Friday, May 31, 2019

In The Movie tombstone, Friendship Comes In Different Forms :: essays research papers

In the Movie " gobblerbstone", Friendship Comes in Different FormsFriendship between two passel can come in many different forms. In acompanionship you could just be acquaintances, where at one time or another(prenominal)someone might have done something for you that might have changed your life forthe better. To this individual you feel as if you owe them a favor in return.For this primer you would always help them in their time of need.     In the movie Tombstone, Wyatt Earp was the only amigo that commercialism Holidayever had. So no matter when Wyatt was in flurry Doc was always there for him.For example the time exclusively of Wyatts brothers were murdered and Wyatt tookrevenge on the people who did it. So, even though on his death bed, Doc Holiday,got up and went with Wyatt to help him slay them. This is one way that a fellowship can form between two people.     A further example of the friendship between Wyatt and Holiday w as whenthe Dalton gang had come into town with their guns and went into the O.K. Corral.They were going to get Wyatt for killing one for their brothers. Doc knew thatWyatt might of been killed if he went there on his own. So again, even thoughnot in the best of health, Doc went to help Wyatt out.Another type of friendship is the one that came between John Oakhurstand young Tom Simson in the story of The Outcast of Poker Flat. In thiscamaraderie the two men were in a poker game and young Simson lost all of hismoney to Oakhurst. After the game Oakhurst pulled him aside and gave him hismoney back and a little lecture on not to gamble any more. By this he made aslave (friend) for life. A few months later when Oakhurst became exiled out of

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Scarlet Letter/ Syntax & Imagery :: Free Essay Writer

flushed Letter/ Syntax & ImageryNathaniel Hawthorne, the author of The Scarlet Letter, has an extremely elaborate, and well-depicted vocabulary. Many of his sentences and paragraphs tend to be very verbose, but at the same time very helpful in giving the reader an blameless representation of the exactly how Chillingworth reacts when he first sees Hester. Within the passage on page sixty-seven Hawthorne is giving an intricate description of Chillingworths reaction when he first sees Hester after she is released from prison. With his usage of both syntax and imagery throughout this passage, he most effectively illustrates his vision of Chillingworth. Hawthorne gives us quite a second base of description within this passage, which allows us to see an intellectual side of Chillingworth. Generally people are intellectual or religious, the big bang vs. Genesis. Chillingworth is portrayed as intellectual, which conflicts with the Puritan views of religion. Syntax is simply described by t he arrangement of slicener of speaking more complexly it is overly made up of the unproblematic and Secondary structures of language. Primary Structures often consist of an initial noun phrase, a verb phrase, and a final noun phrase while standby structures consist of basically everything else in the sentence (all of the extra words used to make language more vivid and colorful). While looking at the second sentence of this passage Hawthorne writes, It was carelessly, at first, like a man chiefly accustomed to look inward, and to whom external matters are of little value and import unless they bear relation to something within his mind. The majority of this passage was composed of secondary structures. It was careless, was the only primary structure in this sentence. All of the other descriptions used were secondary structure, which helped us to understand the lackadaisical expression Chillingworth displayed when his gaze met that of Hesters. Within the tilt of external matter s being of little value, while things are only important if they bear relation to something within his mind, we realize that Chillingworth was simply an intellectual person. We are also led to assume that religion is not an incredibly large factor in his life. The secondary structures helped to make the passage comprehensible and very easy to visualize. other example of Hawthornes use of syntax is in the description of Chillingworths first sight of Hester. His face darkened with some powerful emotion, which, nevertheless, he so instantaneously controlled by an effort of his will, that, save at a single moment, its expression might have passed for calmness.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Physics and Firearms :: physics firearm gun guns ballistics

So you are into reloading and you wonder how well that little package with 77 grains of IMR 4350 powder behind a 300 grain round nose, dependable metal jacket sluggard go away do. Well, you can do two things, a little bit of natural philosophy calculations, or go out and invoke it off, hoping that it doesnt explode in the barrel I would choose to do a little physics myself By using some basic physics equations, you can figure out just about any part of the rifles ballistics data. For instance, if you k instantaneously a few variables, you can predict range with physics, or if you like you can figure things like drag on the bullet, pressure and expansion values inside the gun, on the bullet and a lot more, all from physics.So, lets turn over a look at both the potential and kinetic energies of the .338 Winchester magnum. I will use a load given by the Winchester Reloading manual, which can be found online athttp// load is a 300 gra in bullet, using 59.8 grains of Winchester 760 powder, and this gives a muzzle velocity of 2285 ft/sec.For potential energy we know that PE=mgh, where PE= potency Energy, m=mass, g=acceleration due to gravity, and h=height.So for a 300-grain bullet, the potential energy is calculated by first finding the mass. To do this, channel 300grains/7000grains/pound. This gives you a value of .042857lbs. Then we need to convert pounds to slugs (slugs are the units of mass) .042857lb/32.2ft/s2=.001331slugs. Now we can calculate the potential energy of our 300-grain bullet. We will assume that h=six feet, since that is roughly the height of the barrel when I shoot from a standing position. So, since PE=mgh, we get PE=(.00133slugs)(32.2ft/sec2)(6ft)=.256956lbft. The answer is pretty much nothing and so we can pretty much ignore the potential energy of that bullet sitting at six feet in the air, but now lets look at the Kinetic energy of this bullet when shot. Since this bullet will be tw isting when it flies, it will have rotational kinetic energy, but I really dont want to get into those calculations and from what I have read, the amount of energy given by rotation versus that of the charge behind the bullet is really insignificant so I will only calculate the KE as if the bullet is not rotating. The formula is KE=1/2mv2.

Most historians recognise 1917 as the year in which the Harlem :: English Literature:

Most historians recognise 1917 as the year in which the Harlem renaissance began. The Harlem Renaissance.Today most historians recognise 1917 as the year in which the Harlemrenaissance began. three events lead to this. First was thepublication of two poems by Claude McKay. Second was the opening onBroadway of three plays about shameful life by a light writer, RidgelyThomas. These plays were remarkable not only because they wereperformed by black artists but because they contained none of theusual racial stereotypes. Finally, on the 28th of July Harlemexperienced its first silent arrangement when ten to fifteen thousandblacks marched down 5th Avenue to protest against continued racialinequities.However the rich surge in African American arts and letters that tookplace around the 1920s was not limited to just Harlem, nor even toNew York City. Although, the intensity of the movement was in thatcity, and the sheer design of black writers, musicians, and scholarswho lived and worked in Harlem has ensured that it is linked with theera.To understand the Harlem Renaissance it is necessary to appreciateboth the changes that occurred within the African community and thecultural shifts that took place in American society as a whole duringthe 1920s. For blacks the years during and after World War one wereones of increased militancy and racial pride.Phillip Randolph was struggling to organise black workers and anational campaign was actively promoting federal antilynchinglegislation. Although white society did not take these politicalmovements particularly seriously, it did give considerable recognitionto the heavy(a) number of black writers, musicians and scholars who wereemerging simultaneously. These figures being people like, CounteeCullen, James Weldon, Zora Neale Hurston, Wallace Thurman and JeanToomer. All lived in Harlem and Langston Hughes described the area asa great attractive feature for the negro intellectual, pulling him fromeverywhere. Yet Harlem was a magnet not only for blacks, but alsofor whites eager to experience for themselves the glamour and escapismthat its night-clubs seemed to promise. In legion(predicate) ways Harlem became anational symbol of the Jazz Age, a complete antithesis of Main Streetand everything that the artists and cultural critics of the 1920srejected.Many Observers, black and white, hoped that this outburst of literaryand artistic talent would help to ensure greater acceptance of blacksby American Society.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Enviromnetal Degradation as a Result of Overpopulation :: Environment Pollution Research Papers

Enviromnetal Degradation as a Result of OverpopulationIntroduction in that respect are simply too many people on our planet, and the population is not showing any signs of ho-huming worst. This is having disastrous effects on our environment. in that respect are too many implications and interrelationships to discuss in this paper, but the three substances that our earth consists of land, water and air, are being destroyed. Our forests are being cut down at an alarming rate, bearing enormous impacts on the health of earth. Our oceans and seas are being polluted and overfished. Our atmosphere is injected with increasing amounts of carbon dioxide, which hurts the entire planet. All of these problems loafer be traced to our vast, rapidly expanding population, which has stressed our world far too greatly. Our Population In 1994, the world population was 5 602 800 000. This population had a doubling judgment of conviction of only forty-one years (De Blij and Muller, 1994, p.527). Th e massive amount of people has had highly destructive impacts on the earths environment. These impacts occur on two levels international and local. On the global level, there is the accumulation of green house gases that deplete the ozone layer, the extinction of species, and a global food shortage. On the local level, there is corrosion of soils (and the loss of vegetation), the depletion of water supply, and toxification of the air and water. The earth is dynamic though, all of these aspects are interrelated, and no one impact is completely isolated. All of these destructive elements can be traced to our enormous population. As the population increases, so do all of the economic, social, and technological impacts. The concept of momentum of population growth is one that must be considered. It states that areas with traditionally high fertility rates forget have a very young structure age. Thus, a decrease in the fertility rate will still result in a greater absolute number of b irths, as there are more potential mothers. Populations are very slow in adjusting to decreases in fertility rates. This is especially frightening when considering that South Asia has a population of 1 204 600 000 (and a doubling judgment of conviction of thirty two years), Subsaharan Africa has 528 000 000 (doubling time thirty one years), and North Africa/Southwest Asia has 448 100 000 (doubling time twenty seven years) (De Blij and Muller, 1994, p. 529-531)and all of these areas have traditionally high fertility rates.

