Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Releasing Protected Health Information Essay
When it comes to the handling of patient’s records and them being released, it is not an easy process. It is very important for each patient that opts to have their information released for whatever reason sign a release form stating that they authorize their information being released. There are times in which a patient’s records can be released without having their authorization. In this case, the records can be requested from government agencies, legal agencies or a representative, and a research that may subpoena a medical profession for this information. Every person that becomes a patient in a healthcare facility is protected by something called HIPAA. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is a federal law passed by Congress that amended â€Å"the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to improve portability and continuity of health insurance coverage in the group and individual markets, to combat waste, fraud, and abuse in health insuran ce and health care delivery, to promote the use of medical savings accounts, to improve access to long-term care services and coverage, to simplify the administration of health insurance, and for other purposes,†according to Essential of Healthcare Management (2011). HIPAA is a set of rules that address the use of privacy and confidentiality of an individual’s health records. Any facility that practices with the care of a patient is subject to the privacy rule of HIPAA. The covered entities would be considered privacy and disclosure of information as protected health information. The covered entity is required to obtain an individual’s authorization prior to disclosing any health information. Every patient when seen by a healthcare professional is made aware of their rights to how they want their medical information to be used. The reason for this is to keep patients information private and protected. What it does allow is some information to be able to be transferred with the patient from physician to physician so that they the physician can know something about the patient to help them in the best way that they can. There are different circumstances by which agencies or covered entities have the right or legal obligation to access or obtain Patient’s Healthcare Information (PHI). PHI is under the HIPAA that gives the privacy regulation the privacy that should remain between the patient and doctor. Under some circumstances the gove rnment has the right or legal obligation to a patient’s medical records. Any health care data for analysis in support of policy, planning, regulatory or management functions, it is permitted to disclose information to other government agencies for health data systems (according to Any non-covered government entities may only maintain a limited amount of data sets of information. This is so that the identifiers (name, address and Social Security numbers) can be removed before the government agency receives them. When files are usually authorized to the law officials, it may be because the person can be a victim of domestic violence to a government authority, abuse, and neglect. In a case like the patient is informed that their information has been released unless the health facility believes that a serious harm will occur or the person may portray to themselves. Researchers may need to use files without being authorized to do so if they need to find a treatment for the person. Trying to receive the approval from a patient can be time consuming by which can getting a glimpse at the files and starting the job is much easier. I believe that no matter what kind of storage that is placed on medical records, it is secured and should be assessable when needed. Law official/ researchers are able to subpoena records due to research or something. I believe that they should be authorized to obtain records without a patient’s authority depending on the case. I believe that having records subpoena should go by a base-to-base case. I believe that privacy safeguards are adequate to support the law agencies, researchers, and government agencies of having them be able to obtain information about a patient even without their consent. I believe that in the long run, it makes it easier for some of these agencies to be able to do their job without any interruptions and debater. Before starting this class, I did not know as much as I do now. I believe that the HIPAA law is something that protects patients from their PHI being exposed to the wrong people. It is something that is great that is in place! References Green, M. A., & Bowie, M. J. (2011). Essentials of Health Information Management (2nd ed.). Clifton Park, NY: Delmar, Cengage Learning. Legal Requirements for Consent to Disclose Patient Information. (2010). Retrieved from U.S. Department Health & Human Services. (2013). Retrieved from http://ww
Reflection And Feedback To Improve Teaching Education Essay
Gibbs ‘ brooding rhythm can be truly utile in doing you think through all the stages of an experience or activity. In a group of degree 2 scholars that are taught by myself there are some persistently late scholars, and they are easy gaining that in industry the timekeeping issue would be a major issue as they would be made redundant. Due to the job of lateness my wise man advised to implement a acquisition contract, this was put in topographic point. At the following twosome of Sessionss the scholars who had been tardily arrived on clip. The group said that they realised that being relaxed with them worked as they are get downing to accomplish and besides realised that timekeeping issues were of import. This technique appears to be working and is being used with all of the groups that I cover. Puting specific mensurable accomplishable realistic marks ( SMART ) with groups has decidedly worked. The scholar ‘s accomplishments will be recorded on a matrix tracking sheet. This is carried out to see if any of the scholars require farther support to help with development. ( See appendix 1 ) Transcript of tracking sheet & A ; x200 A farther group of scholars are at flat 1 and a assorted gender group. The lone female of the group arrived some 20 proceedingss tardily for the first session. She was integrated into the session and after a piece they were sent for a comfort interruption, this gave the ideal chance to near her about clip maintaining. Her response was â€Å" I am ever tardily ; travel rapidly up it ‘s my break clip †. Apparently her break clip must be more of import than my learning session! Asking her if she required aid, the response was â€Å" I am a miss that ‘s why I get treated different †. Assurance was given that she would be treated every bit to the remainder of the group. As the session was shuting the group were gathered around the bench and asked if any acquisition had taken topographic point, and what had been covered. One of the scholars said â€Å" yes when do we acquire you once more, I like you †another replied â€Å" yes acquire here on clip â₠¬ . After that response I replied that if timekeeping improved somewhat longer interruptions will go on, in this case Taylor ‘s theory is being used. Frederick Winslow Taylor ( 1856 – 1917 ) put frontward the thought that workers are motivated chiefly by wage. His Theory of Scientific Management argued the followers: â€Å" Workers do non of course bask work and so necessitate close supervising and control. Therefore directors should interrupt down production into a series of little undertakings †. The manner I incorporate Taylor ‘s theory is alternatively of wage, longer interruptions are allowed. Hopefully given clip this group will get down to gain that regard is a two manner thing. There appears to be light at the terminal of the proverbial tunnel, and another session has merely been delivered to the same group and the female scholar turned up on clip. Praise was given with a little intimation of temper. The scholar has since turned up repeatedly on clip and other coachs are inquiring what was said to do her alteration. Possibly it is merely that she now feels portion of the group and equality is in topographic point. Recently oppugning a group about an unfastened dark at another preparation center some replied â€Å" I could n't be bothered to travel †and one of the older scholars gave me some positive feedback that reassured why I strive for professionalism. The scholar told me that the criterion of work on show was non every bit good as they were accomplishing ; he said you would non hold passed that work. This was congratulations from one of my scholars ; regard is evidently being gained on both sides. The scholars are get downing to gain that the f eedback they receive is relevant. ( See appendix 2 ) X200 Feedbacks. The following session went reasonably good in some respects ; everyone made a good attempt and produced a weldment of a criterion that could be improved upon although their attack was instead hurried and deficient in idea. Reflecting on this, a manner to do them believe more, experiment more, and set themselves higher criterions is required. They do non like me looking at their work, and it is as if they know the criterion is non every bit good as it could be. Geting them to show their work to each other following clip, to transport out peer appraisal might do them take more pride in it. As a consequence of this equal appraisal has been introduced. They still seem a small loath and maintain nearing me, although some of the scholars are now gaining what is required. The criterion required to finish a undertaking is outlined by the making presenting organic structure. These criterions have to be adhered to and this is relayed to the scholars. By utilizing these criterions we are all draw a bead oning to measure at the same degree, I personally like to see a good quality coating to any of their work as this raises the scholar ‘s opportunities of employability. The scholars are reminded of where some of the former scholars are now employed, this makes them gain that their ends can besides be achieved. 1064RJ2. Contemplation on ain specializer cognition and accomplishments.Having late been asked to cover a session whilst a coach was on a trip for development, made me see how personal accomplishments could be developed. The group were work based learning learners at degree 2. The session being covered was in welding and this peculiar procedure is one that is favoured personally. The scholars were given a drawing and required to make the three dyer's rockets in assorted places. This peculiar undertaking makes the scholars aware that we do need to be able to read and work to relevant drawings. ( Appendix 3 Bearing Support Bracket pulling ) Some of the scholars had non covered this peculiar welding procedure and asked if a presentation could be given. Transporting out the presentation reassured me that I had the necessary accomplishments. Reviewing and updating my personal accomplishments is carried out in several different ways. The scholars are up to day of the month with all of the engineering that is available ; although my personal belief is that you can non break custodies on experience. Having worked in this industry for about 30 old ages has given me a wealth of cognition in most facets of technology. The scholars are shortly cognizant if the coach has the relevant accomplishments and cognition, they will inquire examining inquiries at this degree. This is encouraged, and on contemplation perchance more inquisitory inquiries should be asked at degree 1. Enhancement of trade cognition has major benefits ; one is that when current information is available and besides relevant, this can be relayed to the scholars. This in bend makes the scholars confident that the coach is knowing, and besides working with current ordinances and techniques. The session was covered good and the learners were challenged to determine what acquisition had taken topographic point. My personal belief is that as coachs we need to constantly update our accomplishments and cognition. Researching relevant web sites ensures that you cover your current course of study and making construction within your specialist country. Reading diaries and besides run intoing with representatives of companies is another good technique which I have personally used throughout my calling. Whilst being employed by the Institute our section has started to ask for guest talkers from industry to give negotiations and presentations to the scholars. This reiterates what is being taught is up to day of the month, and that the right cognition is being passed on to the scholars. The makings I achieved in fiction and welding are at flat 3 and awarded by City and Guilds. The criterion I achieved was at differentiation degree, this is because I strive for professionalism. Training my scholars to take for high criterions will do them more eligible for employment. Raising their criterions and quality aids them to derive a recognized making. Passing on relevant cognition and associating this to industry appears to be working, this is associating theory to pattern. This gives more credibleness with the scholars as they know what is being taught is relevant. Updating accomplishments and cognition makes for better instruction and acquisition from the coachs ‘ point of position, this can so be relayed to the scholars and assessed to guarantee that acquisition has taken topographic point. 510RJ3. Audit of literacy, linguistic communication, numeracy and ICT accomplishments in your specialist country.Literacy and numeracy are being integrated within the Sessionss delivered, acquiring the scholars to mensurate and tag out their work pieces makes them gain why these accomplishments are required. Having late undergone some preparation on Information and communicating engineering ( ICT ) will assist to incorporate this within my Sessionss. Learners that are diffident are given counsel by presentation ; this could be a practical undertaking or associating theory to an illustration. Information and communicating engineering ( ICT ) is now used in both theory and practical Sessionss. An synergistic board has been installed in the workshop ; this can now be utilised in the practical Sessionss being delivered. I have developed synergistic word hunts that are linked to the relevant topic that I am presenting. The scholars enjoy this type of session ; they are incognizant that I am detecting if they have retained nomenclature delivered in theory Sessionss. These are displayed on the synergistic board and scholars are asked to happen a word and explicat e its significance. If the scholar is diffident there are two options given, they may travel and research the word or an account is provided. The account is sometimes given by one of the other scholars and this is noted as an indicant to what cognition has been retained and by whom. The synergistic board is besides used to associate the Sessionss to industry by demoing comparative picture cartridge holders. Having merely delivered the Technical Certificate faculty this is a good clip to transport out a hot contemplation. The faculty covers assorted facets of technology, from little dullard pipe work to mechanical technology. The workshop environment where the scholars gain their practical accomplishments is ideal to incorporate functional accomplishments. The scholars are required to tag out a board following a drawing and attach pipe work. This peculiar undertaking necessitates the scholars carry out basic add-on, minus and division of Numberss. This is an effectual manner of integrating application of figure in a practical session. The undertaking besides involves working with others and job resolution ; the undertaking requires brackets to be positioned in assorted topographic points so that the pipe work is supported. The scholars have to make up one's mind where they are traveling to procure the brackets, and besides have to portion the tools required to finish this undertaking. Th e boards used for this undertaking are rather big and this incurs wellness and safety issues. This job is really rather advantageous as this makes the scholars aware of the wellness and safety issues. The scholars are required to utilize peer appraisal on this undertaking, this in bend screens communication accomplishments as the scholars read and interpret the drawing. Discoursing the undertaking with fellow scholars is encouraged as this promotes inclusion. Tutor feedback is given when the scholar feels that the undertaking is completed to the needed criterion. The pipe work is pressure tested to guarantee that there are no leaks ; this is besides done in industry prior to the undertaking being commissioned. Reflecting on this session made me see should the scholars have more schoolroom Sessionss to better their literacy and numeracy accomplishments. In decision the advantages would be to condition the scholars themselves to see the importance of these functional accomplishments prior to each session. I feel that the literacy, numeracy and ICT skills that I have achieved are relevant to present the Sessionss to the scholars. These accomplishments are invariably required to be updated as ICT is ever developing. 