO brand.Some of the other brands of the company are Papa - lentil and spices, Leone - tea, Koto - medicated products, Family - tissues, NATCO - sweet and biscuits. NATCO was their first and is their main brand, and NATCO sells more than any other of their brands does.This is why we also have emphasized more on the NATCO brand in our report. NAT CO is called the lucky brand for the company, as they believe that this brand has led to them towards success.Topics, which will be discussed in the report, are the management structure, their company history, manufacturing process and facilities, inventory control, quality control, just in time and forecasting. The helpful staff of NATCO kindly provided this information.Historical Review T.Choitram although an Indian migrated to West Africa in 1942. At the age of 17, he began his enderpreneurial career by selling seeds fruits magazines. He was a man who was always motivated with the dream to be a very successful businessman. He saw his future in the food industry and so he began his own supermarket and named it after himself. As years passed by he gained tremendous...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Chemistry and Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Chemistry and Society - Essay Example In the ancient time, spiraea and willow bark plant extract of which the active ingredient was salicylic acid had been used to ease pain, headaches and fevers. In the year 1763, Edward Stone isolated the active element of aspirin when he discovered salicylic acid. Charles Frederic Gerhardt who was a French chemist prepared the first acetylsalicylic acid in the year 1853. During Charles Frederic Gerhardt's work, on the property and synthesis of different acid anhydrides, Charles Frederic mixed acetyl chloride with a sodium salt (Edubillacom, 2015). After a vigorous reaction, the resulting melt was then solidified, and the compound obtained was named salicylic-acetic anhydride.In the year 1859, von Gilm obtained acetylsalicylic acid through the reaction of acetyl chloride and salicylic acid (Watson, 2011). In the year 1897, Bayer AG chemists produced a version of synthetically altered salicin. The product was derived from Filipendula ulmaria species which had a less digestive upset as c ompared to the pure salicylic acid. Bayer AG named the new drug Aspirin (May & Cotton, 2014). By the year 1899, the drug was sold around the world (SchröR, 2009). The drug became popularly known due to its effectiveness in the first half of the 20th century. Synthetic fabrics are from synthetic polymers which are created using polymerization of different chemical inputs. Polymerization refers to the process of combining various smaller molecules to form larger molecules.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 9
Ethics - Essay Example In Michael Pollan’s essay, he protested against the ill treatment of animals when they are slaughtered for us to eat. He protested against suffering albeit it is not about human suffering but of animal suffering. Nevertheless, both protested against something, Martin Luther King, a legendary civil rights leader that helped end the discrimination against the Negro while Michael Pollan is a reputable animal rights activist known for his advocacy for animal rights and against artificial method of growing agriculture. In protesting against animal cruelty and suffering, Pollan used the rhetorical technique of personification and analogy to be able to reason in behalf of animals whose suffering he intends to mitigate if not end. Personification is a rhetorical technique of giving objects or animals human-like attribute and qualities. He also used analogy, which is a rhetorical technique used to compare and reason similar instances. These devices of using personification and analogy are necessary for Pollan to use for him to elevate his subject (which are animals) to the province of human beings so that he can effectively argue for them. Martin Luther King on the other hand used a different rhetorical technique due to the nature of his letter which was an open letter by nature (it was addressed to clergymen, plural) to be read by anyone of his constituents and not expecting for a formal reply because he was coming from jail and was addressed to a lot of people. Thu Martin Luther King used rhetorical question/remarks in his letter whereby he posed a lot of questions in his call to action for the Negro to continue to assert through non-violent means to end segregation, discrimination and injustice. Thus his letter was peppered with rhetorical questions and remarks which numbered more than 28. Some of these rhetorical questions read as such; "How can you advocate breaking some laws and obeying others?" Is not segregation an existential expression of man's tragic s eparation, his awful estrangement, his terrible sinfulness? Isn't this like condemning a robbed man because his possession of money precipitated the evil act of robbery? Isn't this like condemning Socrates because his unswerving commitment to truth and his philosophical inquiries precipitated the act by the misguided populace in which they made him drink hemlock? Isn't this like condemning Jesus because his unique God consciousness and never ceasing devotion to God's will precipitated the evil act of crucifixion? One many think that these rhetorical technique is inflammatory that borders to anger. But it has to be noted to put the letter in proper perspective that such letter is Martin Luther King’s call to action. In a way his way to vent his frustration over the inaction of the church and the Negroes but was not said in anger as he clarifies in the letter â€Å"In deep disappointment I have wept over the laxity of the church. There can be no deep disappointment where there in not deep love†. It is difficult to compare to the same level Pollan’s advocacy for animals with King’s civil rights movement. King was virtually upholding human dignity for the Negro to be treated as human beings while Pollan’s argument almost called for animals to be treated with relative dignity as he asserted for ending their suffering and
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