Enviromnetal Degradation as a Result of Overpopulation :: Environment Pollution Research Papers

Enviromnetal Degradation as a Result of Over macrocosmIntroduction There be simply too many people on our planet, and the population is not showing any signs of slowing down. This is having disastrous effects on our environment. There argon too many implications and interrelationships to discuss in this paper, but the tercet substances that our earth consists of land, water and air, are being destroyed. Our forests are being cut down at an alarming rate, bearing enormous impacts on the health of earth. Our oceans and seas are being polluted and overfished. Our atmosphere is injected with increasing amounts of carbon dioxide, which hurts the entire planet. All of these problems can be traced to our vast, rapidly expanding population, which has stressed our world far too greatly. Our race In 1994, the world population was 5 602 800 000. This population had a doubling time of only forty-one years (De Blij and Muller, 1994, p.527). The massive amount of people has had extremely destr uctive impacts on the earths environment. These impacts occur on two levels global and local. On the global level, there is the accumulation of green house gases that extinguish the ozone layer, the extinction of species, and a global food shortage. On the local level, there is erosion of soils (and the loss of vegetation), the depletion of water supply, and toxification of the air and water. The earth is dynamic though, all of these aspects are interrelated, and no one impact is completely isolated. All of these destructive elements can be traced to our enormous population. As the population increases, so do all of the economic, social, and technical impacts. The concept of momentum of population growth is one that must be considered. It states that areas with traditionally high fertility rates will have a very young structure age. Thus, a decrease in the fertility rate will still result in a greater absolute physique of births, as there are more potential mothers. Populations a re very slow in adjusting to decreases in fertility rates. This is especially frightening when considering that South Asia has a population of 1 204 600 000 (and a doubling time of thirty two years), Subsaharan Africa has 528 000 000 (doubling time thirty one years), and North Africa/Southwest Asia has 448 100 000 (doubling time twenty seven years) (De Blij and Muller, 1994, p. 529-531)and all of these areas have traditionally high fertility rates.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Intimate Partner Violence Essay

Intimate coadjutor fury is sometimes common in relationships, and legion(predicate) assistants in the relationship, usually the male, will bear witness acts of violence against his mate. There be various categories where violence falls, such as stalking, mental detestation, sexual abuse and physical abuse. We can find outline partner violence in all groups of people which imply, economic, affable, ethnic, racial and many types of cultural group. Acts of violence can take place between one individual in the relationship or both.Usually there atomic number 18 links between interior(a) partner violence and different aspects that generally affect the relationship, where economic, psychological and social conditions contribute to the number of incidents reported to authorities. The impact of intimate partner violence varies, usually in the type and severity of abuse. Individuals who are vulnerable due to physical, psychological, economic, or social conditions or who arrive ex perienced prior victimization may be even more severely affected than those with financial resources, good health, affirmative environments, and no other significant stressors or health problems.However, intimate violence can be traumatic for anyone. In some cases, the effects of prior intimate partner violence can be triggered for the first time or by and by a long period of remission months or years after the actual occurrence of violence has stopped. Intimate partner violence needs to be further investigated to find solutions. We light upon from the Department of Justice Statistics Report, that Statistics about intimate partner violence (IPV) vary because of differences in how different data sources define Intimate Partner effect, (IPV).For example, some definitions include stalking and psychological abuse, and others consider just now physical and sexual violence. Data on IPV usually come from police, clinical settings, nongovernmental organizations, and survey research. T here are many definitions of violence, and this is taken into consideration when statistics are completed. We in any case learn that, Most IPV incidents are non reported to the police. About 20% of IPV rapes or sexual assaults, 25% of physical assaults, and 50% of stalkings directed toward women are reported. blush fewer IPV incidents against men are reported (Tjaden and Thoennes 2000a). Thus, it is believed that unattached data greatly underestimate the true magnitude of the problem. While non an exhaustive list, here are some statistics on the occurrence of IPV. In many cases, the severity of the IPV behaviors is unknown. We are told by (Heise and Garcia Moreno, 2002) that, Traditional gender norms (e. g. , women should stay at home and non set down workforce, should be submissive)There are many males who often desire for their partners to stay out of the social and workforce realm and often violence is acted out toward spouses when they forefathert give up any social atta chments. Heise and Moreno tell us that, Some factors that are common in intimate relationships that are violent include 1. Couples with income, educational, or job status disparities 2. Dominance and control of the relationship by the male 3. Some community factors associated with intimate violence are 4. Poverty and associated factors (e.g. , overcrowding) 5, imprint social capitallack of institutions, relationships, and norms that shape the 6. Quality and quantity of a communitys social interactions 7. Weak community sanctions against IPV (e. g. , police unwilling to intervene) We learn from The Federal Government Source for Womens Health Information (womenshealth. gov. 2006) that, One in four women report that they have been physically assaulted or raped by an intimate partner. These crimes occur in both heterosexual and same-sex relationships.Physical and emotional trauma can lead to increased stress, depression, lowered self-esteem and post-traumatic stress infirmity (an emot ional state of discomfort and stress connected to the memories of a disturbing event). We also learn that, Violence against women by anyone is always wrong, whether the abuser is a accredited or past spouse, boyfriend, or girlfriend someone you date a family member an acquaintance or a stranger. You are not at fault. You did not cause the abuse to happen, and you are not responsible for the violent behavior of someone else. No matter who commits the violence in the relationship, (male or female), or the climb on of the victim in the intimate union, it is wrong. We also learn that, Women of all ages are at risk for home(prenominal) and intimate partner violence and face kindred challenges when trying to leave an abuser, like feelings of shame and money concerns. However, women who are 55 years and older and are abused face unique challenges. These women grew up and get hitched with during a time when domestic abuse was often dropd. Now, at an older age, they have endured many years of abuse and may have problems with poor self-image and shame. erstwhile(a) women who have been abused also are less likely to tell anyone about it have health problems that keep them dependent on their abusive partner feel committed to caring for their abusive aging partners and are fearful of being alone. We also learn from sources with the Department of Health and Human Resources that, Many individuals who are abused in the relationship often stay because they feel obliged to stay out of loyalty or because of fear. Violence in the home doesnt just affect the person being abused it affects everyone in the home, including children.Children may witness abuse in a number of different ways. 1. They may be in the room and see their mother being abused. 2. They may hear their parents fighting. 3. They may see the aftermath of the abuse when they see their mothers bruises. Studies have shown that children who grow up in violent homes are more likely to withdraw and have behaviora l problems. As they get older, these children often blame themselves for not stopping the abuse. This can lead to further withdrawal, depression, and substance abuse. Children who grow up in abusive homes are more likely to become abusers or be abused themselves.A boy who grows up with a father who beats his mother tends to see women as weak and submissive and repeat the cycle of abuse in his own relationships. A girl who sees the abuse of her mother is likely to think that abuse is part of a normal relationship and become conglomerate with an abuser herself. Intimate Partner Violence needs to be addressed. Too many individuals fall victim to this type of violence in a partnership and studies show that many factors contribute to this abuse. Many individuals who have never been in an abusive relationship wonder, Why doesnt she leave? There are many reasons why individuals may not leave an abusive relationship. She may possess little or no money and have no way to at long last suppo rt herself and her children or she may reach out for help only to find that all the local domestic violence shelters are full. She may not be able to contact friends and family who could help her. Or she may worry about the safety of herself and her children if she leaves. There must be resources for these individuals to turn to when violence is evident in the intimate relationship. If you are being abused or have a loved one who is being abused, get help.Dont ignore it. It wont go away. Keep in mind, youre not alone. Many women are victims of domestic abuse. There is help out there for victims of domestic abuse in intimate partner relationships. Contact your local womens shelters in your area for advice and protection. Without help, abuse will continue and could worsen. Many resources are available to help you understand your options and to support you. No one deserves to be abused Typically each time the abuse occurs, it worsens, and the cycle shortens. Breaking this pattern of v iolence alone and without help is difficult.Its always important to recognize that you may not be in a position to resolve the situation on your own. You may need outside help, and thats OK. Without help, the abuse will likely continue. Leaving the abusive relationship may be the only way to secern the cycle.ReferencePage Heise, L, Garcia-Moreno. (2002) Violence Against Intimate Partners. World Report on Violence and Health. P. 87-121 The Department of Health & Human Services. (2006). Violence Against Women. womens health. gov. Tjaden, Thoennes P. (2000). Full Report Violence Against Women Report. Department of Justice.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Differences in Competencies Between Nurses Prepared at the Associate’s Degree Level Versus the Baccalaureate Degree Level Essay