567RJ4.Reflection on cardinal resources in your specialist country.Bing still in contact with this industry is an first-class manner of updating current criterions. The nucleus topic of fiction and welding has non changed much over the old ages, although more modern equipment and the of all time altering wellness and safety Torahs have. A really good resource for maintaining in touch with development and wellness and safety Torahs is the cyberspace. The scholars are invariably advised to research certain countries and feedback when I pass on new cognition to them. The lone disadvantage is that there is so much information out at that place that it is advisable to utilize the web sites which reflect the course of study country remit, and besides cover the demands of the relevant awarding organic structure. With the exclusion of the Technical Certificate faculty, the fiction and welding class does non look to hold changed a great trade from when I completed the class some 30 old ages ago. The same methods and some of the same undertakings are still being covered ; I feel this is because the staffs are in their comfort zone. After confabulating with other coachs it appears to be reluctance to alter. I consider it is clip for alteration to maintain up with industrial demands, and this will besides be good for the scholars. Evidence suggests that with the rapid progress of ICT, it most decidedly would non be good pattern to stand still. We need to develop farther accomplishments and carry out regeneration. Crowne S. Chief Executive of Becta writes: Year and page no â€Å" Technology has a great potency to transform the farther instruction system and the lives of scholars it serves. Some colleges and suppliers already use engineering really efficaciously, and they and their scholars are profiting consequently. Many are doing good advancement, researching how engineering can open up learning and acquisition and better their concern systems. Others, nevertheless, have truly yet to do a start and have mixed feelings about engineering. So it is indispensable that we do everything we can to back up colleges and suppliers as they make these alterations and travel frontward †. If the relevant governments are reding that it is clip for alteration so certainly we should be responding consequently. After transporting out contemplations on my ain instruction patterns, my belief is that as instructors, we should progress with the available engineering. This would guarantee that we review our instruction patterns often ; this in bend would heighten acquisition and do Sessionss more interesting for the scholars. There are stuffs and methods that are used for many old ages ; my personal belief is that budgets are regulating development within our country. Resources become damaged and worn and the equipment is non reviewed or adapted to accommodate our scholar ‘s demands. The books, resources and equipment should be updated yearly to guarantee that we are presenting relevant stuff and techniques. After analyzing this state of affairs it is decidedly evident that the members of staff are in their comfort zone. Reflecting on my Sessionss has made me more cognizant that advancement is needed in our course of study country. As coachs we need to implement alteration and reexamine our patterns on a regular basis. 511
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Maeketing Plan for Batik Products
Understand the role and function of marketing in a variety of market and organizational contexts. ? Critically evaluate and utilize marketing research data and methods to a given market situation. ? Understand and apply the principles of organizational and environmental audits to inform marketing strategies, decisions and objectives. ? Develop and justify a marketing plan and mix for a given target market. You have been just appointed as International Marketing Manager by a local Sri Lankan firm that is aspiring to take the Company to the international market to take advantage of growth opportunities.Your Managing Director is also concerned about the limited growth potential of your market (Sri Lanka). Your main task, as defined by your Managing Director, is to propose an International marketing plan to enter the most potential market i. e. that offers the greatest growth potential in the next two years. Your key task Propose an International Marketing Plan to take your Company to an overseas market of your choice.Critically justify your recommendations by providing clear justification for selection of markets to enter on a priority basis. 1. You will need to conduct a critical market analysis using relevant facts and figures. You will need to quantify the market potential or potential of the overseas marketing opportunity using facts and figures. (20 marks) 2. Use Segmenting, targeting and positioning elaborate how you intend to provide competitive advantage for your brand in the overseas market of entry. (40 marks) 3.Critically elaborate how changes in the marketing environment in your chosen market of entry (relative to your home country) will affect your Company and how you recommend changing or adopting your marketing mix to take advantage of the opportunities in the selected market? (20 marks) 4. Critically provide a profitability forecast for your marketing plan. Clearly indicate implementation dates, and budget requirement to deliver on the marketing ob jectives you will set as part of your marketing plan for the next two years. (20 marks)
Monday, July 29, 2019
Crime By Social Norms Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Crime By Social Norms - Essay Example Psychological defect refers to undesirable elements like anger, greed, lust, envy or jealousy, pride, sloth or laziness, gluttony or over-indulgence and over-consumption of food, drink, or intoxicants, to the point of waste. Each of these undesirable elements are like people fighting each other to gain control of the ego or sense of individual existence; which is why some people become greedy, lustful, paranoid because jealousy, and dependent on others because of laziness. These defects can be compared to the hidden faces of the moon, that is, when this hidden part is lighted, the defect manifests. This is why some become greedy, lustful and envious. Despite this, it is important for these defects to manifest in order that a person can learn how to control or suppress them. These psychological defects are usually hidden in the consciousness. They are the source of pain and suffering, like jealousy that divides home and family, lust that generates adultery, rape, sexual harassment (es pecially against women), betrayal and polygamy, greed which can lead to exploitation of employees, and lastly, anger and impatience which leads to harm of either to self or to others. These defects can be suppressed or reduced if self-control or discipline is increased. These major sociological theories of crimes explain that crimes are based on the social environment, e.g. family, peer group, school, workplace, community and the society itself. These theories are strain, social learning, and control theory. Other social theories of crime include labelling, social disorganization, and critical theory. Each of these theories differs from each other because they focus on specific or individual factors which results to a criminal act. The strain theory of crime posits that crimes are committed in order to decrease or escape from the strains a person experiences like financial problems, as defense from physical and psychological stressors, like sexual abusers. There are two general categories of strain that contribute to crime. First is, when another person prevents you from achieving your goals, and secondly, when another person takes valuable things from you with a negative or noxious stimuli. An example of this theory is, a man who is broke who robs a woman in order to reduce his financial problems. Another example would be a woman who kills her husband in order to end his abuse to her. In this situation, psychological defect becomes a source of the crime. In the situation of a woman killing his husband, her hatred, and a psychological defect pushed her to kill his husband to end his abusive acts to her.Social learning theory of crime says that crimes are committed by a person who learned criminal acts by assoc iating with other people engaged in criminal activities. According to this theory, people associated with certain group of people engaged in criminal activities are prone to commit a crime and have positive beliefs in committing crimes. They view crimes as something desirable or at least justifiable in certain situations. These people commit crimes in order to get attention, for money, pleasure derived from drugs, and approval from friends or peer groups. An example of th
Sunday, July 28, 2019
How Does Communication Differ in Helping Relationships Essay
How Does Communication Differ in Helping Relationships - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that man is a social animal. With time, the definition of social life has changed to the extent that technology has taken over the minds and thinking of men and women whom we see around us. Every person in the urban society is addicted to web-based social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, through which he can easily find new friends and social contacts who share common interests. Counseling is a society friendly word that is being used extensively these days. However, with different counseling and communication methodologies around, it can be tough to define their best applications. In fact, there are suitable methodologies which refute the traditional or conventional approach to setting things straight within the human mind. Trying new approaches will only help prune up the existing methodologies. Treating an alcoholic or a drug addict is strikingly different from psychological treatment meted out to suppressed teenagers with boy friend or family issues. If knowledge has to form the basis of all the counseling methodologies developed till now, then with our study of specific cases of depression and underperformance, we try to develop a new set of easy methodologies that can be applied to all cases of depression and counseling. It does not take much effort to make a man or woman smile, take control of the problems he or she is facing and install the conviction that the outcome is going to be all positive. This is precisely what psychological counselors need to do on a daily basis.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Is the use of nostalgia in the media necessarily a conservative Essay
Is the use of nostalgia in the media necessarily a conservative impulse - Essay Example It helps the customers to easily remember and relate with past products or services, which in turn helps them to accept new or rebranded products. As a matter of fact, many companies or organizations are using nostalgia as a marketing strategy as a strategy to simultaneously reach out to new consumers and retain current consumers (Uten and Solomon, 2013). This has been triggered by the digitization of the world through technology, and the global economic trends. The global economy is highly competitive and hence there is need for retaining excellent past products, rebranding these products, as well as innovatively creating new products (Wheatley, 2007). The use of nostalgia as a marketing strategy helps in creating familiarity within the consumers and further creates curiosity to try new products or services from the same organizations or companies. The use of old products to usher in new or rebranded ones gives the consumers a sense of belonging and helps the customer to easily fami liarize and accept the new or rebranded products (Uten and Solomon, 2013). As much as there is a need to develop new products due to market competition, it is also important to relate new products with other past successful products and maintain the latter. The fashion industry has seen the development of great designs that have a conceptual vintage design (Tungate, 2008). Nostalgia has been highly used as a strategic marketing tool in advertisement, where is helps in reaching out to resident and new consumers who relate to successful past experiences with the product (Sprengler, 2009). This creates a sense of security, comfort and belonging and hence creates a strong foundation for marketers to advertise their products, which has led to mass media diversity, especially in advertisement. Pull media is a classification of traditional media, such as television, newspaper, or radio, where the consumer is willingly engaged (Bell
Friday, July 26, 2019
Identifying Instructional Resources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Identifying Instructional Resources - Essay Example This activity supports the instructional objective by giving the students multiple representations of the content: first, they read the content in our class text. Next, they identify the most important information in the text - that which defines and gives the function of the three branches of government. Lastly, they place the informational in a new organizational context - the Concept/Definition Graphic Organizer. This activity is well suited to the students' academic level because it requires comprehension of text, the selection of important content, summarizing that content, and placing it a new context. The graphic organizer will show the content in a new context for students, and more contexts will yield a more thorough understanding. From page 214 in the manual, students develop their understanding of the instructional objectives through the use of a Comparison Matrix. It asks them to compare and contrast the different branches of governments and their various responsibilities, including those of checks and balances. To practice multiple representations of content, they also create a picture or illustration using paper and markers provided by the teacher demonstrating their knowledge of checks and balances. ... Instructional objectives: - compare and contrast the different branches and their role within the U.S. - demonstrate an understanding of checks and balances by illustrating in a picture. - use word processor; create a paragraph explaining each branch of government. From page 214 in the manual, students develop their understanding of the instructional objectives through the use of a Comparison Matrix. It asks them to compare and contrast the different branches of governments and their various responsibilities, including those of checks and balances. To practice multiple representations of content, they also create a picture or illustration using paper and markers provided by the teacher demonstrating their knowledge of checks and balances. Students then use the Comparison Matrix as an outline for an essay that they complete using a word processing program. These activities should be highly engaging for students because they employ several different learning modalities and are at a skill level that is challenging but attainable for their age group. Resources: Internet access. Reuters.;; and The New York Times Online: Instructional objectives: - locate and be able to discuss current issues in the media concerning the government. - formulate at least two concerns/problems that would fall under the jurisdiction of the branches of government. Students find current issues in media concerning the government by using Internet search engines. They write a summary of these issues using a word-processing program. They include two examples of a current issue for each of the three branches of government. These activities link the abstract notions of what government does with
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Types of Information Systems Used Within Organizations Essay
Types of Information Systems Used Within Organizations - Essay Example Information Systems have many different areas of work. These include Information Systems Management, Information Systems Strategy, and Information Systems Development. Information Systems Management is a system of collecting, processing, disseminating, and storing data in the form of information that is required to carry out functions of management. An Information Systems Strategy is a system used to assist and manage information to help in strategic decision making. The IT department of an organization partly focuses on the development of information technology in an organization. It governs the development of Information Systems that focus on the development, use, influence, and application on an organization or business. A computer-based Information System is a medium which is used for storing, recording, and spread linguistic expressions, and also drawing conclusions from these expressions. These systems are technologically implemented. There are many different types of Information Systems; some of these include Management Information Systems, Transaction Information Systems, Expert Systems, Decision Support Systems, and Business Intelligence Systems.