Differences In Competencies between Nurses Prepared at the Associates Degree take Versus The Baccalaureate Degree Level in NursingIt is sometimes difficult to differentiate between the associates degree deem and the baccalaureate degree suck up. After all both levels of learning take away passing the exact same exam in order to practice. However, there are some differences of learning between them. Two important differences are the educational curriculum and the quality of care given to longanimouss. The associates degree nursing curriculum (AAS) is a two year program that prepares the nurse to apply technical and clinical skills upon graduation. The baccalaureate degree nursing (BSN) curriculum is a four year program that builds upon the technical and clinical skills of the AAS. Heights of learning is raised by incorporating psychosocial, ethical, legal, depict based nursing into their curriculum. The first gear BSN program started proscribed at the beginning of the twentie th century.Annie Goodrich, director of the first privately operated baccalaureate program at Yale University, believed that accredited concepts in nursing should be built on the foundation of technical and clinical skills (Creasia and Friberg. 2011) Goodrich believed that the BSN field of study should address psychosocial and public health issues (Creasia and Reid. 2011). Todays BSN programs takes the AAS nurse out of the closed minded dome of just applying technical and clinical skills and into the world of other plateaus and horizons of nursing. This greater arc of nursing consists of addressing ALL pertinent needs that influences the health of individuals, families and communities. BSN nurses learn about legal, ethical, psychological, social and economic issues that pertains to health and health care. Upon receiving my AAS degree in nursing after a challenging two and angiotensin-converting enzyme half years, I told myself that I needed a break from studying.After all I had c ompleted the hardest part of nursing applying clinical skills. In my mind, I had climbed one of the highest mountains of learning, I did not quite get to the top, but its view wasin sight and I would get there some day. thither were not either incentives that encouraged me to move forward because all the registered nurses in the hospital where I worked wore the same identical identification cards . Everyone had their name and the words staff nurse written. Another reason that discouraged me from pushing forth is that there was barely a two thousand dollar yearly raise when you got the BSN. Many studies were do showing that the outcomes of the quality of care given by nurses that have BSN degrees and nurses with AAS degrees.Two of these studies stand out. One such study is the finding that baccalaureate degree nurses provided remediate outcomes in health care facilities. According to a study done in 1999 by Aiken, Clarke, Sloane, Lake and Chaney, the mortality rate of hospital patients decreased when there was a patient ratio of four patients to one nurse, and when there was a sixty percent staffing of BSN nurses. Another important study is a study done by Estabrooks, Midodzi, Cummings, Ricker and Giovanetti in March 2005, it was found that hospitals with a higher ratio of baccalaureate degrees resulted in a lower thirty day mortality rate of patient (Estabrooks, Midodzi, Cummings, Ricker and Giovanetti. 2005) Nursing is a field of study that mandates that the whole person and all parts of the whole person be taken into consideration so that the nurse could give effective care to individuals. Nurses that hold AAS degrees in nursing have an incomplete un-whole education. This incompleteness shortens their nursing insight into the outerr stratospheres of nursing.A while back, I think back applying for a position as a Nurse-Family Partnership Nurse. I was confident that I would get the job, because I had solid years of experience. The position entailed do ing home visits to first time mothers and teaching them how to take care of their infants. The position also entailed connecting these first time mothers with support services like food stamps and living skills specialists that would empower them. There was a measurable positive difference in the quality of these first time mothers and their infants with the guidance and direction of the BSN nurse ( A Career YouCan live Passionate About. Retrieved from www.nursefamily Needless to say, I did not get the position, because I did not have a BSN Degree.This was a wake up call for me. Today with all the solid evidence based studies on the better nursing outcomes with a higher staffing of baccalaureate degree nurses, health care facilities especially hospitals are resorting to hiring only the nurses that have their BSN degrees. Therefore it is imperative that AAS nurses continue on with their nursing education to deliver a better quality of care to individuals and to be more possible for positions that require the leadership of a baccalaureate nurse.ReferencesA Career You Can Feel Good Passionate About. (n.d.) Retrieved from www.NURSEFAMILYPARTNERSHIP.ORG. Aiken, L.H., Clarke, S.P., Sloane, D.M., Lake, E.T., & Cheney, T. (2008, May). Effects of Hospital Care environment on patient mortality and nurse outcomes. daybook of Nursing Administration, 38(5). 223-229. Creasia, L.J., & Friberg.E. (2011). Conceptual Foundations The Bridge to Professional Nursing Practice. St. Louis, MO. Elsevier Mosby. Eastbrooks, C.A., MIdodzi, W.K., Cummings, G.C. Ricker, K.L. & Giovanetti, P. (2005, March/April). The Impact of Hospital Nursing Characteristics on 30-day Mortality. Journal of Nursing Administration. 4 (718),958-968.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Island of the Blue Dolphins

Island Of The Blue Dolphins I believe that Karana should have jumped rather than stayed on the boat. I think this because it shows her esteem for her chum salmon, secondly she does it because she feels like she has to protect her younger fellow and lastly it is an unselfish act to do. Firstly, Karana should jump because it shows she loves her chum. The thought going through her mind was that she should jump for your younger brother. The love that Karana and her younger brother had for one another should make her jump.For example in a situation like Karanas it is the right thing to go buns for her little brother, Karana was going through painful thoughts like the thoughts that her little brother may die. This would make anyone jump. Secondly, she does this because she feels the need to protect her younger brother. Karana is the type of person who would do anything if she had a older or younger sibling in danger or wounded. So in this type of situation in which her younger brother needs a big sisters help, Karana would be doing anything possible to get to her little brother like jumping off the boat.I felt as if I had been gone a long time as I stood there looking down from the high rock. I was happy to be home. Everything I saw- the otter performing in the kelp, the rings of foam around the rocks guarding the harbour, the gulls flying, the tides moving past the sandpit filled me with happiness. A qoute from the novel. (Scott ODell) Finally, it was an unselfish act towards her brother. Because if Karana did not have jumped her younger brother wouldve felt useless with nothing to live for and unfortunately killed himself.Even if Karana hadnt of jumped she would have felt selfish and she would have lost all the love and sympathy that her brother had for her. The love that they had for each other drove Karana to do the most unselfish and Christian act that any human would be able to do. In conclusion, Karana did what was dress hat for her and everyone else. It must have been one of the hardest choices any person could ever make but in Karana made the best of choices. This shows the courage and ability Karana had to do to be able to save and be with her younger brother. A Matter of Life or Death Mrs Hicks EN505 Matt Oakford Week 5-Week 8

Friday, May 24, 2019

Diabetes Paper

Diabetes is a disease in which the body does not produce or justly use insulin. The cause of diabetes continues to be a mystery, although both genetics and environmental factors such as obesity and lack of exercise appear to play roles. This metabolic disorder causes the body to lose its main source of fuel considering that the blood contains large amounts of glucose (since diabetic people argon usually obese people or people who have large contents of glucose in their bodies). After digestion, glucose passes into the bloodstream, where it is used by the kind cells for growth and power.In order for glucose to get into cells, a hormone called insulin must be present. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas, a large gland behind the stomach. Insulin is a hormone that is needed to convert sugar, starches and other food into energy (glucose), this substance is essential for a human beings continued existence. Upon food consumption, the pancreas automatically produces the right amount of insulin to move and synthesize glucose from the blood into the human cells.However, the pancreas any produces little or no insulin for people change with diabetes, the cells in these cases do not respond appropriately to the insulin that is produced. Glucose builds up in the blood, overflows into the urine. This causes the glucose to be action out of the human body in the bounce of urine. This is basically a metabolism disorder the problem lies with how the food is digested by the human body ingesting it (National Diabetes alter House).There are 2 main types of Diabetes the first being known as Insulin dependent diabetes or what is now being termed as Type 1 diabetes, and the plunk for type known as Non- insulin dependent diabetes also known as Type 2 diabetes. II. Type 1 Diabetes (Insulin Dependent Diabetes) Type 1 Diabetes (Insulin-dependent diabetes) is a disorder best characterized with the occurrence of frequent urination, extreme thirst, constant hunger, blur red vision, and extreme fatigue on the part of the subject.This strain unlike the type 2 diabetes strain is intimately prevalent in young individuals, who usually contract this disease around the age of 14. Type 2 diabetes is in contrast acquired during the latter(prenominal) stages of an individuals life probably due to an unhealthy lifestyle. The Insulin dependent diabetes strain accounts only for approximately 5 percent or less of diabetes in the U. S. (Armstrong, C. 1990). People affected with Type 1 Diabetes like others affected with other diabetes strains, have defective pancreas glands.These glands are supposed to be the ones which secretes the insulin hormone. The insulin hormone is the hormone which facilitates the conversion of Glucose to a form which allows for assimilation by the human cells. Since the pancreas releases a very limited amount of insulin (in some cases none at all) the glucose which is not assimilated is diverted to the bloodstream to be excreted by the kidneys in the form of urine. It is on this stage that the kidneys, would be forced to try to remove the excess sugar, excreting large amounts of water and essential body elements in the process.Kidney failure, and Heart problems are among those complications which may arise from the said illness. Modern Science has allowed type 1 diabetes victims another lease on life when alternative medical exam solutions were give voiceed. As of the moment the only cure available today for type 1 diabetes is a pancreas transplant, which is needless to say quite dangerous, expensive and very seldom done. However, even if the said transplant was a success (new pancreas is rejected by half of the people who get this operation), the organ which was transplanted, incur a very amply risk of being rejected by the subjects body.If rejection occurs (as in nigh cases) this would entail constant usage of suppression drugs to maintain immune response suppression. The side effect of immune-suppressive drugs can be very severe and even worse than the disease. Statistics show that one or two people out of each 10 who get the surgery die within a year. Of course it follows that if the surgery fails the disease would eventually return. Recently, experimental treatments with stem cells have shown some promise. For to the highest degree people, type 1 diabetes is a life-long disease that can be effectively managed with insulin.Margolis S. 2006. ) II. Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes The Non-insulin dependent diabetes strain also known as type 2 diabetes is the most general form of diabetes. Some complications of type 2 diabetes would include heart disease (cardiovascular disease), blindness (retinopathy), nerve damage (neuropathy), and kidney damage (nephropathy). The main difference amidst the first and second strain of diabetes is that the first one occurs in the early phases of an individuals life, while the latter occurs usually in the later stages.This type of diabetes is preven table and un-curable unlike the first type. It is a possibility for a human being to actually be affected with this kind of disease without actually knowing it. Scientists directly are still looking into the factors which may have caused insulin resistance. Unfortunately, the answer to this question is yet to be unearthed. In the case of Type 2 diabetes, the problem would either be caused by the fact that the body does not produce enough insulin or it may be that the cells ignore the insulin.It was found out by common observation and research that the frequency of occurrence of this disease usually occurs among obese or overweight individuals. It is a known fact that most people who develop this type of diabetes are overweight. Scientists are still looking for a clue as to why obesity increases the risk of developing diabetes, but the common consensus concur upon is that obesity is a major factor leading to non-insulin-dependent diabetes.Scientists are continually studying cells to see why this might happen (What Causes Non-insulin Dependent Diabetes? . The usual symptoms to locate whether if an individual is affected or not would be the Increased thirst and frequent urination, Extreme hunger, Rapid weight loss, Fatigue, Blurred vision, Slow healing sores or frequent infections, and in some cases Patches of dark velvety skin in the folds and creases of Subjects bodies usually in the armpits and neck. This condition, called acanthosis nigricans, is a sign of insulin resistance (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2007).In this detail strain of diabetes the only possible action which could be done is prevention, since as mentioned earlier there is no known cure to this chronic disease. To combat the effects of this disease, the advisable things to do would be to watch or monitor the level of blood glucose, proper exercise, good eating habits, and occasional insulin dosages. Apparently the said pace is capable of reducing the risk and dangers brought about by complication of this disease to about 50% (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2007). III. ConclusionDiabetes is a chronic disease which still baffles even the most learned of physicians since as far as technology is concerned, the immediate, reliable and consistent cure is yet to be had. As far as affected individuals are concerned the best cure is still prevention, and this could be done by living a healthy lifestyle (eating healthy food and proper exercise), and by taking necessary medication. The hope that the cure is on the verge of being discovered still looms on the horizon. Hopefully, the said cure would be found in short to relieve the millions suffering worldwide.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Pest Analysis of Coca Cola

PEST Analysis The PEST Analysis identifies changes in the market caused by Political , Economical, Social and Technological factors. Political Analysis and Factors Those Non- Alcoholic Beverages the likes of Coca-Cola, are within the food category, under the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). The government has control over the manufacturing procedure of these products in terms of regulations. Companies who fail to meet the standards of law, are fined by the government. Following are provided some of the factors that are influencing Coca-Colas Operations. 1.Changes in Laws and Regulations like changes in Accounting Standards, taxation requirements (tax rate changes, modified tax law interpretations, entrance of forward-looking tax laws), and environmental laws either in domestic or foreign authorities. 2. Changes in Non-Alcoholic business era. These are competitive product and pricing policy pressures, force to maintain or earn share of sales in worldwide market compared to rivals . 3. Political Conditions, specifically in international markets, like civil conflict, political changes and restrictions c at a timerning the ability to relocate capital across borders. 4.Ability to penetrate emerging and developing markets, that also relies on economic and political conditions, and also their ability to form efficaciously strategic business alliances with local bottlers, and to enhance their production amenities, distribution networks, sales equipment, and engineering science. Economic In 2001, the recession influenced the companies operations, but because of aggressive actions the US Economy estimated to pitch returned in positive growth in 2002. Currently, because of global recession, Coca-Cola mickle borrow capital and invest in other products, because the interest rates are lowered.Also, it can borrow to advance its research of new products and applied science. By researching for new products is cost effective, the company could sell its products at a lo wer price, so its cutomers would purchase more Coca-Cola products at a lower price. Social The majority of US citizens are excersizing fitter lifestyles. That has strongly influenced the sales of non-alcoholic beverage sector, because many customers are switching to bottled pissing and diet colas like Coca-Cola Light or Zero, instead of drinking beer or other beverages.Additionally, time management is quite 43 % of all households, and it has increased. Customers aged from 37 to 55, are concerned with their nutrition. Also, large portion of the population is within the range of baby boomers age. While many cutomers are getting at older ages in life, they are more concerned in long term increasing their permanence. That will continue to affect the non-alcoholic beverage sector, by increasing the demand, in healthier and other beverages. Technological Some factors that affect the companys actual results to vary essentially from the expected results, are the following 1.The efficiency of companys advertising, marketing and promotional programs, The new technology advances of television and internet that use incomparable effects for advertising through the use of media. Those advances make the products seem attractive. This supports the selling promotion of the products. Coca-Cola in media tends to use this technology so, to sell effectively its products. 2. Entrance of cans and plastic bottles in the past, put one across increased sales volume for the company because they are easier to carry and customers can bin them once they have been used. . Since the technology is advancing continuously there has been entrance of new machineries equipment all the time. Because of that, Coca-Colas production volume has increased sharply compared to few years ago. 4. CCE-Coca-Cola Enterprises have six factories in Britain by using modern technology equipment so to ensure top product quality and quick delivery. In Wakefield,Yorkshire in 1990, CCE assailable one of the Europe s largest soft drinks factory. That factory has the ability to produce faster the cans of Coca-Cola even faster than bullets of a machine gun.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Natural Mosquito Repellent

NATURAL MOSQUITO REPELLENT I. INTRODUCTION Mosquitoes erect be unwelcome guest these rainy days and it is a major worm problem of wad. Commercial archs argon harsh, contract poisons that atomic number 18 non sui disconcert for children and non al courses potent in push these pesky bugs. We dont know what are the side effects of these foul-smellings are. Some leaves, unripe fruit, and their seeds contain vermicidal and plant louseidal properties. It is an inexpensive alternative in quashing mosquito that causes diseases like dandy fever and malaria.These insects can also cause economic losses in cattle and other livestock through blood loss, disease transmission and irritation. We arrived at this miscellany of problem because we want to prevent ourselves from mosquitoes that cause diseases like dengue, malaria as well as painful or uncomfortable insect bites. And we want to avoid slapping and whir hands when its stricken to us and to come up with an effective and safe mosquito repellent product. We dont need poisons to deal with insects. II. REVIEW OF link up LITERATURE TITLE Shoo, Fly Natural Insect RepellentBy Laurel Vukovic FromNatural Health July/August, 1994 Making human flesh unappetizing to mosquitoes, ticks, flies, and fleas is an age-old preoccupation. The earliest insect repellents included smoke, mud, and various plant substances. Our contemporary contribution is DEET (N, N-diethyl-meta-toluamide), a powerful insecticide run aground in over 400 repellents. DEET can peel paint, wrong rayon and spandex, and melt plastic. Up to 56 percent of DEET applied to the skin enters the bloodstream, and reactions to it include skin rashes, lethargy, muscle spasms, nausea, and irritability.An extreme reaction can cause seizures and even death. So its hardly worth using DEET to deter insects unless youre someplace with high rates of insect-borne disease or you experience severe allergic reactions to bites and stings. There are inborn alternative s to DEET, made primarily from plant essential oils that can protect you in less threatening circumstances. Although there is no natural repellent as effective as DEET, says Eve McClure, executive vice-president of protection against ticks. Ticks, the carriers of Lyme disease, are among the most worrisome pests. If you are traveling in an area kn take for Lyme disease (according to the Centers for Disease Control, this includes the Atlantic democracys and Northern California), contact the American Lyme Disease Foundation at (800) 876-5963 for preventive advice Quantum, a natural repellent manufacturer in Eugene, Oregon, natural repellents do admirer ward off mosquitoes, black flies, gnats, and fleas, and they may provide some . Reactions From Mild to FatalAlthough most people experience only temporary pain and swelling afterwards a bee or wasp sting, some individuals are hypersensitive and can experience a potentially fatal anaphylactic reaction. The symptoms of anaphylaxis inclu de hives, agitation, difficulty in breathing, nausea, dizziness, and a swollen tongue or face. With let on prompt medical treatment, this can be fatal. Although anyone can have an anaphylactic reaction, the people most at take a chance are those with a history of allergic reactions to stings hives, wheezing, or a previous episode of anaphylactic shock.People who know they are at risk should carry an touch kit with injectable epinephrine, which is available by prescription. Home care can include drinking slightly salty water (1/2 tsp. per quart, at 4 oz. per hour), Vitamin B-5 at large doses briefly (2 grams 3X a day, for 3-4 days), Licorice capsules or tea at 1-2 cps. /1 cup tea, 2 or 3 X a day. Extensive Measures You dont have to be in the tropics or in an area at high risk for insect-borne disease to take the following steps. Hordes of insects your own backyard can lead you to seek extra protection.Debra Nuzzi-St. Claire, an herbalist in Boulder, Colorado, has these suggestions (see Making Your Own Natural Insect Repellent, below, for essential oil combination) * Spray clothing and render (including the mosquito netting of your tent, if youre camping) with an alcohol- bum repellent. * Pour several falls of the combined pure essential oils onto a candle. * Place a few drops on cloth or paper strips and cite them around the room, especially by doors and windows. * Add the base oil to shampoos and liquid soaps.Most natural insect repellents are made with an essential oil distilled from citronella, a tall, aromatic grass indigenous to Southern Asia. Its pungent, lemony fragrance is pleasant to most people but objectionable to mosquitoes. Other aromatic essential oils commonly found in natural insect repellents include cedarwood, lemongrass, eucalyptus, peppermint, pennyroyal, lavender, and bergamot. These are safe when applied to the skin, but should not be taken internally without the advice of a professional. Pennyroyal, in particular, is super toxic if ingested. Essential oil repellents are available in spray or oil form.According to Eve McClure, restrictions by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have made it difficult for consumers to identify natural repellents by packaging alone. Since the EPA classifies all repellents as insecticides, it requires expensive testing, which includes experiments on live animals. Because most natural repellent manufacturers are unwilling or financially unable to comply with EPA guidelines, they cannot promote their products as natural insect repellents. We had to remove the bug from our label and change our name from roll Away to Zzz Away, says McClure (see Making Your Own Natural Insect Repellent).After the Bite If mosquitoes, flies, and fleas feast on you in spite of your efforts, Nuzzi-St. Claire recommends obligeing undiluted tea tree oil to the bites. afternoon tea tree oil has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties and is usually non-irritating. Test a small area of skin be fore applying the oil liberally. If the essential oil irritates your skin, mute it off with soap and water and dilute the tea tree oil in five parts of jojoba or almond oil before reapplying. testing for sensitivity is a good practice when applying any essential oil for the first time.Sharol Tilgner, a naturopathic physician and natural first-aid expert in Portland, Oregon, recommends applying a drop of peppermint essential oil to insect bites. Anything with menthol will increase the circulation in the area and dissipate the anticoagulant that the mosquito has injected into you, she says. Other topical treatments for reducing itching and upheaval include cold compresses, lavender essential oil, and calamine lotion. Dr. Thomas S. Lee, an Arizona naturopathic physician, likes pure lavender oil rubbed into the bite ASAP. The Chinese patent medicine etiolated Flower Oil is a clean mentholated formula that works well, too. Well-equipped and well-informed, you can take those restorati ve strolls and hikes with greater confidence. Carl Mitchell of the Centers for Disease Control in gather Collins, Colorado says, People definitely shouldnt avoid outdoor activities for fear of bug bites and stings. Just take a few precautions. Stings The Finer Points To make an insect repellent oil that can be used on your body, add 16 ounces of jojoba or almond oil to the base oil mixture and blend thoroughly. For an insect repellent spray, add 16 ounces of vodka to the base oil mixture, pour into a spray bottle, and shake before using.Although bees, wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets generally wont go out of their way to attack, they can be extremely aggressive if you disturb their nests or bother them while theyre feeding. Theyre attracted by perfumes and scented body care products, as well as by sweet foods such as ice cream, fruit juices, and watermelon. Bright-colored clothing can also make you a target. If you do get stung, the following tips can help minimize the problems Bumblebees, wasps, yellow jackets, and hornets can attack repeatedly, so if you get stung, get out of the area immediately.If youre stung by a yellow jacket, avoid swatting at it. Crushing the venom sac releases a chemical that incites its nest-mates to attack. Honeybees can sting only once, but the stinger and venom sac they leave in your skin pump venom for two to three minutes. Remove them immediately, being careful not to squeeze the venom sac. The safest way to do this is to scrape them out with a credit card or the dull edge of a knife. If the stinger remains behind after youve scraped away the venom sac, remove it thinly with tweezers. Making Your Own Natural Insect Repellent Herbalist Debra Nuzzi-St.Claire suggests combining the following essential oils to make a natural insect repellent 1/2 ounce citronella oil 1/4 ounce lavender oil 1/8 ounce pennyroyal oil 1/8 ounce tea tree oil 1/8 ounce jojoba oil Do not use this blend undiluted on your skin. total these instructions for diluting To make an insect repellent oil that can be used on your body, add 16 ounces of jojoba or almond oil to the base oil mixture and blend thoroughly. For an insect repellent spray, add 16 ounces of vodka to the base oil mixture, pour into a spray bottle, and shake before using. III. operation 1. Place ? rganic apple vinegar into a large mixing bowl 2. Mix into the organic apple vinegar ? cup of vodka. 3. Place 2 table teaspoons of citronella oil into the above stated mixture. 4. Mix thoroughly. 5. Using a funnel transfer contents of mixing bowl into a small spray bottle. 6. take literally for best effect. IV. MATERIALS * ? cup vodka * ? cup of organic apple vinegar * 2 teaspoons of citronella oil * Small spray bottle * Funnel * Bowl V. RESULTS & preaching TRIAL 1 TRIAL 2 TRIAL 3 * In our 1st trial, we use ? vodka and not totally fermented apple vinegar. And when we use it, the product is not successful. * In our 2nd trial, we use ? vodka, 1 teaspoon of citronella oil an d fermented apple vinegar. When we apply it, there are still bites of mosquito. Its not successful again. * In our last trial, we read the procedure carefully and followed it. We use the exact amount of vodka that should be ? cup, ? cup of totally fermented apple vinegar and 2 teaspoons of citronella oil and when we apply it. The product is successful. VI. CONCLUSION After the investigation is done, therefore we conclude that natural mosquito repellent is more safe and effective. And we can also make our own mosquito repellent than buying it.Well not be too aware of mosquito bites anymore because our product is natural and has safe side effects. And we also conclude that making this product is not costly. In fact, youll save more money and the more natural, the more effective it is. VII. RECOMMENDATION After we made the product successful, were offering recommendations for possible go on study and more successful product. It is recommended giving more priority of our health is th e most important. According to World Health Organization 1948, Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. People should also give attention to our nature, because there are mystical treasures to make our health healthy. If you want to experiment, 1st thing you should do is to observe. Then you follow carefully the steps to become successful in the experiment. Next, think for the materials that are not expensive. Always prioritize to save money as much as possible. Then last, create a product that will help the people and the mother earth. Like our product, NATURAL MOSQUITO REPELLENT.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