Research Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2
Research Proposal - Essay Example asingly information driven lives have further fueled a surge in the use of photography so much so that it is required to obtain professional training in order to pursue it as a career or as a serious hobby. As such, assuming that one has the required professional capabilities, establishing a business based on photography raises yet another important question with regards to starting and sustaining the business. The proposed project, whose purpose shall be further explained as part of this research proposal, is aimed at conceiving and developing a framework that will be assessed based on the intention of setting up a proposed photo studio as a feasible business option. The study conducted as part of the effort involved in setting up this photo studio in my town, to be known as â€Å"Brand Image†, will concentrate on identifying key areas such as potential sales opportunities, identification of industry competitors and general market averages, which will also be utilized as benchmarks for evaluating the worthiness of the proposed business. The proposed research aims to study ways in which the new studio will be able to exploit the visible market comprising of photographic artists, individual artists as well as those belonging to large studios as sources for producing photographic material. The business plan shall be developed keeping in mind the potential client base comprising divers e clients such as advertising agencies, public relations agencies and designers. Key services offered by the studio will cover many areas of the business such as Wedding / Portrait photography, Commercial / Industrial photography, Advertising / Fashion photography, and supplementary photographic services such as retouching & CGI. In brief, the proposed studio will work towards providing core services in the areas of Commercial, and Advertising photography. (1) Development of the business idea for the photo studio: wherein the effort will be focused on identifying the main consumer
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Proper Diet and Lifestyle as Cancer Prevention Strategies Essay - 13
Proper Diet and Lifestyle as Cancer Prevention Strategies - Essay Example The present research has identified that the WHO asserted that around 30% of people dying from cancer do so because of these five behavioral and dietary risks: â€Å"high body mass index, low fruit, and vegetable intake, lack of physical activity, tobacco use, [and] alcohol use.†These risks are external factors that can be managed, which underline the importance of diet and physical activity to reducing cancer risks. Though results for the past few decades are mixed, an increasing number of studies showed that having the proper diet and lifestyle can prevent, or even cure, a number of chronic diseases, including different types of cancer. â€Å"Proper diet†refers to lower fat and red meat intake and higher vegetable and fruit consumption. Western diet, on the opposite, has been regarded as an unhealthy diet because it is usually high in the animal product, sugar, and fat consumption and low in dietary fiber, due to the prevalence of fast food and processed food consum ption. This Western diet has been correlated with higher cancer risks, including colon and breast cancers. Moreover, by â€Å"lifestyle,†this study pertains to the way that people live, including management of alcohol consumption and smoking practices, as well as physical activity levels, life satisfaction with interpersonal relationships, and sleeping habits. This research intends to know if there is a â€Å"proper†diet and lifestyle that may reduce cancer risks. It proposes that holistic healthy living can prevent cancer risks, especially for those who have high cancer risks due to their family history and genetic profiles. Holistic healthy living refers to a lifestyle that responds to various needs: nutrition, physical activity, sleep, and social relations. Moreover, by cancer, this proposal covers several cancers, although it recognizes that certain diets and lifestyles may be more effective for some kinds of cancers and that physical, genetic, and psychological variables can also impact, not only the successful (i.e. consistent and disciplined) adoption of healthy lifestyles and diets but also the effectiveness of a healthy living approach.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Product market cyclicality exerts a powerful influence on a car Essay
Product market cyclicality exerts a powerful influence on a car assemblers sales, value added, cash flow and profit performance - Essay Example Not only this it also contains automobile machinery and vehicle-care products, accessories, environment friendly and safety tools, garage and repair equipment, sample and colorant, grease & lubricants, machines deal with gasoline, wheels, and much more. Travelling and transportation of goods farther and faster than before are made possible only by automobile. It has unbolted wide scope and market for commerce and trade. The automobile industry directly influences the economies and wealth of many countries around the world. The manufacture of automobile uses great quantities of iron, steel, aluminum, and natural rubber. Moreover several other industries such as energy, security, assurance, roadway design and civil productions support the automobile industry. All these industries are cyclical businesses. The business environment is improving nowadays. As requirement increases, revenues go up and similarly with this, the companies come across it worth their time and money to practice capacity building plans. The Product market is one in which products are sold to companies instead of to customers. The product market comprises of items like raw materials, machines, and tools and is concerned with acquisition by company for their own use which may consecutively be used to produce items for the customer market. Cyclical is something that happens periodically, i.e. on a regular basis. Cyclicality is a very common frequent subject matter in the field of investment. Cyclicality is something that many small business owners may face. Stocks cyclicality generally means that stocks follow the common macroeconomic circumstances. A cyclical stock is one that characteristically implements fine when the economy is excellent and performs badly when the economy is fragile. Cyclicality is defined in a dictionary as â€Å"of or denoting a business or stock whose income, value, or earnings fluctuate widely according to variations in the economy or the cycle of the seasons†So far small business holders can only take action in order to reduce cyclicality and strengthen their income streams. A business can be moved into black by becoming creative, flexible, and open to new challenges. A business holder can take charge and make sure her firm's success by presenting new services, promoting skillfully, o r practicing new personal speculations. The automobile industry is a powerfully cyclical industry. For the macro-economy, its performance is frequently a lead indicator. It is very perceptive to causes, for instance product raw material input pricing (metals, plastic, glass etc), interest rates (most sales are economized, and the automobile businesses has high operational resources requirements), energy pricing, etc. As the industry goes down, the value-chain also goes downward with it. The automotive market is extremely cyclical. It depends on customer expenditures mainly and to a certain extent on purchaser sales inducements. The consumer demand for automobiles and automotive production is unfavorably affected by economic factors, for instance rising fuel costs. This could also adversely influence our overall sales and overall revenues. If automotive sales and production is declined; it would cause a possible decline in sales to vehicle manufacturers, and the result of this situat ion is a decline in results of operations and economic condition and hence in business. In the past, due to modification in common financial conditions and customer inclination, the automotive industry has been illustrated by periodic
Monday, July 22, 2019
Tell Me About Blood Essay Example for Free
Tell Me About Blood Essay 1)What is the significance of a lower-than-normal hematocrit? What is the effect of a bacterial infection of the hematocrit? Can cause bleeding destruction of red blood cells causing sickle cell anemia and an enlarged spleen it can also cause decreased production of red blood cells which in turn can cause cancer and bone marrow suppression. Nutritional problems as well as over hydration are caused by lower-than-normal hematocrit levels. Bacterial infection may lower your hematocrit levels. 2)Compare the development of lymphocytes with the development of the other formed elements. Lymphocytes and other formed elements are developed from pluripotent stem cells. The pluripotent stem cells generate myeloid stem cells and lymphoid stem cells. Lymphoid stem cells begin development in the red bone marrow, but some are completed in the lymphatic tissue, where they give rise to lymphocytes. Myeloid stem cell begins and complete their development in the red bone marrow and give rise to red blood cells, platelets, basophils, monocytes, neutrophils, and eosinophils. 3)What is erythropoiesis? Which factors speed up and slow down erythropoiesis? Erythropoiesis is a process in which red blood cells are produced. It is stimulated by decreased O2 in circulation, which is detected by the kidneys which then secrete the hormone erythropoietin, increased level of physical activity can also cause an increase in erythropoiesis. It slows down when there is sufficient oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. 4)Explain what would happen if a person with type B blood were given a transfusion of type O blood. Nothing would happen type O is a universal donor. 5) References Li, W., Wang, J., Long, R., Su, G., Bukhory, D., Dai, J., Wang, Z. (2014). Novel Antibody against a Glutamic Acid-Rich Human Fibrinogen-Like Protein 2-Derived Peptide near Ser91 Inhibits hfgl2 Prothrombinase Activity. Plos ONE, 9(4), 1-13. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0094551 Sreenivasamurthy, S. K., Dey, G., Ramu, M., Kumar, M., Gupta, M. K., Mohanty, A. K., Keshava Prasad, T. S. (2013). A compendium of molecules involved in vector-pathogen interactions pertaining to malaria. Malaria Journal, 12(1), 1-7. doi:10.1186/1475
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Lost In The Barrens, Farley Mowat | Analysis
Lost In The Barrens, Farley Mowat | Analysis Lost In The Barrens by Farley Mowat is a fictional wilderness survival novel which introduces two young teenagers, Jamie Macnair and Awasin Meewasin. At the beginning, Jamie goes up to the northern part of Canada to live with his uncle, Angus Macnair. As Jamie arrived, he quickly introduced to Awasin and becomes friends with him. He finds out that Awasin is the son of the Crees chief. The leader of Chipewyan (the Crees rival), Denikazi along with his men come for help as they were starving due to lack of deer in the north.. Awasins mother had suspicion that the Chipewyan were trying to deceive them, although the boys still agree to go to the Indian village to prove that they need supplies. Both Jamie and Awasin join the Chipewyan on their way back to the camp of the Chipewyan and as they arrive, Denikazi thought that the boys were going to join them in the hunt but told both the boys to return to the camp with two young Chipewyans. Denkazi warned them that If they were to encounter E skimos, they were to abandon the camp and go home. In this novel, both the Chipewyans and the Crees are afraid of the Eskimos. (Denikazi told the both the boys an incident where the Chipewyans went on a hunt for deer in the north and encountered Eskimos. The Eskimos got guns and fought the Chipewyans which led to the fear of the Eskimos). Jamie, Awasin and the two Chipewyan boys go back to the camp but as soon as they get back Jamie decides to go explore and tricks Awasin to join him. They venture up with their boat to the stone house that one of the two Chipewyans boys had told them about. They try to find it but they hit a whirlpool and they barely survive it. Gathering what they could from their broken canoe, they realize they dont have enough to survive, they cannot use their canoe and now they are stranded in the barrens. The two young Chipewyan boys notice that both Jamie and Awasin have disappeared, so they go searching for them. The two boys saw an Eskimo kayak and ran back to the camp. Jamie and Awasin decide to go all the way to where Denikazi and the other hunters, so they can join them. But one of Denikazis men see an Eskimo and the whole group flees, passing through Jamie and Awasins camp during the night. Later on, Jamie and Awasin soon realize that Denikazi and his men have passed by their camp already and decide that they have to get some sort of shelter and food for their survival. They soon find the stone house and figure out that it was a grave of a Viking. Soon, they go hunting for does, ground squirrels, fish and buck(that migrate). Winter arrives and they survive it by discovering a valley where there is wood for them to build shelter and create heat. There were also bucks that were not migrating and spending their winter here. One day, the weather is not as cold as any other winter and the boys decide to head back home gathering up most of their supplies onto a sled they have created. They find two dogs and the sled pulled by the two dogs they recently found. Their names were Fang and Ayuskeemos and they were huskies belonging to the Eskimos. Trouble occurs with the two boys when they get snow blindness and eventually the boys realize that they cant make it and try to go back to their cabin. On their way ba ck, a blizzard storm comes and they find a igloo where they crawl in. In the morning, they realize that the igloo belonged to an Eskimo as he returned. The Eskimos dog get into a fight with Fang and Ayuskeemo and it is broken up by Jamie and the Eskimo. Working together, Jamie and Awasin learn that the Eskimos name is Peetuk, the son of a white Englishman and an Eskimo woman. They become friends and visit the Eskimos where the three finally make it back to the Cree camp. Jamie and Awasin finally make it back home where they established their whole adventure was all about friendship, trust and survival. Authors Biography War Service: Farley Mowat was part of the military during the Second World War and was commissioned as a second lieutenant into the Second Battalion. He went overseas joining the Canadian Army in the United Kingdom. He served throughout the war as a commander and moved to Italy in September of 1943. He stayed in Italy in the first Canadian infantry division for most of the way, eventually promoted to captain. Later on, Mowat was discharged at the conclusion of the Second World War in 1945 as a captain. Lost of the Barrens can be reflected towards the Second World War Mowat was in. In comparison, being in war and being lost in the barrens reflect on survival. Mowat uses his writing in this case to talk about survival. Lost in the Barrens is all about survival and he puts his writing to reflect what he has gone through in the past Except as a teenager in the wilderness. Early Life: Farley Mowat was born in Belleville, Ontario on May 12th 1921 and he has been a writer since he was a child. He recalls composing à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"mostly verseà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ living with his family in Windsor from 1930 to 1933. He published a regular column based on observation of birds in the star Phoenix after moving to Saskatoon with his family. It seems as Fowats life is reflected on his writing, comparing his imagination. Lost of the Barrens is full of imagination which Jamie shows throughout the whole book. Jamie is the character that has the biggest imagination in the whole novel. He tries imagine himself in the wilderness and his curiosity kills him to the point he tricks Awasin to join him to explore what he imagines. In comparison, Mowat is similar in a way. As a child, Mowat had a huge imagination where he reflects his creative writing and his imagination into a story. Hes reflecting the imagination Jamie has with the imagination he has in his writing for Lost in the Barrens. 5 Historical Time Period (Era) The Cold War: The Cold War was a political conflict that existed after World War II between the communism due to the Soviet Union and the powers of the Western World, primarily the United States and its allies. Although the Soviet Union and the United States did not attack directly, they expressed their conflicts indirectly through military alliances, strategic conventional force drops, proxy wars, propaganda and nuclear arm races. The Cold War featured periods of the relative calm and of international high tension (specially) the Korean war and the Vietnam war. This time era relates to Lost in the Barrens shows the rivalry between the Chipewyan and the Crees as they were always enemies in the book as there would be always competition for food and land. It can be a comparison with Korean War that happened between both South Korea and North Korea. The Korean war happened due to communism and democracy for the dominance for each section of Korea. Mowat reflects the conflict between the Cree and the Chipewyan to the conflict that North Korea and South Korea had. Art in the 1950s: Early 1950s Jackson Pollock and Willem De Kooning were enormously influential to the art industry. Although, during the late 1950s, Barnett Newman and Mark Rothkos painting became more in focus to the next generation. Pop Art use the iconography of television, photography, comics, cinema and advertising. With its roots in dadaism, it started to take form towards the end of 1950s when some of European artists started to make the symbols and product of the world of advertising and propaganda the main subject of their artistic work. Art is reflected in Mowats writing comparing Jamies handcrafting skills to the 1950s. Mowat wanted to reflect how art was a part of the time era he was in while writing this novel, making Jamie the artistic one being able to craft shelter for their safety. 6 Genres Fiction: A fiction is a type of genre where the narrator deals with events which is imaginary. There are different types of fictions, but Lost in the Barrens was written as a semi fictional novel. It is set with two teenagers whom do realistic things (surviving in the wilderness with what they have). The two, Jamie and Awasin go join a tribe to hunt but then get lost and stranded in the barrens Although on the contrasting side where if two teenagers were to be lost in the barren land wilderness; they would most likely not survive. Here, this is reflected on Mowats past with his experience with his imagination. Fiction narration is usually creative writing that is made up by the author using their imagination. Mowat uses his writing to express his imagination in comparison to a fictional novel with is usually written using ones imagination. Wilderness Survival: Wilderness survival is a type of genre where the narrator deals with events in the wilderness. Lost in the Barrens sets a good example of wilderness survival. The two teenagers, Jamie and Awasin get lost in the barrens, where they must strive to survive. Awasin knows the wilderness well, so he is able to hunt for food. Jamie knows how to craft object, which leads to Jamie being the person making all the shelters. Mowats writing is reflected in the novel to a combination of his experience in the war and the experience he had in the north of Canada with the Inuits. In comparison to Jamie and Awasin, he reflects his experience in the World War II with the imagination of what he saw in the north of Canada to write this novel. 7 Themes Man vs. Nature: Man vs. Nature is a element that is a part of fictional literature. It is usually defined as a problem and nature is usually either the protagonist or antagonist. In Lost in the Barrens, nature is known as the true antagonist. Both the boys, Jamie and Awasin struggle to survive in the harsh conditions they are in. They show their true courage by hunting and surviving a grizzly bear attack. Both the boys have different variety of skills; Awasin being able to hunt, fish and make clothing. Awasin is proven to be clever by igniting a fire with what he is given. Jamie, in the other hand is the creative one. He is the one who builds the shelter (stone igloo and wooden cabin). He is able to think outside the box and with both their traits, they are successful with beating nature with their teamwork. Man vs. Nature is apart of fictional literature which is where Mowats creative writing comes in. Mowat uses his imagination and past experience to reflect how he feels towards a certain situatio n. He has also been in wars which is where he reflects his war experience with a part of this novel. Being able to survive a war is similar to surviving the wilderness with no supplies. Intercultural Friendships: Intercultural friendships is a theme where people of different cultures and backgrounds work together and gain trust from one another. In Lost in the Barrens, Awasin and Jamie became friends when they first met but became a lot more closer when they relied on each other to survive. Near the end of the novel, when the boys were barely going to survive Peetyuk, an Eskimo came and rescued them. Eskimos were known as a dangerous group towards the Cree and the Chipewyan. Jamie helps Awasin trust Peetyuk although the Crees have always been suspicious and afraid of the Eskimos. Mowats writing is reflected in the novel with his past. With the past experience he had with the Inuits up on the north. He was outraged at the Inuits where they were racist towards his skin colour. His experience is showing that trust must be put within all races for a world of freedom and acceptance. 8 Conclusion Personal, I really enjoyed this novel for what it was. I never expected it to be enjoyable, the novel cover and description made the novel look extremely dull and boring. Im extremely surprised that an brown coloured person and a white coloured got along in the novel, which caught me extremely off guard. The novel had a lot of adventure, action, scenes where you could just imagine in your head and just pretended you were just there and lots of intensity. There is a lot of teamwork Awasin being the knowledgeable one with the wilderness and Jamie having the gift of being able to craft objects, making shelter later on. Farley Mowat is an excellent author who has a lot of imagination and creativity with his writing. He relates a lot of his observations to his writing and adds in his imagination towards his novel(s). I would recommend anyone who has a huge imagination and enjoys nature and camping to read this novel. It may look extremely boring and dull, but later on It gets REALLY (see how I emphasize on really) interesting and enjoyable. I can understand why this novel won two awards. 9 Biblography 1950s Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Jan. 2011. . Cold War International History Projects Cold War Files. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Jan. 2011. . Farley Mowat. Eco Books. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Jan. 2011. . Mowat, Farley The Canadian Encyclopedia. The Canadian Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Jan. 2011. . Mowat, Farley. Lost in the Barrens; . [1st ed. Boston: Little, Brown, 1956. Print.] 10 Environmental Issue Investigation: Water in India Environmental Issue Investigation: Water in India Student name: June This scientific report talks about water scarcity in India. As Indias growing population increasing sharply, economic develops rapidly and agriculture needs water a lot, these factors aggravate India water crisis. First, the purpose of this research is to identify how to improve water quality and what action the government could take. I found the information online. The finding section mentions the water situation in India is really bad and the future is not optimistic. In the discussion, I talked about my findings again and listed some solutions which were found online to address water stress, for instance, government should encourage citizens to save water. In conclusion and recommendation section, I conclude the whole ideas and provide one research limitation for this report. The purpose of the research is to analyze water scarcity in India and propose some suggestions to remit this issue. An action plan will be worked out at last. Fresh water is very scarce in the world because 97% of the water is saltwater which means only 3% is fresh water. People use fresh water for agriculture mostly. Furthermore, people need 20 to 40 liters of fresh water every day for drinking, cooking and sanitation needs. It is obvious that human needs high fresh water demand and it seems hard to reduce it. Rivers and lakes in India had been polluted with chemical contamination like fluoride and arsenic. These toxic substances had been caused many diseases on children. In order to make the water clean again, India should adopt secondary treatment since India was not that rich. Aquatic ecosystem is really important to the environment because it not only can purify water quality but also provide habitats for wild life. My hypothesis is to address Indias water crisis, the government should improve water quality and educate people to conserve water. Firstly, I researched the root causes of India water crisis online and then came out of three points. Secondly, solutions could be put forward as soon as the causes were found out. The internet had shown a mass of solutions to address Indias water woes and I picked some of them in this scientific report. I researched the assistance offered by international organizations as well. I also investigated the new technology which could conserve fresh water in India. The sources of information were chosen by the suffix of URL was org. or after I read the article and I made sure it was academic and useful for my report. I research this information at the same time so I am sure I researched equally. India accounts for only 4% of the worlds water resources, but it needs to feed 17% of the worlds population. It is estimated that India will become a water-stressed nation in 2020.India has lower supply of water and requests higher demand of water. One of the key fresh water issues in India is unsafe and impure water. Although India had improved their drinking water, the World Bank figured out that 21% of Indias diseases were caused by dirty water. Over 1,600 deaths happened per day because of diarrhea. Another key fresh water issues in India that I had found was the loss of surface water. Once surface water is exhausted, people dig to find more water. Groundwater levels across 4,000 wells studied by the authors have receded by 54% in the last seven years. (Dutta, 2015) The study below with a picture illustrating that 80% of the surface water in northwestern India had been run out. Water is going to be exhaustible in the near future in India. ( acing-a-water-crisis-and-it-is-only-going-to-get-worse/) The decreasing groundwater levels mean water is becoming scarcer for people to dig and acquire. Therefore, water stress is a troublesome issue for Indian farmers to overcome. The third key fresh water issue may be waste water. In order to address this issue, India must educate people to store water and how to dam. They need to change their way of washing dishes since they wasted most of water in this case. Next, they can save their leaking water in their homes and other public areas. According to the picture above, only less than 10% locations of India is in low supply. Most of the areas in this picture had shown that the northwestern India and south were facing serve water shortages, which Accounts for 54% of the proportion of the total. The findings were successful in light of the hypothesis. The intention of my hypothesis was to certify the two proposals. One is to clean water and another one is to conserve water resources. I had done appropriate interpretation in the finding section. Lets put it in this way, Indias water crisis could be divided into many causes, including man-made pollution, wasting water and natural factor such as the loss of groundwater in northwestern India for the using of agriculture. India is not a big country but it has a large growing population. Therefore, Indian government should increase the water supply but people also need to decrease water demand. In order to clean water quality, India government needs to adopt the secondary treatment to improve. Meanwhile, people need to be imparted how to conserve water in their daily life. To conclude, the likelihood for success of the proposed solution would be really high since the solutions were not quite tough for Indian to solve water crisis at present. The government should educate people to conserve and impure water as soon as possible. The research barrier is we could only research English version websites instead of Chinese version. Some detailed information, news and articles were not supposed to be used which means I may miss some useful points. Regrettably, it seems that this problem cannot be addressed because Chinese version websites are not allowed to be used in academic research report in GAC course. Some further research such as recently how India treats water problem and how effective these solutions are could be done. Sonia, L. Amrita, K. (2013), Indias Water Crisis: Cause and Cures NBR [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 28th Sep. 2016] Debu, C. (2013-16), Water crisis in India- problem and its solution MapsofIndia [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 28th Sep. 2016] THE WIRE STAFF,(2016), Indias Water Woes, in Five Charts THE WIRE [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 28th Sep. 2016] The Importance of Freshwater (2004), Uni Assignment [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 5th Oct. 2016] The Importance of Fresh Water(2010), Editorials [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 5th Oct. 2016] Understanding the Aquatic Ecosystem (2012), Aquatic [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 6th Oct. 2016] Key freshwater issues, WWF [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 6th Oct. 2016] The Water Sanitation Crisis in India (2016), [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 6th Oct. 2016] Saptarishi, D. (2015), India is already facing a water crisis- and it is only going to get wore QUARTZ [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 8th Oct. 2016]
Relationship between India and the USA