English commentary creative writing Essay

I based the beginning of my story on a physical but excessively mental journey a earth goes on plot of ground he is on his own hitchhiking home. I felt this was suitable for the topic journeys and pilgrimages which also liked in with the book Chaucer. As it is the beginning of a story the audience could really be any age. As it is a piece to adjudge I would say it is suited better for the young. The purpose of my story was to entertain people, but also informing people about how one man is able to hitchhike.In secernliness for me to write a story about hitchhiking I had to do some research into the topic. I tack together a book called round Ireland with a fridge by Tony Hawks which really inspired me and helped me grasp the wording technique to use in order to entertain. To think in with Chaucer and the way he writes I buzz off used stereotypes in my writing, for example I have does the typical blond as being dopey and naive. I have also used the idea about how the people in Chaucer went on a journey. The man I write about goes on a journey by himself from Lancashire back to Bristol, in which he also finds himself and learns a lot more about the world around him.I treasured to portray the man as a typical Bristol lad, with a slight arrogant edge. In order to do this I had to use a slight sarcastic tone of voice which I hoped would also entertain the readers. I also used phonetic lexis to help create an idiolect of the man. I used a Bristol try and changed words like alright to ite and also ya instead of you. Which changing his dialect to fit his accent I also done this with other characters in the story, for example the Yorkshire girl he meets. For instance when she says Wheor are yee headin creates a sense of her accent to the readers.The language I used was very informal and personal. It was from the point of prospect from a man writing himself so the tone was very calm but at multiplication comical. The structure was the usual story telling layo ut, with several small and large paragraphs, with a wide epitome of short sentences to add emotion and feeling to the man. Okay, maybe not.(after a line about wanting to cope with his life) is an example of the idiolect I used from him, and shows the way he comes across as a simple man but with a funny entertaining side.I also linked my writing to The Road by Cormac McCarthy. I did this by using the disaster of the father in the road as a starting point of describing the man and his journey hitchhiking with so little and all by himself.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Merits and Demerits of cell phones

When the laptop computer is in bombing mode, connect the external USB device which are essential and remove them immediately after use, otherwise these devices bequeath draw power from Laptop. 4. Always remove Charger/adapter from Main when the Laptop is not in use. 5. Delete unwanted files then and there otherwise it may occupy more space. 6. Whenever external retention device is required to be used, please scan in the beginning use. 7. Clean the Laptop monitor every day using soft cloth. And not by fingers. Clean the eye board using blushing mushroom brush. 8. Always lift or hold the Laptop with both the hands. Handle carefully. 9. Keep the Laptop in the bag provided when pot use. 10.Keep the Laptop with proper ventilation 11. Place the Laptop in plain and unstable surface while using. 12. Insert the External devices gently in the proper port. 13. Open and close the Laptop gently, otherwise the hinges may break. 14. In case of any problem with the Laptop, register your compl aint and approach the nearby service centre indicated by ELECT Dons 1. Do not place the Laptop closer or on to any electrical device such as Microwave Oven, TV etc and directly infra sunlight. 2. Do not keep any liquid such as water, beverages near Laptop so as to avoid spill over on keyboard.. 3. Do not keep any disc or heavy weight items on the Laptop. 4.Never keep the laptop in ON condition in the bed while sleeping. Always ensure that the Laptop is switched off and kept away from the bed before going to sleep. 5. Do not keep more applications / shortcuts on the Desktop (Screen), it may slow bulge the Speed of the process. Keep mostly working files / applications alone in the Laptop. 6. Do not open to a fault many files at a time. . Do not shut down forcibly by using power button. Turn off the Laptop by proper shut down method. 8. Do not place your finger on the screen. 9. Do not hard press the keys. Use the keyboard gently. 10. Do not use the Power adapter of others Laptops . 11. Never put stapler pin or paper clips into the keyboard 12.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Case Treetop Forest Products Essay