Relationship between India and the USA Abstract This piece of work tries to study the relations of one superpower and another emerging power in international order. The relations of India-US have passed through a roller -coaster character since 1950s. The study is about the Indo-US relations during post Cold-War period. It tries to present in- depth study of the relation between two states, with historical background, major events of the period, US involvement in South Asia/India, its stand on India-Pakistan disputes. It observes about the transition from ‘estranged democracies’ to a ‘strategic partnership’ of the relations. US interests in the region were for many years interpreted as philanthropic rather than commercial or strategic, and the US was closed ally with Pakistan. The study is trying to find out How the neglected country for almost 50 years got top priority and finally turned to be natural ally. The relations have passed through different stage from ‘neither friend nor enemy’, ‘distanced democracies ’, ‘engaged democracies’ and finally as ‘natural allies’ with nuclear partnership. This achievement and transformation is not happened overnight. To achieve these, both countries have passed through different states overtime. The thesis tries to find out some reason behind this quick development in the relations. The transformation happened during post Cold -War period. Behind these transformations some reason such as Indian practice of democratization, open market policy, huge development on economy and IT sector played vital role. Likewise, US goal in the region was fulfilled while making good relations with India. After analysing some major events and immediate reaction, the thesis tries to make an argument that, with other reasons side by side, the nuclear test of 1998 by India was the central theme that helped for the transformations of the relations. Chapter 1 Introduction and literature review Topic introduction and Purpose of the study After the end of the Cold War, the United States is leading in the International Order, and it is experienced that- this time is American time, its hegemony and policy for liberal democracy, human rights or in any colour or form. So its relations with any other part of the world is itself interesting and important. On the other hand, India is the largest democracy in the world and emerging power in the International order. It is economically and strategically threat to the US, it is tiger in Asia in term of population, economy and nuclear capacity. The relation between the superpower and emerging power is obviously important to the students of International Relations/politics or common people as well. So it is hoped that this research makes some interesting and important line of arguments. â€Å"As the tiger economies of South-east Asia roared away in the 1970s and 1980s, Indias biggest achievements remained its ability to feed its own people, and its adherence against the odds to democracy. Unshackled by the economic liberalisation of the early 1990s, India is already poised to overtake Japan as the worlds third largest economy. The nuclear status of India has been formally acknowledged by the US And, when the UN is finally reformed, its likely to land a permanent seat on the Security Council†(BBC Online, 2009.) For over forty years, the United States has contended with the problem of formatting a coherent policy toward South Asia- a region that contains approximately one-fifth of the world’s population. During this time, US policy has surrounded between interventions and withdrawal. Detailed analysis of how Washington determines its South Asian policy, especially with regard to the regions two major states: India and Pakistan. The nations of South Asia contain a fifth of the human race. They include one state (India) that is certainly the world’s largest democracy and one other (Pakistan) that has been an intermittent ally of the US since 1953. For over thirty-five years Washington’s policy has shifted uneasily from neglect of the region to intense involvement in its economic, political, and military affairs, seeing in the former certain ideological and moral values and in the latter certain strategic and military advantages. This research tries to fill a gap in understanding of the reasons for American involvement in and policy toward South Asia especially India. The literature on US foreign policy is dominated by relations with the Soviet Union and Western Europe. American relations with Africa, Southeast Asia, Latin America, and South Asia are relatively neglected and episodic in nature. This absence of interest is especially marked in the case of South Asia. Yet, American decisions have profoundly affected the lives of most South Asians, the societies of regional states, and their external policies. It has often been noted that this influence and the relationship is excessively one-sided: American decisions affect South Asians far more than South Asian decisions can ever affect Americans. The purpose of this study is to examine the sources and patters of American responses towards events in India over a period of time, through an examination of some case study. Giving some brief introduction and history of Indo-US security relation after 2nd World War, it talks in detail about the relation during Post Cold War period. After the end of the Cold War, every country around the world effected, but South Asian countries effected more than others. The US has no rival in world order, but India and Pakistan, two countries from the South Asia emerged as new nuclear power. India could not be the state as neglected before. Post Cold- War period saw dramatic changes in US-India relation. Research Focus/Research question The main thrust of this thesis is to present the Indo-US relations during Post Cold War period, to study main events of the period and to explore the reasons behind the transformation in relations. The thesis is focused on the periphery of Post Cold War leading to 9/11. In the short span of time in 1990s how the transformation was possible, how the neglected country for almost 50 years got top priority in American foreign policy, it tries to answer these questions. The thesis tries to make an argument that the nuclear test of 1998 was the central theme that helped for the transformation of the relation. The Indo-US convergence was abruptly interrupted by India’s May 1998 nuclear tests. President Clinton’s initial reaction was simultaneously emotional: ‘To think that you have to manifest your greatness by behaviour that recalls the very worst events of the 20th century on the edge of the 21st century when everybody else is trying to leave the nuclear age behind, is just wrong.’ Because of the fact that both India and Pakistan had been de facto nuclear weapon states, US concerned about the possibility of nuclear war in South Asia, but it was obviously a challenge in Western hegemony as well. Although the US imposed suspension of most military-military contacts, the nuclear tests started a high-level engagements between the US and India. Overtime, the Clinton Administration adapted itself to the reality that India’s great-power aspirations included becoming a full-fledged nuclear weapons state. India’s 1998 nuclear explosive test were a blessing in disguise for long-term Indo-US relations. Once the tests exploded the illusion, Washington and New Delhi could get on with the important task of relating to one another on a more equal footing. Methodology The study is based on academic writings such as books, journal and online resources. While using such material a great care has been taken in term of their credibility. The books studied for the research are written by academics mostly of Indian background in origin. Mostly they are educated in American Universities and working there in US Universities. Their academic background and research area is about American foreign policy, Asian studies, Asians security. Likewise the online resources have been used with great care such as produced by the academics and trustworthy organizations like Asia Foundations, governmental bodies and well -known research centres. Though writers are educated and being engaged in US academia, care have been taken while developing arguments from their writing, being India origin, emotional behave might affect on their writing about American or Indian perspective. The thesis also contains three major events which were supposed to play determinative role for the transformations of the relations. Likewise it also collects immediate reaction after the test. For reactions the samples have been collected in three groups. Structure of the thesis The thesis is composed of six chapters. Chapter one is the general introduction explaining the topic and subject matter, rationale, and methodology. This chapter also includes the literature review. The second chapter traces the history of Indo-US relations. It talks about the US engagement in Asia and India. It simply presents the history of the relation explaining some major events of the period. The third chapter is about the post Cold -War scenarios. It begins with how the US started tilting to India not Pakistan. The change in American policy to South Asia and India begin at this point of time. This chapter explains three major events of the period as case study: Kashmir Issue 1999, nuclear test 1998 and Clinton visit 2002. After this, in Chapter Four to know the immediate reaction after the test, it collects some thoughts expressed in news Medias and thoughts by think tanks especially in the US. How the think-tank and the governments reacted to the test and talked about the bilateral relations. After analysing three major events and reactions of the governments, think tanks and views expressed on newspaper, Chapter Five, the main part of the thesis makes an argument that it was the nuclear test 1998, which helped to transform the relation. This chapter once again makes a revision of the relation since 1950s. Finally, the thesis contains the conclusion and bibliography. Literature Review: As mentioned above, literature on American foreign policy is easily accessible and available everywhere but regarding the US relations to the South Asian region; book and journals are not available enough as compared to other regions. The literature on US foreign policy is dominated by relations with the Soviet Union and Western Europe. For example, Ambrose S E. (1993) exclusively presents the history of American foreign policy since 1938. Ambrose gives detail survey of American Foreign Policy from the period America was secure in the world-neither of the great totalitarian political forces of the century, Fascism or Communism. The author presents the overview of the evolution of American foreign Policy focusing on major events like World War II, the Cuban missile crisis, Vietnam War, and the SALT treaties. It also talks about the individual Presidents and their changed attitudes to the different regions. Ambrose begins with the starting years of American Foreign Policy and its strength overtime up to Bush Policy and US engagements in Gulf war. Ambrose presents a chronological history of American Foreign Policy, but this book hardly discusses the development in South Asian region. The author is quite on US engagement in South Asia/India or US involvement in Indian/Pakistani War, Kargil issue As compared to Ambrose, Spanier J (1983) talks about the US and third world (author’s term) developments. Spanier presents an account of American foreign policy from the closing days of World War II to the beginning of the second Regan administration. The author presents interpretation of the roles of the Unites States on the world stage since it became a nuclear superpower. It also talks about the theoretical frameworks of American foreign policy like the American approach to foreign policy, the state system, the American national style, the contrast between systematic and national behaviour. Spainer clearly tries to explore the reason behind World War, its significance and detailed survey of impact of nuclear weapons on the pattern of American-Soviet relations. The author explains in detail about the role of 3rd world during the Cold War to conflict with-and-in-the Third World. Bertsch K. Gary (1999) collects twelve essays by US educated academics with background study in South Asian studies. Most of the authors are with Indian background, educated and engaged in US intuitions. The write-up reflects their long experiences with their work either academic or institution like US based South Asia Program, Institutes for Defence Studies. The author addresses the broad range of non-proliferation and foreign policy issues that affect Indo-American relations. It not only describes missile control and space cooperation, chemical and biological weapons, and the use of sanctions versus incentives, the individual authors with their expertise knowledge provide practical recommendations for how a stronger and more meaningful dialogue can be established between the policy makers of the world’s two largest democracies. Authors present about the history of Indo-US relations in different perspective like strategic, economic, political, technical aspects but its main focus is to talk about broad insight into India’s relations with the rest of the world in the shadow of India’s 1998 nuclear tests. Likewise Gangulyscobell (2006) present a series of perspectives about US-Indian strategic cooperation. The authors make an effort for the current status and future instructions of the relation. The identify the strategic context for and logic behind Indias emerging security cooperation with the US, the strategic context for and logic behind growing US security cooperation with India, growing bilateral cooperation in the US-led Global War on Terrorism. Likewise, it raises an important issue of the US assessment of Indias role in the anti-terror struggle, Indian assessment of the US worldwide anti-terror effort, Chinese view of the growing security ties between Washington and New Delhi. Likewise it identifies some military-to-military ties between the United States and India, one from the perspective of Washington, and the other from a New Delhi perspective. S. Ganguly (2006) traces the origins, development and the current state of Indo-US strategic cooperation. The authors access the strategic cooperation of the worlds two largest democracies. They entirely talk about the strategic relation of the two countries. The book provides an assessment of Indo-US relations with a particular focus on the evolution of contemporary bilateral relations, focuses on the current state of military-to-military cooperation. The authors highlight the development of Indo-US defence ties over the last few decades and examine its underlying causes. Likewise they addressees key areas of future strategic cooperation including high technology trade, participation in multilateral peacekeeping operations. S. Ganguly’ (1990) identifies the key issues of how Washington determines its South Asian policy, especially with regard to the region’s two major states: India and Pakistan. Using case studies the author bases his study on US policy in four major South Asian crises: the 1962 India-China War, the India-Pakistan conflicts of 1965 and 1971, and the massive draught of 1966-1967. Ganguly’s research not only talks about the American foreign policy during different presidents in office and major events but also it talks about the theoretical aspect of American foreign policy. It describes analytical perspective of US foreign policy, South Asia and US foreign policy, history of Indo-US relations and Indo-China War, 1965 War, The 1965-67 Crisis, the 1971 Indo-Pakistani war. The author provides the detailed explanation of the major events of the history between two states and mostly incidents are based on American perspective. As mentioned earlier since the region itself did not get priority, so the discussion about the region in world affairs was limited. Only after late 1990s and especially after the nuclear test, the literature on American policy to Asia and India seems growing. One of such discussion is J. Singh (1998). It provides both historical and contemporary analytical insights on a variety of subjects that impose upon a nuclear India. Singh checks out the nuclear reality as it exists today, at the national and international level. He begins with why nuclear