Identification (20%) Facts, assumptions and problem identification Building-grade lumber industry is competitive and product world interchange is non differential only differentiation is due to product promotional material and presentation. growth furtherance is biggest factor when buyers are making a purchasing decision amid buying from cr proclaimwork or competitors. ein truthwhere the last 2 years, Tree hint has declined in ratings for package of lumber products as a result woolly-headed customers to competitors . Treetop has six discussion sections boom, sawmill, planer, promotion, shipping, and maintenance. All different segments pose a supervisory program however, box discussion section does not lay down virtuoso designated supervisor.Possible solution is to convert one of the move arounders to supervisor, or dedicate a supervisor 100% of the time to packaging To solve the issue supervisor from sawmill and planer deparments c everywhere the shifts. due(p) to distance between sawmill and planing divisions, the supervisors are un fit given full attention to the operations of the packaging division. (assumption) Distance ca enjoyment the supervisor to visit the incisions not as often as they should. Productivity in 3 divisions remained constant, Sawmill and planing division productivity increased however, productivity flowd in packaging department and caused the followingStockpile upRisk of damaged stockincreased the inventory cost equal Competitiveness suffered due to management placing additional employees from other divisions to solve the backlog issue faced by packaging department. Packaging department run devil shifts morning and good afternoonProductivity level of afternoon shifts is less than morning shift employees Reason behind the decreased in productivity level in the department is due to following Employees takes extended lunch and coffee breaksLeave few min archean, specially afternoon shiftReallocation of temporary employees from different productive departments besides follow the same suffice after being in the packaging department for few days. Based on the case facts, organizational legalness and productivity is being effected by the in place practises of PackagingDepartment. Following two major(ip) problems should be resolved to overcome the issues faced by Treetop Packaging departments employees are effecting the working habits of other department employees. Department wide meeting communicating the company values, mathematical operation issues of packaging department, statististics proving decline in packaging, and initiatives to stop extended lunches, coffee breaks, leaving few minutes early especially in afternoon shift Produce quotidian backlog reports showing increase in backlog and spoilage statistics.Use negative consequences (firing), inside union contract. and positive rewards based on drudgery and quality targets being met. Methods and implementation of rewards throne be determined by using Nominal company Technique (variation of brain storming)- 1)silently and independently document their ideas, 2)collectively describe ideas to other team members without critique, and 3)silently ad independently value the ideas presented Packaging division does not have a supervisor to oversee the operation on daily bases. This takes to change immediately. If costs displacet be justified, perhaps time position added, that in any case is in production the other half , or BalResolving the issuesThe packaging department is mostly at fault for majority of the Treetop Forest Productions Ltd recent decline of organisational success, not only are the packaging employees at fault, but also management for not monitoring the particular more trenchantly. Its resilient for Treetop Forest Products to improve and maintain their competitive edge inwardly the building grade wood industry to ensure prospective success of the organisation. If solutions are not implemente d immediately, the success of the organisation pass on continue to decline, placing Treetop Forest Productions Ltd in an unfavourable position where recovery may be implausible.Tackling the major issues illustrated within the packaging department will commence a pissed positive path towards the future success of the organisation, placing them in a competitive position once a urinate.There are possible solutions that can assist with effectively and efficiently dealing with this issue. Firstly, supervision and leadership needs a major cash advance within the packaging sector. As illustrated within all other fully supervised departments, work is stainless efficiently and to a high quality standard. By providing packaging employees with the same supervision and leadership, near guarantees a positive change within the packaging department. Employing a leader with a with a transformational approach to leadership concerned with emotions, values, ethics, standards and long term goals wi ll help to improve the work ethic within the packaging department. A supervisor with transformational leadership involves an exceptional form of influence that moves followers to accomplish more that what is commonly expected of them. Furthermore, by introducing a new leader, costs will decrease due to supervised workers and the decrease of overtime it can be implemented quickly, improve productivity and increase the equity of work.As also explained within the issues of the packaging department, in that location is a lack of employee motivation. This is demonstrated through and through and through and through the low quality of work produced, longer breaks and early finishing times. Its important for managers to understand that each and every individual employee will have a set of drives, needs, decisions and behaviours to be motivated. By following the below diagram, Treetop Forest Products managers can use this to understand different emotional responses and resulting needs in t he same situation.promote group cohesiveness and a pleasant working environment. In the short term, upper management could host a meeting or assembly between all departments to take them feel interrelated and important to the company. This could be a heavy(p) motivation for the employees. In the long term, group evaluations could be necessary to measure the groups slaying and to see if the actions taken are resolving the problems.supervisor of the department. Learned demand Theory The Learned Needs Theory has three learned needs that can be defined as the Need for acquisition, Need for Power, and the Need for Affiliation. A need is amplified or suppressed through self-concept, companionable norms, and pastexperiences (Internet Center for Management and Business Administration, Inc., 2002), although needs can also be learned through training whether it be strengthening or weakening the need. The members of the packaging department could have been more cognisant of their needs whether it is affiliation, power, or achievement and if they were more aware of what was there, there could have been more motivation on the part of the members to excel. Also, with the appointment of an actual supervisor, alternatively of taking them from other departments, it could have ensured that these needs be amplified through some forms of friendly competition or rewards.The Need for Power is stated as the need to make an impact on others, influence others, change people or events, and make a difference in life. If this need was taught to the members of the packaging department by the supervisors of the other departments, there could be a chance someone internally would strive so much for the need of power that he or she would emerge as the leader in a department with a declining productivity level. Having the ability to control others is a very powerful characteristic which everyone strives for internally, so if this need was brought forward by executives there would be a n increase in competition and drive between the members to claim that position of hierarchy in the department.The Need for Achievement is the need and desire for goodness, competition, challenging goals, and overcoming difficulties. With the simple action as a reward put forth passim the company internally that the employees of each section could enjoy, it could ignite an employees need for achievement and desire for excellence which in turn could ignite the competition in every employee to achieve success like his or her fellow employee has. People strive for recognition and success and if this need was amplified in the employees who have made it overhaul that they want to enjoy the derives that come from a high productivity level, and brought out of those who believe that they dont need success, Treetop Forest Products could internally enjoy success of their own making their business remuneration at its maximum rate.The Need for Affiliation is defined as the need for individu als maintain close, intimate relationships, or approval of other people. If Treetop Forest Products could bring out this need in the packaging department by showing them how the other departments in the company get along which in turn brings the productivity level up within thedepartment. Although, the employees of the packaging do well of getting along with each other by performing bad habits such as leaving early or extending their breaks, if that could be alter through the training of good habits such as exceeding expected productivity levels and working hard, the affiliation that is present now could be that much stronger and emphasized in the department. Also, in addition to affiliation within the department, there is also the chess opening with the rise of productivity level and affiliation within the The team has strong cohesion, but needs to be turned around. (employees transferred are conforming to the team norms of lack of punctuality) Norms are the liberal rules and sha red expectations that groups establish to regulate the bahavour of their members. Padge 225 chapter 8 Canadian Org Behaviour . It has to be set as a rethink to the department and communicating the new norms and aligning the norms with the company goals and objectives is critical.Through these simple needs that can be taught or learned, Treetop Forest Products could experience not only success from their five already made departments but from the packaging department as well. If amplified the packaging department would benefit from the affiliation they would gain from the other departments, the power that employees could possibly gain with the increase of productivity via promotions or recognition, and the rewards that the employees of the packaging could gain through increased productivity levels. If Treetop Forest Products were to implicate these two simple theories there is a possibility that the packaging department would no longer be a harmful unit but instead an asset that Tre etop can rely on. Through the Situational Leadership Theory, Treetop has the opportunity to find a leader that can adapt to the group and individuals and convert the now declining productivity level of the packaging department to an increasing level of productivity like the five other departments in the company.With the Learned Needs Theory, Treetop has the ability to install the needs for achievement, power, and affiliation to the packaging department to encourage friendly competition between the employees while still steadily increasing the productivity levels of thedepartment. Conclusion Treetop Forest Products and Westboard Co have been suffering the consequences of the lackluster cognitive operation from their packaging department since there is no authority figure to persist the employees on task and working hard to produce sellable products for Westboard. With the packaging department not having their own supervisor, Treetop has appointed the supervisors of the sawmill and planing department as the supervisors of the packaging department during their shifts.With the packaging department being in a different location then the sawmill and planing department, it has caused the supervisors to make the packaging department an second thought and with the productivity levels of the packaging department decreasing it has shown. After evaluating the case of Treetop Forest Product and the issues with their packaging department, they have been using the Contingency Theory which states that there is no one best way of leash and that a leadership style that is effective in some situations may not be successful in others and that while a leader may be very effective at one place and point in time may become unsuccessful either when transplanted to another situation or when factors around t hem change. This was clear in the case of Treetop Forest Products case becausealthough the leaders were very effective with their own departments, increasing the productivity le vels of their respective departments, when transferred over to the packaging department their effectiveness did not follow. Each leader has their own key characteristics that play a major part in how they lead, whether it is their personality, drive, emotional intelligence, self-concept, etc. so what may be high and effective in one leader and his or her department may not be high and effective in a different departments leader.Since the sawmill and planing departments were so successful when implanted into a failing department, the situation as well as the effectiveness of the leader changed. Instead of the Contingency Theory, there were others that if Treetop were to implement it could have made the productivity level of the packaging department go up while creating a better atmosphere within the company. If Treetop were to take the leader who was most able to conform his or her leadership style to that of the packaging department instead of just taking the top twodepartments supe rvisors without considering the important variables such as distance and drive, Treetop could have improved the situation within the packaging department.With these simple changes to the company, Treetop could have quite easily changed the atmosphere and effectiveness of the packaging department to better the profits and trust gained from Westboard. If Treetop were to dedicate an individual supervisor based on performance and authoritative qualities within the department instead of having an external employee take on the responsibility of turning the packaging department around, the chances of increasing the productivity level of the packaging department would increase which would not only benefit the department but Treetop Forest Products and Westboard Co. respectively.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Christian Israelite community Essay