weapons are required and what are they all about. It further examines the rationale for the possession of nuclear weapons, detailed history of the Indian nuclear policy formulation between 1964-1998, presents history to trace the origin of nuclear weapons. It also demonstrates about the paths of proliferation and non-proliferation over the last five decades. The author also looks at the increasing proliferation concerns in the Indian neighbourhood, lists out the major proliferation challenges that have emerged after the Cold War. Likewise, it further focuses specially on ballistic missiles and their implications for international security. Likewise it also presents a detailed study of both China and Pakistan’s nuclear weapons and missile programme, examines the traditional Indian position on the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, impact of the nuclear test ban on the post-Cold War environment. It gives enough information about the nuclear weapons, their introduction, how they work and why they are required. It also presents the history of nuclear weapons, telling about the nuclear have countries when and how they conducted it. Jain, Rashmi (Ed.) 2006) presents the record of the transition of Indo-US relations from ‘estranged democracies’ to a ‘strategic partnership’ in the 21st century. It is the inclusive and current study of the political, economic/trade, military/defence and nuclear proportions of Indo-US relations from 1947 to 2006. Jain discusses the overall trends in relations between India and the United States during the Cold War and after. It deals with the implications of the American alliance with Pakistan, the extension of limited arms assistance to India following the India-China war of 1962 and support to the Tashkent and Simla agreements, Nixons tilt towards Pakistan during the Indo-Pak war of 1971, India’s nuclear test of 1947. The study contains a selection of 692 basic documents from official sources, including Congressional hearings, and provides the full texts or extracts from various agreements, joint communiquà ©s and statements and interviews by Government dignitaries. It is the collection of official documents related between the relations of two countries for about fifty years. It works as primary source for the researcher. Beside these books, Journal and other reports have been used while conducting the research. Journals like Foreign affairs, International Affairs, Strategic Affairs, and online edition of The Economist and news sites of BBC, CNN, The New York Times and Indian newspapers such as Hindu, the Times of India has been used. Likewise US congress report, governmental publications and the reports published by the Ministry of Indian External Affairs have been used. Chapter 2 Historical Background ‘South Asia and US Foreign Policy-US meets India’ This chapter briefs about the American Foreign Policy and US involvement in South Asia/India. It is an account of US-Indo relations after 1950s to late 1980s. It is not chronological history of the relation, but it includes major events and trends of the time. South Asia comprises a subsystem of powers with two major nations; India and Pakistan that are actually within South Asia and there others, China, the US and the USSR, that are extra-regional players in the region. South Asia also contains other states with minimal military and economical power; Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan. By virtue of their global status, the US and the USSR have been involved in South Asia until 1990s. South Asian Countries are often introduced by political instability, a relative diffusion of powers and slow economic development. These characteristics and weakness prompted the two superpowers to fill the apparent power vacuum and to change it in order to strengthen their respective global and regional policies (Ganguly S. 1999.) South Asia has been usually been regarded as only marginally important to the United States. In the major American security decisions regarding the stability of the international system, maintenance of nuclear balance or the problem of war and peace, South Asia was not considered a determining factor. Some reasons can be traced behind less priority of US to South Asia  First, it was not vital strategically; it did not offer any major resources essential to American industry. Second, the low level of economic and political interaction could not generate a positive image of South Asia in the American mind. In American perceptions, the area remained a preserve of British interests. Thus, US interests in the region were for many years interpreted as philanthropic rather than commercial or strategic (R.Arthur, 2006.) The central dilemma of US policy in South Asia since 1947 has been to deal with the competing claims of the two principal states of this region, India and Pakistan. In a sense, the constant dilemma of Americas South Asia Policy is a result of the regional contest between these two states.Of these two Sub continental states, if India was often a unimportant factor in US perception of the global strategic equation, Pakistan was an insignificant factor unless military aligned with the US. The initial US involvement in South Asia was barely influenced by the regional developments. What did shape the US role was the shrinking British Empire and the rapid decline of the KMT regime in China. Succeeding US military links to South Asia (especially Pakistan), a subsidiary of its concern in relation to the Soviet Union, accidentally emphasized the level of hostility between India and Pakistan. US involvement not only annoyed India but also brought the Soviet Union and later China into the Subcontinent and made the region an arena of Cold war politics (Ganguly S, 1990.) In many ways, US involvement in India started during World War II, before this both officials and unofficial contacts with India were minimal. While the US maintained a few consular officers in India to look after commercial interests, it relied largely on British Foreign Office communications for information on the Indian political situation. The US really became involved in South Asia after its entry into World War II. British India served at that time as a spring –board for allied military operations against the Japanese in China and Southeast Asia. India’s relations with the Unites States have been described variously as ‘estranged democracies’ and distance powers by Americans. Indian have tended to describe it as ‘distanced democracies’, ‘engaged democracies’ and finally as ‘natural allies’. Another common refrain often articulated from India, describes the United States as the oldest and most powerful democracy and itself as the largest. The expectation from both sides appears to have been that ‘democracy’ will somehow transcend national interests and security imperatives and shape the relationship (B.Dipankar, 2006.) Relations between India and the US have varied widely over the last sixty-five years and adopted a roller-coaster character with many ups and downs and high and lows. In recent years India –US relations has transformed into what both sides claim to be a strategic partnership. Even as both countries move towards that desirable goal, it is useful to recall that divergences in perceptions and policies have varied widely over the years. At the end of the Second World War the Unites States emerged as the undisputed leader of the free world. Its lead in almost every area of consequence remains unchallenged for decades. All its possible peers were largely destroyed by the war and indeed needed Washington’s help to revive themselves. The United States did not just dominate the emerging world order, but had the opportunity to shape it by laying out its figures and establishing the international institutions that would determine its future. Within a few years of the War’s end, the Soviet Union and the Communist bloc emerged as the only group that could conceivably challenge this order, but only in a limited military sense. For India, the immediate concerns were different. It was to emerge from colonialism and external domination as an independent entity. It had first to fully assert its independence, in which it only got success partially as the nation itself was split into India and Pakistan addressing the region to internal conflict for decades. India’s identity and nationalism had to be developed an additional based on its own values and heritage and its territories needed to be consolidated. In addition to these concerns, a modern state had to be created almost from the beginning with all its associated institutions. (C. Raja Mohan 2003) To achieve these immediate goals, India needed a peaceful external environment, uncomplicated by the rivalries of the global power struggle. New Delhi needed to craft a policy that would provide it a meaningful and autonomous role in a future world, in keeping with its own size potential and aspiration. In accordance with these needs it choose a policy of ‘non-alignment’. The term itself was much misunderstood in the world, and particularly in the US. India, perhaps justifiably, never fully explained its position, leading many in the west to ask, ‘non-aligned against what; good and evil?’(R.Bahukutumbi, 1996.) What Nehru opined was a policy that would enable India to take independent positions on international issues without being tied down by alliances and ideological constraints. The central theme was not to get drawn in to military entanglements with major powers. He also hoped this would open up the possibility for India to adopt a position of some leadership of the emerging world. Many practical difficulties emerged, which hindered the implementations of this policy over the years. Over time, other countries also decided to remain ‘non-aligned’. On global issues, non-alignment often meant aligning against the west. Overall this policy prohibited the possibility of a military relationship with any country or grouping. This policy, and differences in world view, became a major barrier to an Indo-US military relationship throughout the Cold War (Ganguly S, 1990.) Indo-US diplomatic relations go back to the presidency of George Washington when Benjamin Joy was appointed to the position of US Consul in Calcutta, the then Indian Capital in 1792. Nothing of note happened until April 1941. When Girija Shakar Bajpai was appointed the first Agent General of India in Washington DC and Thomas Wilson shifted as US Commissioner from Calcutta to New Delhi. At that time President Roosevelt understood that a successful pursuit of the war against the Axis powers required India’s willing support and cooperation. Roosevelt’s support for Indian independence and concern about continuing British rule had left a favourable impression on Indians (Chari PR 1999.) Churchill’s refusal to contemplate a serious change in British imperial policy compelled the Indian National Congress to launch the Quit India movement in 1942. The Congress leaders believed that only an India that was promised freedom after the war could voluntarily join the war against fascism. Instead, the British responded by locking up most senior Congress political leaders. In spite of this, India’s participation in the Second World War was remarkable by any standards. Over two and a half million soldiers, each a volunteer, fought with Allied armies in many of the major threats of the global conflict. This contribution was particularly salient in the Burma front, without which the outcome would have been considerably less certain. In addition to the roughly half-million soldiers from India and the British Commonwealth in this theatre, the Allied forces were joined by troops representing the Nationalist Chinese, many Africans and, by the war’s end, some 250,000 US soldiers (Sigh 2005.) This enormous US troop contribution was easily its largest military-to-military relationship in South Asia. US forces provided the bulk of logistics support, flew substantial numbers of air sorties across uncharted routes in unstable aircraft, and ensured that the Kuomintang forces remained in the war against Japan in China. In addition, there was also the enormous Brooklyn air conditioning plant near Kolkata, the largest in Asia at the time that stored and supplied food to all Allied forces in the East (Banerjee, D 2000.) It might have been expected that this state relations would continue after Indian independence. Instead, the Cold war intervened. India was partitioned and a separate state, Pakistan came into existence in 1947. During the Cold War, the pressure of strategic imperatives often widened the disjuncture between the hope and the reality resulting in hurtful Indo-US relations. The US support to Pakistan on the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in the United Nations in 1948-49, and initiation of military support to Pakistan in 1954, shed a binding shadow on the relationship. The United States wanted to join as many states as possible in its war against communism, often in a formal strategic relationship. India viewed the logic of American alliances as directly breaking its own interests. India was convinced that American military support had encouraged Pakistan to wage war against it in 1965. This happened again during Indo-Pak war in 1971, when the US gave warnings to India and sent the USS Enterprise of its 7th Fleet into the Bay of Bengal. The United States perceived India’s policy of non-alignment as self-righteous and considered its neutrality far from neutral, citing examples of its silence over the Soviet invasion of Hungary and Czechosloskavia in 1968 (Dasgupta 2002.) In mid 1961 India agreed to buy the MiG-21 aircraft from the Soviet Union. This was offered on such munificent terms that neither Great Britain, nor France nor the US could come up with a comparable offer even if they wanted to match it. Thus, began a long and enduring Indo-Soviet arms relationship (Ganguly S, 1990.) The very strong Indian reaction to the evolving Pakistan-US military alliance was perhaps not anticipated in Washington. In any case, by now India’s image in the US had plunged and New Delhi‘s concerns were not a factor in US decision making. Indo-US relations remained frozen in a sate of suspended hostility until 1962. The Chinese aggression on India in Oct-Nov 1962 led to a remarkable turn around in Indo-US relations. The attack from Chinese side surprised and shocked the Indian leaders. A total of two Indian infantry divisions, or less than ten percent of the Indian combat force, faced a thoroughly prepared PLA. The Indian forces were totally unprepared, badly deployed, under-equipped and even without proper clothes. The defeat was total in terms of India’s political standing and its foreign policy. What is notable was the dramatic shift in Indian policy and the liberal military and political support that India received from the US and the West. None of India’s non-aligned partners provided help and few showed any sympathy. Moscow actually temporarily halted the MiG program, siding instead with its socialist friend. In contrast, the US came through with substantial help. A considerably larger arms package of US $ 373 million was apparently worked out by November 1963 in Washington by Ambassador Chester Bowles and was to have been signed by President Kennedy on 26th of November, 1963. Kennedy said; We should defend India, and therefore Relationship between India and the USA Relationship between India and the USA Abstract This piece of work tries to study the relations of one superpower and another emerging power in international order. The relations of India-US have passed through a roller -coaster character since 1950s. The study is about the Indo-US relations during post Cold-War period. It tries to present in- depth study of the relation between two states, with historical background, major events of the period, US involvement in South Asia/India, its stand on India-Pakistan disputes. It observes about the transition from ‘estranged democracies’ to a ‘strategic partnership’ of the relations. US interests in the region were for many years interpreted as philanthropic rather than commercial or strategic, and the US was closed ally with Pakistan. The study is trying to find out How the neglected country for almost 50 years got top priority and finally turned to be natural ally. The relations have passed through different stage from ‘neither friend nor enemy’, ‘distanced democracies ’, ‘engaged democracies’ and finally as ‘natural allies’ with nuclear partnership. This achievement and transformation is not happened overnight. To achieve these, both countries have passed through different states overtime. The thesis tries to find out some reason behind this quick development in the relations. The transformation happened during post Cold -War period. Behind these transformations some reason such as Indian practice of democratization, open market policy, huge development on economy and IT sector played vital role. Likewise, US goal in the region was fulfilled while making good relations with India. After analysing some major events and immediate reaction, the thesis tries to make an argument that, with other reasons side by side, the nuclear test of 1998 by India was the central theme that helped for the transformations of the relations. Chapter 1 Introduction and literature review Topic introduction and Purpose of the study After the end of the Cold War, the United States is leading in the International Order, and it is experienced that- this time is American time, its hegemony and policy for liberal democracy, human rights or in any colour or form. So its relations with any other part of the world is itself interesting and important. On the other hand, India is the largest democracy in the world and emerging power in the International order. It is economically and strategically threat to the US, it is tiger in Asia in term of population, economy and nuclear capacity. The relation between the superpower and emerging power is obviously important to the students of International Relations/politics or common people as well. So it is hoped that this research makes some interesting and important line of arguments. â€Å"As the tiger economies of South-east Asia roared away in the 1970s and 1980s, Indias biggest achievements remained its ability to feed its own people, and its adherence against the odds to democracy. Unshackled by the economic liberalisation of the early 1990s, India is already poised to overtake Japan as the worlds third largest economy. The nuclear status of India has been formally acknowledged by the US And, when the UN is finally reformed, its likely to land a permanent seat on the Security Council†(BBC Online, 2009.) For over forty years, the United States has contended with the problem of formatting a coherent policy toward South Asia- a region that contains approximately one-fifth of the world’s population. During this time, US policy has surrounded between interventions and withdrawal. Detailed analysis of how Washington determines its South Asian policy, especially with regard to the regions two major states: India and Pakistan. The nations of South Asia contain a fifth of the human race. They include one state (India) that is certainly the world’s largest democracy and one other (Pakistan) that has been an intermittent ally of the US since 1953. For over thirty-five years Washington’s policy has shifted uneasily from neglect of the region to intense involvement in its economic, political, and military affairs, seeing in the former certain ideological and moral values and in the latter certain strategic and military advantages. This research tries to fill a gap in understanding of the reasons for American involvement in and policy toward South Asia especially India. The literature on US foreign policy is dominated by relations with the Soviet Union and Western Europe. American relations with Africa, Southeast Asia, Latin America, and South Asia are relatively neglected and episodic in nature. This absence of interest is especially marked in the case of South Asia. Yet, American decisions have profoundly affected the lives of most South Asians, the societies of regional states, and their external policies. It has often been noted that this influence and the relationship is excessively one-sided: American decisions affect South Asians far more than South Asian decisions can ever affect Americans. The purpose of this study is to examine the sources and patters of American responses towards events in India over a period of time, through an examination of some case study. Giving some brief introduction and history of Indo-US security relation after 2nd World War, it talks in detail about the relation during Post Cold War period. After the end of the Cold War, every country around the world effected, but South Asian countries effected more than others. The US has no rival in world order, but India and Pakistan, two countries from the South Asia emerged as new nuclear power. India could not be the state as neglected before. Post Cold- War period saw dramatic changes in US-India relation. Research Focus/Research question The main thrust of this thesis is to present the Indo-US relations during Post Cold War period, to study main events of the period and to explore the reasons behind the transformation in relations. The thesis is focused on the periphery of Post Cold War leading to 9/11. In the short span of time in 1990s how the transformation was possible, how the neglected country for almost 50 years got top priority in American foreign policy, it tries to answer these questions. The thesis tries to make an argument that the nuclear test of 1998 was the central theme that helped for the transformation of the relation. The Indo-US convergence was abruptly interrupted by India’s May 1998 nuclear tests. President Clinton’s initial reaction was simultaneously emotional: ‘To think that you have to manifest your greatness by behaviour that recalls the very worst events of the 20th century on the edge of the 21st century when everybody else is trying to leave the nuclear age behind, is just wrong.’ Because of the fact that both India and Pakistan had been de facto nuclear weapon states, US concerned about the possibility of nuclear war in South Asia, but it was obviously a challenge in Western hegemony as well. Although the US imposed suspension of most military-military contacts, the nuclear tests started a high-level engagements between the US and India. Overtime, the Clinton Administration adapted itself to the reality that India’s great-power aspirations included becoming a full-fledged nuclear weapons state. India’s 1998 nuclear explosive test were a blessing in disguise for long-term Indo-US relations. Once the tests exploded the illusion, Washington and New Delhi could get on with the important task of relating to one another on a more equal footing. Methodology The study is based on academic writings such as books, journal and online resources. While using such material a great care has been taken in term of their credibility. The books studied for the research are written by academics mostly of Indian background in origin. Mostly they are educated in American Universities and working there in US Universities. Their academic background and research area is about American foreign policy, Asian studies, Asians security. Likewise the online resources have been used with great care such as produced by the academics and trustworthy organizations like Asia Foundations, governmental bodies and well -known research centres. Though writers are educated and being engaged in US academia, care have been taken while developing arguments from their writing, being India origin, emotional behave might affect on their writing about American or Indian perspective. The thesis also contains three major events which were supposed to play determinative role for the transformations of the relations. Likewise it also collects immediate reaction after the test. For reactions the samples have been collected in three groups. Structure of the thesis The thesis is composed of six chapters. Chapter one is the general introduction explaining the topic and subject matter, rationale, and methodology. This chapter also includes the literature review. The second chapter traces the history of Indo-US relations. It talks about the US engagement in Asia and India. It simply presents the history of the relation explaining some major events of the period. The third chapter is about the post Cold -War scenarios. It begins with how the US started tilting to India not Pakistan. The change in American policy to South Asia and India begin at this point of time. This chapter explains three major events of the period as case study: Kashmir Issue 1999, nuclear test 1998 and Clinton visit 2002. After this, in Chapter Four to know the immediate reaction after the test, it collects some thoughts expressed in news Medias and thoughts by think tanks especially in the US. How the think-tank and the governments reacted to the test and talked about the bilateral relations. After analysing three major events and reactions of the governments, think tanks and views expressed on newspaper, Chapter Five, the main part of the thesis makes an argument that it was the nuclear test 1998, which helped to transform the relation. This chapter once again makes a revision of the relation since 1950s. Finally, the thesis contains the conclusion and bibliography. Literature Review: As mentioned above, literature on American foreign policy is easily accessible and available everywhere but regarding the US relations to the South Asian region; book and journals are not available enough as compared to other regions. The literature on US foreign policy is dominated by relations with the Soviet Union and Western Europe. For example, Ambrose S E. (1993) exclusively presents the history of American foreign policy since 1938. Ambrose gives detail survey of American Foreign Policy from the period America was secure in the world-neither of the great totalitarian political forces of the century, Fascism or Communism. The author presents the overview of the evolution of American foreign Policy focusing on major events like World War II, the Cuban missile crisis, Vietnam War, and the SALT treaties. It also talks about the individual Presidents and their changed attitudes to the different regions. Ambrose begins with the starting years of American Foreign Policy and its strength overtime up to Bush Policy and US engagements in Gulf war. Ambrose presents a chronological history of American Foreign Policy, but this book hardly discusses the development in South Asian region. The author is quite on US engagement in South Asia/India or US involvement in Indian/Pakistani War, Kargil issue As compared to Ambrose, Spanier J (1983) talks about the US and third world (author’s term) developments. Spanier presents an account of American foreign policy from the closing days of World War II to the beginning of the second Regan administration. The author presents interpretation of the roles of the Unites States on the world stage since it became a nuclear superpower. It also talks about the theoretical frameworks of American foreign policy like the American approach to foreign policy, the state system, the American national style, the contrast between systematic and national behaviour. Spainer clearly tries to explore the reason behind World War, its significance and detailed survey of impact of nuclear weapons on the pattern of American-Soviet relations. The author explains in detail about the role of 3rd world during the Cold War to conflict with-and-in-the Third World. Bertsch K. Gary (1999) collects twelve essays by US educated academics with background study in South Asian studies. Most of the authors are with Indian background, educated and engaged in US intuitions. The write-up reflects their long experiences with their work either academic or institution like US based South Asia Program, Institutes for Defence Studies. The author addresses the broad range of non-proliferation and foreign policy issues that affect Indo-American relations. It not only describes missile control and space cooperation, chemical and biological weapons, and the use of sanctions versus incentives, the individual authors with their expertise knowledge provide practical recommendations for how a stronger and more meaningful dialogue can be established between the policy makers of the world’s two largest democracies. Authors present about the history of Indo-US relations in different perspective like strategic, economic, political, technical aspects but its main focus is to talk about broad insight into India’s relations with the rest of the world in the shadow of India’s 1998 nuclear tests. Likewise Gangulyscobell (2006) present a series of perspectives about US-Indian strategic cooperation. The authors make an effort for the current status and future instructions of the relation. The identify the strategic context for and logic behind Indias emerging security cooperation with the US, the strategic context for and logic behind growing US security cooperation with India, growing bilateral cooperation in the US-led Global War on Terrorism. Likewise, it raises an important issue of the US assessment of Indias role in the anti-terror struggle, Indian assessment of the US worldwide anti-terror effort, Chinese view of the growing security ties between Washington and New Delhi. Likewise it identifies some military-to-military ties between the United States and India, one from the perspective of Washington, and the other from a New Delhi perspective. S. Ganguly (2006) traces the origins, development and the current state of Indo-US strategic cooperation. The authors access the strategic cooperation of the worlds two largest democracies. They entirely talk about the strategic relation of the two countries. The book provides an assessment of Indo-US relations with a particular focus on the evolution of contemporary bilateral relations, focuses on the current state of military-to-military cooperation. The authors highlight the development of Indo-US defence ties over the last few decades and examine its underlying causes. Likewise they addressees key areas of future strategic cooperation including high technology trade, participation in multilateral peacekeeping operations. S. Ganguly’ (1990) identifies the key issues of how Washington determines its South Asian policy, especially with regard to the region’s two major states: India and Pakistan. Using case studies the author bases his study on US policy in four major South Asian crises: the 1962 India-China War, the India-Pakistan conflicts of 1965 and 1971, and the massive draught of 1966-1967. Ganguly’s research not only talks about the American foreign policy during different presidents in office and major events but also it talks about the theoretical aspect of American foreign policy. It describes analytical perspective of US foreign policy, South Asia and US foreign policy, history of Indo-US relations and Indo-China War, 1965 War, The 1965-67 Crisis, the 1971 Indo-Pakistani war. The author provides the detailed explanation of the major events of the history between two states and mostly incidents are based on American perspective. As mentioned earlier since the region itself did not get priority, so the discussion about the region in world affairs was limited. Only after late 1990s and especially after the nuclear test, the literature on American