The first main event that we learn of is the moment when the visionary informs the Christian Israelite community in Ashton that, The Lord has instructed me to take of your number, seven virgins for comfort and succour. Leah is the first lady friend who speaks to us, and the reader can find a somewhat humorous side to the event. Leahs language in this, her first time of talking to us, reserves her seem younger than she is as she tries, non to giggle, she takes the information, and reacts to it as though it were gossip. Leah writes in the present tense this gives the reader insight into her feelings at the very moment that she felt them, quite a than looking back detachedly on what she felt. It is from Leah that we gain the first view of Mr Wroe who is powerful, at this point we do not know just how powerful, but later events give more supporting evidence of this comment.Leah withal shows the reader how religious the sect was she is unsure as to whether or not they would make us pray all day. Also we learn of how women were treated, Leah is locked in her room and guarded, and the girls do not have a choice over whether to go to Southgate their parents offer them to the prophet. Joanna gives us a very religious view of the trading of the virgins, and other people whitethorn have alike felt the same as she did about Mr Wroe and the sect.Joanna shows us that at this time in history, women were not really involved in religion, in particular within the Christian Israelites she is thankful that this is the sign the women are not forgot. The event of selection shows that the women were indeed not forgotten, but existence women they were forced to attend, and some had to be clasped and held secure. The severity of the womens reactions to this event was great, and Ann Taylor (one who was chosen), tried to kill herself because she did not wish to join the Prophets household.Hannah sees this event unlikely to the others as she is an outsider, and unaccustomed to the rituals and beliefs of the Christian Israelites. However, two she and Leah show us that at this time, daughters were seen as a burden to their parents because they had to be married off and of occupation could not carry on the family name. Leah recognises that the girls parents would not give the prophet a pretty daughter who could considerably be married, and Hannah feels as though she has been handed over to a crazy sect predicting the end of he world, with less heart searching than they would undergo in parting with crust to a beggar. Hannah is non-religious and also gives us a detached view of the prophet whom she dislikes at first. She feels hes rude and that the sect is primitive in their customs, particularly the elders who resemble tribesman. Hannah feels that she has been prone into the care of a lunatic band of would -be old-fashioned Jews.Rogers also goes into some detail about how Wroe spread the word about the Christian Israelites to the surrounding areas of Ashton. He used the girls to draw attention by their strange dress and, Hannah shows the reader how much power and submit he had on people. Rogers probably could not have known whether he had a deep pleasing voice or not but she would have known that many converts joined the Christian Israelites and it was his charismatic leadership that caused this. Rogers gave Wroe characteristics that she felt would fit this role and make him seem (as far as possible), as he probably would have been.These views give us a good idea of what was involved at the offshoot of this historical event. Although Wroe may have completely believed that what he was doing had religious significance, but we also see that his ideas, particularly around the seven virgins were verging on the surreal. Rogers uses this event to create literature by using both incident and fiction, bringing events in history into view and giving the reader a greater understanding of them. handle Rogers, Miller focuses on certain characters, as there are many characters in The Crucible some lay out a larger parts in disclosing the events than others. Abigail seems to begin the hysteria by leading the girls into the wood and causing Betty to become frightened and then she fainted. John Proctor, Tituba, and Rebecca defend give evidence of ternary different views on the threat and outcome of being arrested. Also Reverend John Hale, who changes his mind about the alleged(a) witchcraft in Salem. The other characters also give the reader information about events throughout the play they show the reader how people were affected by the event.Lives embarrassped with the number of people in prison land was going to waste and people found excuses not to work. For example Mary Warren, who neglects her duties to the Proctors claiming that she is an official of the act. Reverend Parris has a breakdown, and there is doubt as to who owns what because so many were dead. This was dire for the people of Salem, as due to the time, their survival leaned on that which grew on the land. With everything neglected, people were worried rumours of rioting were spread to help to damp the courts dictatorship.The three characters mentioned earlier as giving the reader an impression of the events, show three different reactions. Rebecca Nurse is very faithful to her religion, but will not become caught up in the hysteria and when she herself is accused, she will not confess, It is a lie how may I damn myself? I cannot. Rebecca Nurse is one of the most respected members of the community and her execution is part of the final crescendo in the play.Tituba takes a different viewpoint. She does not want to be punished or executed, and finds that pleading innocence only worsens her situation. She accepts the accusations and confesses, realising that fiction would be the only escape, I tell him I dont desire to work for him. Tituba may have been blamed for the girls behaviour because she was black, and a slave. An easy target for blame black people were not socially accepted except as slaves, and were considered untrustworthy.John Proctor is probably the central character in the play, particularly in the fourth act, in which he attempts confession, but cannot name his friends he is loyal and wint lie to hurt them. This shows a view that is more sensible and although he is executed, Proctor tries to stop the court by admitting to his adultery with Abigail. But what really causes him to decide to give his life is that when the judges make him sign his confession they will publicise it. Proctor is distressed by this as, I have given you my soul leave me my name

Friday, May 17, 2019

Procter and Gamble

Environmental Factors that call for Global and Domestic Marketing Decisions- Every company global or domestic has external factors that dwell that eventually have an effect on the companys operations. Some of these external factors can be controlled but a larger portion is uncontrollable and yet they can be managed and or forged by the company. These specific factors make up the marketing environment in which a company has environmental factors that influence the companys decisions.In this paper, the author will explore the domestic and global environmental factors that could have an concussion on FedExs marketing decision. The five environmental factors that the author will be discussing are social, economical, technological, competitive, and regulatory. political Influence and Litigation from Responsible Shopper Procter & Gamble donated more than than $80,000 to the Coalition Again$t the Costly Labeling Law, a group of companies that worked against Oregons Measure 27, which wo uld have required the labeling of GMO products sold in that state.The Coalition was prospered in defeating the measure. from Greenpeace Procter & Gamble was among the corporations criticized by Greenpeace for working to weaken European laws governing harmful chemicals in crime syndicate products. The EUs 2003 draft legislation would have imposed strict safety standards, requiring companies such as P to pause and reduce the use of harmful ingredients in its consumer products.Greenpeace states that as a result of industry intimidation and severe lobbying, safety regulations were significantly watered down, putting citizens at greater risk of exposure to toxic chemicals from fooling products. Guided by our Purpose, Values and Principles, P&G participates in the political process to help practice public policy and legislation that helps us touch more lives, in more parts of the world, more completely. This engagement ensures that the interests of our employees, consumers and sha reholders are fairly represented at all levels of government around the world.We are committed to being transparent about our political involvement globally. Technology Technology has created a major impress on the way in which all organizations market their products and services. With the development of the internet, companies are now able to economically market themselves on a global level. Even smaller companies that were once not able to let international business due to the cost factor can now do just that. The uppercase Plaza Hotel is no exception.The hotel industry in DC relies heavily on tourism as a major part of its client base. Many of these tourists who visit the city are of foreign nationality. It is important that the uppercase Plaza Hotel targets these people when marketing the company. Not only do they target the tourist but they in like manner target the international business travelers that come to the city on business related trips. The hotels website, which gives detailed teaching about the hotels accommodations and services, can be accessed by potential customers all over the world.In addition, the Air freshener Febreze Deodorant previous(a) Spice, Secret Baby & child Clearblue Easy, Dreft, Luvs, Pampers, UnderJams Batteries Duracell Soap Camay, Ivory, Noxzema, Olay, Safeguard, Zest Cosmetics CoverGirl, Max Factor Dish washing Cascade, Dawn, rejoicing Feminine Always, Tampax Hair Aussie, Frederic Fekkai, Head & Shoulders, Herbal Essences, Infusium 23, Pantene, Clairol Health Align, Braun, Fibersure, Metamucil, Pepto-Bismol, Prilosec OTC, PUR water filtration, Vicks Household cleaning Mr.Clean, Swiffer airstream Bounce sheets, Cheer, Downy, Era, Gain, Tide Oral Crest, Fixodent, Gleem, Glide, Scope Paper Bounty, Charmin toilet tissue, Puffs Pet food Eukanuba, Iams Fragrances Anna Sui, Baldessarini, Hugo Boss, Christina Aguilera, Escada, Giorgio Beverly Hills, Jean Patou, Lacoste, Mexx, Puma, Replay, Rochas, tom Tai lor Shaving Braun, Gillette, SatinCare, Venus Pringles potato chips1 picpicpic

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Relationships: Online Dating vs. Long Distance Dating

thither is no doubt single mass argon willing to try anything to find their romantic partner. It depends on how further they are willing to go. People date because it helps them to get to know each other. If they are interested in each other they bed build a relationship. Meanwhile, there are different methods used when run into someone. Online dating and establishing a hanker distance relationship are just a couple of methods to building a relationship. In the U. S. alone, tens of millions of passel are trying to find dates or spouses online every day. (Epstein, 2007).Many people prefer online dating because they can quickly search through millions of available candidates. Online dating have many advantages. With online dating you are able to look at different peoples profile. This option allows you automatically eliminate the people you dont find interest in. Also, online dating have low tolerance for foul language. There is a membership expense for joining an online dating site on certain web sites. another(prenominal) dating sites will not guide you a membership fee but will charge you posting somebodyal ads. ( Hardy para 2).Compared to online dating, great distance relationships have some similarities. There is no physical or face to face contact on a daily basis. Regardless of the deficiency of physical companionship, these relationships establish an emotional connection. Online dating and long distance relationships are beneficial if you enjoy having more(prenominal) time for yourself. You may have to travel a lengthy distance to see each other. This can also be costly depending on if your means of travel will be a train, bus, or airplane. In contrast, long distance relationships can cost a lot more than an online relationship. The latest disoblige of Womens Health magazine has an article about long-distance relationships featuring this interesting statistic An average total meat of $278 is spent a month by couples to keep love alive in a long distance relationship. (no author,2006). In a long distance relationship you typically know the individual you are in a relationship with. However, getting seperated for reasons, the test of true commitment is far more real number than online dating. Online dating have imagine deception not recognized until you meet for the first time.Author Robert Esptein met a woman he corresponded with online. They agreed to meet at a coffee shop, but she was not the corresponding woman in the online photo when she showed up at the table. (paraphrased para 2). Thus, online dating and long distance relationships voice common interest of people wanting to get to know each other. It could both be penny-pinching or bad. You have to find what dating method works out for you. If you are shy person or used of getting rejected, then online dating might work for you. You could avoid the embarrassment of beingness let down.Long distance relationships give you more time to spend with yourself. A lthough both online dating and long distance have their own category of expenses finding what method that will work for you will get in you more at ease. Meanwhile, the effort people are willing to go for romance will last have some kind of distance involved, whether it would be online or long distance. More than 120,000 marriages occur a year as a result of online dating. Growth of online dating industry estimated at $642 million in 2008. (Silva-Behrens, Nguyen, Queen, Ayala)References Ayala,C., Behrens, L., Nguyen, G., Queen, M. (2009). Online dating statistics-docstoc -documents. Retrieved from Epstein, R. (2007). The truth about online dating. Retrieved from www.scientific Hardy, M. (2006) Understanding no membership free personals/love to know Retrieved from Womens Health (2006). Cost of a long-distance relationship. Retrieved from

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Ch.12 - Book - America's Courts and the Criminal Justice System by Essay

Ch.12 - Book - Americas Courts and the Criminal Justice System by David W. Neubauer, Henry F. Fradella - Essay lessonThis gear up of the criminal rules of justice is app bent since the rules limit the nature or kind of evidence that courts may accept and the purpose for which the evidence may be utilise. Criminal rules of evidence also have the effect of broadly defining relevance of facts while relaxing the common-law prohibitions on witness competency. There atomic number 18 rules that require courts to exclude relevant facts merely because of their propensity to prejudice, confusion, delays and to mislead (Neubauer & Fradella 454). For instance, evidences of other crimes committed cannot be used to show conformity to the crime behavior under review while such evidences can express motive. Despite their perceived power-reduction effects, there are criminal rules of evidence that actually empower the courts. For instance, there are rules of evidence, which empowers judges and courts to eliminate evidences that are prejudiced, repetitive, and inflammatory or that are highly likely to waste the courts resources and

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Species Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Species - Essay lessonThe US alone estimate that incursive species cost its economy approximately $138 billion per year (Pimentel, Lach, Zuniga & Morrison, 1999). The inception of this non-native species has proved to have dire consequences to the environments and ecosystems. One encroaching(a) species that has had severe costs to host nations is Buffle forage.As an invasive species it has now become naturalized in the Americas, Australia, Hawaii and Mexico to name a few. Bufflegrass thrives in low pelting a condition which makes it the perfect species to introduce to arid countries and was first introduced in the US and Mexico to improve pot for cattle, Arizona and the Sonaran desert were the ideal ecosystems for the grass to convey.Bufflegrass is drought resistant so thrived in its native countries including Africa. The grass will withstand heavy grazing and so was introduced for this purpose so the conversion of forest, homogenous grassland and savannah to pasture for grazi ng created the ideal environment for this hardy grass to grow. However the problem lies in that this invasive grass has spread from cultivated argonas to natural ecosystems at an alarming rate as it will grow in all soil types and including sandy and stony soils.Bufflegrass grows densely and so crowds out native plants of equivalent size and due to its ability to resist drought will remain dense even in dry years. It attacks native plants by its ability to win competition for natural resources such as water, position and soil nutrients so prevents homogenous plants from maturing and germinating and secondly it is highly flammable but resistant to fire, once a grass fire has occurred it is not unusual that only the Bufflegrass grows back. The Sonaran Desert evolved without fire as an ecological gene and most of its plants cannot tolerate it. The Bufflegrass populations in Saguaro National Park have quadrupled in size mingled with 2002 and 2006 despite the outbreaks of several vas tly spread fires (Bean & Betancourt, 2006). The economic factor is that with the increased risk of fires utility infrastructures are threatened, property may decrease in value as areas become known for fire hazards, damages rates rise not to mention the cost to governments in having to find means of managing the invasive grass. thither is also the cost of life involved, in November 2005 a man was burned to death in a Bufflegrass fire in Arizona BibliographyBean, Travis M. & Betancourt Julio L. (2006) Bufflegrass in theS onoran Desert Can we prevent the unhinging of a unique American ecosystem The Plant Press THE ARIZONA NATIVE PLANT SOCIETY VOLUME 30, NUMBER 1 (Retrieved on 18th November 2008) http//, D, Lach, L, Zuniga R, & Morrison, D. (1999) Environmental and Economic Costs associated with Non-Indigenous Species in the United States College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca

Monday, May 13, 2019

The Legal Implications of the Coalition Government's Localism Agenda Essay

The Legal Implications of the Coalition Governments Localism Agenda - Essay interpreterBig Society is the tagline used by the Coalition Government to signify that it trust people to make for control of the decisions that affect them by devolving function closer to neighbourhoods, increasing citizen participation, promoting community ownership, lifting inspection burden on councils and removing regional government. (Structural Reform Plan, 2010 Pickles, 2012). The rationale of local anesthetic anestheticism and the Big Society is incorporated in several acts of legislation, wizard of which is the Decentralisation and Localism bill of 2010 (NCVO, 2011). Additional laws were passed in January of 2012, but majority of the proposed legislation is expected to be passed in April 2012 (, 2012). The Localism behave The Localism Act, which became law on November 2011, signalled a radical shift of power from Westminster to local people, according to the announcement of t he Coalition Government (Silver, 2010). ... Increased involvement impart be skeletal from voluntary and private sector organisations in the running of public services, and a fundamental redefinition of the role of the tell apart as a provider of public services (Silver, 2010). Easily, there is seen a great appeal in allowing local decision-makers to tailor local services, particularly local planning, The Planning System under the Localism Act 2011 There are several key issues that are seen to be relevant to the adoption of localism in development planning. Since the bulk of additional legislation will be introduced by April 2012, it is not clear at this point how many of these concerns will be eventually addressed by the appropriate statutes. They include, among others How equal image may be guaranteed for everyone in formulating neighbourhood plans Provision of financial and intellectual support for neighbourhood forums The positive(p) process of adapting valid local plans in light of the Localism Bill Ensuring collaboration between local authorities in arriving at strategic plans Coordinating at a national level by the National Planning Policy Framework How effectively the New Homes Bonus and a reformed CIL will be in incentivising development The practical application of presumption in favour of sustainable development Ensuring transparent & effective consultation with neighbourhoods by businesses Maintaining a balance between participation & representation by holding local members to account (Chelgate, 2011) Other than these issues, the new legislation imposes an expanded set of responsibilities for both local authorities and developers. Cook (2011) conducted a poll among

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Meditation in Taoism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Meditation in Taoism - Research Paper ExampleTaoist meditation gives the thinker an opportunity to focus wholly. This form of meditation is evident in the Buddhist religion2. Meditation is a phantasmal aspect that seeks to define biography and its forms and to connect with nature. It helps an individual realize meaning of life and peace. Since Taoist meditation is a humble form of meditation, people practicing it experience a new form of transformation that generates zippo enough to do anything the individual intends. Evidently, a Taoist meditation serves to connect body, spirit, and mind.Taoist meditation is a common aspect among the different groups of Taos. For most, it is purely way to attain the transformation to immortality. The Taoist meditation has wellness benefits because it concentrates on establishing a healthy status of the mind and body. Taos believe that meditation can lengthen life and real Taos believe in n eternity3. Meditation makes the human spirit sensitive to spiritual matters. It leads to a new form of discovery that identifies with nature.From the Taoist view, they seek to establish knowledge of nature and reality and fella with the changing forms of nature. The ultimate goal of a Taoist is to observe nature and its complexity and patterns and then follow up these patterns to drive life. Taoists believe that humans are part of the vast universe. The Taoist keeps making efforts to discover the reliable pure mind. The Taoist meditation is an inner exercise4. The meditation takes fifteen minutes or more. It requires a chill out and still internal environment. The individual must create a balance in the body posture, see and slow down breathing and then concentrate on the inner self.The Taoists consider the body, breathe, and spirit as the three treasures. A comfortable body posture ensures that the body weight is under a levelheaded balance and the spine remains straight. An individual must give attention to sensations resulting from the physical senses. In some cases, Taoists involve

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Project report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Project report - Essay ExampleHence, we decided to go for the Bluetooth speaker on a plane that connects to an iOS system.The Bluetooth speaker that connects in an airplane requires everyday materials like LEDs (Light emitting diodes) , an arduino which is an open electronic get on based on put onr friendly hardwargon and software with a few PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) pins, a Bluetooth low energy shield, a proto shield, a momentary push switch, some copper telegraph and, an Iphone 4s or an Iphone 5. Ipad (mini, 5, 4) or an Ipod touch 5th generation can also be used in place of the Iphone. Resistors can also be used, but their use is dependent on the type of LEDs we are using. Since, according to Ohms law, resistance and voltage are directly proportional to each other if all(a) other things are constant, at that placefore high voltage LEDs will require a resistor ( 2015). The use of low voltage LEDs eliminate the need to use resistors and also foster in cutting go across the cost. Most of the materials used are readily available in local hardware submits.Usually there exists a BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) congenial App on the App Store that can get the iOS system to read the BLE compatible doojigger. In case, the user wants to add additional things, a new customized App can be written. The customized app can help run other features that the traditional BLE reader lacks. However, to develop and then run a customized app on an iOS device an extra $100 enrollment fee is required because one needs to be enrolled in the iOS developer broadcast with Apple ( 2015). Since, we are trying to cut down on costs we will not salve a new customized app in App Store. Instead we will go with the already present App of Red don Labs in the Apple App Store.The project is fairly easy to make and requires very slight time. The materials are not ordered rather they are just bought off shelves from a hardware store or an electrical equipmen t shop. This eliminates the ordering

Friday, May 10, 2019

The role of e-business and the internet for Starbucks Essay

The role of e- commerce and the cyberspace for Starbucks - Essay ExampleThe paper tells that in the modern day and age, the use of the internet is ever change magnitude and more companies are getting involved in electronic railway line, often shortened to e-business. It now plays a major role in the economy at a global level. E-business consists of all the products and services that are offered in the online environment, including things such as online purchasing, customer service, communication of sales and new products. There are many a(prenominal) advantages to e-business, not in the least because it can reach a different audience than traditional sensual business. In addition, the two are not mutually exclusive many businesses have a unassailable e-business comp mavennt as well as a strong physical business component. One business that has incorporated e-business successfully into its business model is Starbucks. From starting as a single store, Starbucks is now a chain th at spans the globe with more than 15,000 distinct stores worldwide. Part of their success is their ability to integrate new typewrite of business into their model beyond the business of being a physical coffee shop. Starbucks offers franchising opportunities sells coffee, tea, brewing items, sustenance and a wide variety of drinks, with many of their products also being available in their online store. The term business-to-business (B2B) proceedings refer to transactions between a manufacturer and a whole sale seller or a franchisee. As the product is sold in a bulk the cost per product is little for the buyer and the sales volume of Starbucks is improved as the selling mensuration is large. traffic-to-business transactions contribute to a major portion of transactions in any selling company as it is done in bulk. In the example of Starbucks, a B2B transaction would involve selling its products to a supermarket, which would then mark them up and sell them at a profit. In contr ast, business-to-consumer (B2C) transactions are direct sales between one customer and the business . Generally an individual consumer will buy a much lower quantity than a business however, Starbucks is able to sell their products at a higher price to consumers than it can to businesses. Business benefits to having a website Having a website allows a business to establish an online presence. This is particularly important in modern measure as the internet is becoming increasingly important and many more people are fashioning the decisions based on information they find online. There are many competitive benefits that having a website and e-business in general can give a company . Advertising The internet can be employ to advertise new products on the home web page and also on other connect web pages in order to reach out to a greater mass . To communicate communication online via chat windows to possible customers can help in easier ordering for the customer and bring more b usiness to the company . Communication helps to maintain customer loyalty . To inform Any special offers and discounts offered can be announced on the web page. This will lead to an increase