policy to Asia and India seems growing. One of such discussion is J. Singh (1998). It provides both historical and contemporary analytical insights on a variety of subjects that impose upon a nuclear India. Singh checks out the nuclear reality as it exists today, at the national and international level. He begins with why nuclear weapons are required and what are they all about. It further examines the rationale for the possession of nuclear weapons, detailed history of the Indian nuclear policy formulation between 1964-1998, presents history to trace the origin of nuclear weapons. It also demonstrates about the paths of proliferation and non-proliferation over the last five decades. The author also looks at the increasing proliferation concerns in the Indian neighbourhood, lists out the major proliferation challenges that have emerged after the Cold War. Likewise, it further focuses specially on ballistic missiles and their implications for international security. Likewise it also presents a detailed study of both China and Pakistan’s nuclear weapons and missile programme, examines the traditional Indian position on the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, impact of the nuclear test ban on the post-Cold War environment. It gives enough information about the nuclear weapons, their introduction, how they work and why they are required. It also presents the history of nuclear weapons, telling about the nuclear have countries when and how they conducted it. Jain, Rashmi (Ed.) 2006) presents the record of the transition of Indo-US relations from ‘estranged democracies’ to a ‘strategic partnership’ in the 21st century. It is the inclusive and current study of the political, economic/trade, military/defence and nuclear proportions of Indo-US relations from 1947 to 2006. Jain discusses the overall trends in relations between India and the United States during the Cold War and after. It deals with the implications of the American alliance with Pakistan, the extension of limited arms assistance to India following the India-China war of 1962 and support to the Tashkent and Simla agreements, Nixons tilt towards Pakistan during the Indo-Pak war of 1971, India’s nuclear test of 1947. The study contains a selection of 692 basic documents from official sources, including Congressional hearings, and provides the full texts or extracts from various agreements, joint communiquà ©s and statements and interviews by Government dignitaries. It is the collection of official documents related between the relations of two countries for about fifty years. It works as primary source for the researcher. Beside these books, Journal and other reports have been used while conducting the research. Journals like Foreign affairs, International Affairs, Strategic Affairs, and online edition of The Economist and news sites of BBC, CNN, The New York Times and Indian newspapers such as Hindu, the Times of India has been used. Likewise US congress report, governmental publications and the reports published by the Ministry of Indian External Affairs have been used. Chapter 2 Historical Background ‘South Asia and US Foreign Policy-US meets India’ This chapter briefs about the American Foreign Policy and US involvement in South Asia/India. It is an account of US-Indo relations after 1950s to late 1980s. It is not chronological history of the relation, but it includes major events and trends of the time. South Asia comprises a subsystem of powers with two major nations; India and Pakistan that are actually within South Asia and there others, China, the US and the USSR, that are extra-regional players in the region. South Asia also contains other states with minimal military and economical power; Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan. By virtue of their global status, the US and the USSR have been involved in South Asia until 1990s. South Asian Countries are often introduced by political instability, a relative diffusion of powers and slow economic development. These characteristics and weakness prompted the two superpowers to fill the apparent power vacuum and to change it in order to strengthen their respective global and regional policies (Ganguly S. 1999.) South Asia has been usually been regarded as only marginally important to the United States. In the major American security decisions regarding the stability of the international system, maintenance of nuclear balance or the problem of war and peace, South Asia was not considered a determining factor. Some reasons can be traced behind less priority of US to South Asia  First, it was not vital strategically; it did not offer any major resources essential to American industry. Second, the low level of economic and political interaction could not generate a positive image of South Asia in the American mind. In American perceptions, the area remained a preserve of British interests. Thus, US interests in the region were for many years interpreted as philanthropic rather than commercial or strategic (R.Arthur, 2006.) The central dilemma of US policy in South Asia since 1947 has been to deal with the competing claims of the two principal states of this region, India and Pakistan. In a sense, the constant dilemma of Americas South Asia Policy is a result of the regional contest between these two states.Of these two Sub continental states, if India was often a unimportant factor in US perception of the global strategic equation, Pakistan was an insignificant factor unless military aligned with the US. The initial US involvement in South Asia was barely influenced by the regional developments. What did shape the US role was the shrinking British Empire and the rapid decline of the KMT regime in China. Succeeding US military links to South Asia (especially Pakistan), a subsidiary of its concern in relation to the Soviet Union, accidentally emphasized the level of hostility between India and Pakistan. US involvement not only annoyed India but also brought the Soviet Union and later China into the Subcontinent and made the region an arena of Cold war politics (Ganguly S, 1990.) In many ways, US involvement in India started during World War II, before this both officials and unofficial contacts with India were minimal. While the US maintained a few consular officers in India to look after commercial interests, it relied largely on British Foreign Office communications for information on the Indian political situation. The US really became involved in South Asia after its entry into World War II. British India served at that time as a spring –board for allied military operations against the Japanese in China and Southeast Asia. India’s relations with the Unites States have been described variously as ‘estranged democracies’ and distance powers by Americans. Indian have tended to describe it as ‘distanced democracies’, ‘engaged democracies’ and finally as ‘natural allies’. Another common refrain often articulated from India, describes the United States as the oldest and most powerful democracy and itself as the largest. The expectation from both sides appears to have been that ‘democracy’ will somehow transcend national interests and security imperatives and shape the relationship (B.Dipankar, 2006.) Relations between India and the US have varied widely over the last sixty-five years and adopted a roller-coaster character with many ups and downs and high and lows. In recent years India –US relations has transformed into what both sides claim to be a strategic partnership. Even as both countries move towards that desirable goal, it is useful to recall that divergences in perceptions and policies have varied widely over the years. At the end of the Second World War the Unites States emerged as the undisputed leader of the free world. Its lead in almost every area of consequence remains unchallenged for decades. All its possible peers were largely destroyed by the war and indeed needed Washington’s help to revive themselves. The United States did not just dominate the emerging world order, but had the opportunity to shape it by laying out its figures and establishing the international institutions that would determine its future. Within a few years of the War’s end, the Soviet Union and the Communist bloc emerged as the only group that could conceivably challenge this order, but only in a limited military sense. For India, the immediate concerns were different. It was to emerge from colonialism and external domination as an independent entity. It had first to fully assert its independence, in which it only got success partially as the nation itself was split into India and Pakistan addressing the region to internal conflict for decades. India’s identity and nationalism had to be developed an additional based on its own values and heritage and its territories needed to be consolidated. In addition to these concerns, a modern state had to be created almost from the beginning with all its associated institutions. (C. Raja Mohan 2003) To achieve these immediate goals, India needed a peaceful external environment, uncomplicated by the rivalries of the global power struggle. New Delhi needed to craft a policy that would provide it a meaningful and autonomous role in a future world, in keeping with its own size potential and aspiration. In accordance with these needs it choose a policy of ‘non-alignment’. The term itself was much misunderstood in the world, and particularly in the US. India, perhaps justifiably, never fully explained its position, leading many in the west to ask, ‘non-aligned against what; good and evil?’(R.Bahukutumbi, 1996.) What Nehru opined was a policy that would enable India to take independent positions on international issues without being tied down by alliances and ideological constraints. The central theme was not to get drawn in to military entanglements with major powers. He also hoped this would open up the possibility for India to adopt a position of some leadership of the emerging world. Many practical difficulties emerged, which hindered the implementations of this policy over the years. Over time, other countries also decided to remain ‘non-aligned’. On global issues, non-alignment often meant aligning against the west. Overall this policy prohibited the possibility of a military relationship with any country or grouping. This policy, and differences in world view, became a major barrier to an Indo-US military relationship throughout the Cold War (Ganguly S, 1990.) Indo-US diplomatic relations go back to the presidency of George Washington when Benjamin Joy was appointed to the position of US Consul in Calcutta, the then Indian Capital in 1792. Nothing of note happened until April 1941. When Girija Shakar Bajpai was appointed the first Agent General of India in Washington DC and Thomas Wilson shifted as US Commissioner from Calcutta to New Delhi. At that time President Roosevelt understood that a successful pursuit of the war against the Axis powers required India’s willing support and cooperation. Roosevelt’s support for Indian independence and concern about continuing British rule had left a favourable impression on Indians (Chari PR 1999.) Churchill’s refusal to contemplate a serious change in British imperial policy compelled the Indian National Congress to launch the Quit India movement in 1942. The Congress leaders believed that only an India that was promised freedom after the war could voluntarily join the war against fascism. Instead, the British responded by locking up most senior Congress political leaders. In spite of this, India’s participation in the Second World War was remarkable by any standards. Over two and a half million soldiers, each a volunteer, fought with Allied armies in many of the major threats of the global conflict. This contribution was particularly salient in the Burma front, without which the outcome would have been considerably less certain. In addition to the roughly half-million soldiers from India and the British Commonwealth in this theatre, the Allied forces were joined by troops representing the Nationalist Chinese, many Africans and, by the war’s end, some 250,000 US soldiers (Sigh 2005.) This enormous US troop contribution was easily its largest military-to-military relationship in South Asia. US forces provided the bulk of logistics support, flew substantial numbers of air sorties across uncharted routes in unstable aircraft, and ensured that the Kuomintang forces remained in the war against Japan in China. In addition, there was also the enormous Brooklyn air conditioning plant near Kolkata, the largest in Asia at the time that stored and supplied food to all Allied forces in the East (Banerjee, D 2000.) It might have been expected that this state relations would continue after Indian independence. Instead, the Cold war intervened. India was partitioned and a separate state, Pakistan came into existence in 1947. During the Cold War, the pressure of strategic imperatives often widened the disjuncture between the hope and the reality resulting in hurtful Indo-US relations. The US support to Pakistan on the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in the United Nations in 1948-49, and initiation of military support to Pakistan in 1954, shed a binding shadow on the relationship. The United States wanted to join as many states as possible in its war against communism, often in a formal strategic relationship. India viewed the logic of American alliances as directly breaking its own interests. India was convinced that American military support had encouraged Pakistan to wage war against it in 1965. This happened again during Indo-Pak war in 1971, when the US gave warnings to India and sent the USS Enterprise of its 7th Fleet into the Bay of Bengal. The United States perceived India’s policy of non-alignment as self-righteous and considered its neutrality far from neutral, citing examples of its silence over the Soviet invasion of Hungary and Czechosloskavia in 1968 (Dasgupta 2002.) In mid 1961 India agreed to buy the MiG-21 aircraft from the Soviet Union. This was offered on such munificent terms that neither Great Britain, nor France nor the US could come up with a comparable offer even if they wanted to match it. Thus, began a long and enduring Indo-Soviet arms relationship (Ganguly S, 1990.) The very strong Indian reaction to the evolving Pakistan-US military alliance was perhaps not anticipated in Washington. In any case, by now India’s image in the US had plunged and New Delhi‘s concerns were not a factor in US decision making. Indo-US relations remained frozen in a sate of suspended hostility until 1962. The Chinese aggression on India in Oct-Nov 1962 led to a remarkable turn around in Indo-US relations. The attack from Chinese side surprised and shocked the Indian leaders. A total of two Indian infantry divisions, or less than ten percent of the Indian combat force, faced a thoroughly prepared PLA. The Indian forces were totally unprepared, badly deployed, under-equipped and even without proper clothes. The defeat was total in terms of India’s political standing and its foreign policy. What is notable was the dramatic shift in Indian policy and the liberal military and political support that India received from the US and the West. None of India’s non-aligned partners provided help and few showed any sympathy. Moscow actually temporarily halted the MiG program, siding instead with its socialist friend. In contrast, the US came through with substantial help. A considerably larger arms package of US $ 373 million was apparently worked out by November 1963 in Washington by Ambassador Chester Bowles and was to have been signed by President Kennedy on 26th of November, 1963. Kennedy said; We should defend India, and therefore
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